
温情动人的情感文字 抚慰心灵 充满爱意


There is only one name in the world that I care so much about It is like an invisible thread, bound to my heart at on

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There is only one name in the world that I care so much about. It is like an invisible thread, bound to my heart at one end and in your hand at the other.


Remember, what you need to do now is,


Love is like shells. Don"t choose the biggest one, nor the most beautiful one. Choose the one that suits you best and never go to the beach again.


Love was an accident, I for you, just an accident;You for me, is a love.


The warmest two words a woman can give a man is "I understand", the warmest two words a man can give a woman is "I am".


Is there a time, you love my persistence.


No one to shelter from the wind and rain, you hold up a piece of heaven don"t always from the poor, who are very difficult to live


You didn"t come back as scheduled. That"s what parting is all about.


Bestie is as long as I can understand all of my eyes.


You don"t like me. You can kill yourself or you can pretend to be blind.


Silently care for and bless others, it is a kind of invisible giving.


When love is not perfect, I would rather choose no regrets, no matter how beautiful the next life, I can not lose the memory of you in this life!

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