
温情动人的情感文字 抚慰心灵 现实又心疼


All my life, Ive been a prisoner for you 出问题先从自己身上找原因,别一便秘就怪地球没引力

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All my life, I"ve been a prisoner for you.


Out of the problem from their own body to find the cause, do not blame a constipation earth no gravity.


The furthest distance on earth is not when I stand in front of you and you don"t know I love you.But when undoubtedly knowing the love from both, yet cannot be together.


There are only two lucky times in life, one to meet you and one to go to the end.


Night from the war flower is not broken pool center, court building before the rain misty, jade fat tears three lines of light ink smile withered parting sing, fonqin dance lane body posture cool, drunk shed tears yan makeup.


?The grown-up farewell ceremony is simple


The slow burner begins love slowly and deeply, and tends to be more committed to the relationship.The deepest love, dare not easily start, will not easily leave.


To live is to live a little better than yesterday, a little better, to love a little happier than yesterday, a little happier.


Inexperienced first love is charming, but tested love is priceless.-- Malinsky


Even though I"ve been hoping for someone to soothe my bad feelings


Not born to love lonely, just more than others, even if the world"s handsome boys give me, I still have nothing.


If you don"t want to come into my life, I"ll try to hold the whole world and let you come into my arms no matter where you go.

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