
温情动人的情感文字 治愈您的心情 现实又心疼


When I give up on you, I give up on myself, and my heart dies without you 我们就这样,淡化一段情

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When I give up on you, I give up on myself, and my heart dies without you.


We are like this, dilute a feeling.You choose new love, I choose time.


I am not good, I review;I am wrong, I am guilty;It was my fault. I should have passed.Honey, please forgive me.


I haven"t talked to you all day, and something"s wrong!


I told myself never to fall in love again, but just by the sound of your voice, I fell in love with you.-- What a guy says to a girl


Love is the only thing in the world that cannot be earned.


Then finally you become someone else"s story, I am no longer the one telling the story, wish you well, I do not bother.


You made me feel human pain for the first time in my life, but only after I hurt you...

不曾站在原地守候的人,不会懂得站久了双腿都无法弯曲的滋味。 ????

Did not stand in place waiting for the people, will not know how to stand for a long time legs can not bend the taste. ????


You are a clear river, I am the riverbed around you, I will protect you to the ends of the earth the End of life!Love you forever!


You are no one, you are in my place, all the weather and mood.


When you stay up late every day, have you ever thought that the one you like has been snoring, and without you in the dream, waking up will not love you.


I can"t say THAT I love you the most in the world, but I can say that you are my most beloved person.

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