
能治愈内心的柔情小句子 温情治愈 现实又心疼


When all enthusiasm is exhausted, who are you?当所有的热情都耗尽时,你是谁?The best love is not to be bound Two people live

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When all enthusiasm is exhausted, who are you?


The best love is not to be bound. Two people live with their own postures. Love only makes them snuggle together, not cling to each other. Love is companionship, don"t bind a person in the name of love, no matter love, friendship or affection, I don"t need you to accompany me all the time, I just need to know that you are there.


Silence is like a sad song, but its sight is blurred.


Lying in bed, looking at the ceiling, thinking about things that have no results, imagining stories that are impossible.


I can"t swim across a fast-flowing river, so the sound of the river becomes my desperate singing every day and every night.


Drinking coffee, bitter taste. Happiness and sadness, the share of truth and emotion that can still be felt.


When you are in the most difficult time, it is not far from success. If you retreat when you encounter difficulties, even if success has reached the other shore, it will miss you.


In fact, I have been waiting by your side, waiting for you to lean on my shoulder and tell me, will there be a day when your gentleness belongs to me, and I won"t make you sad again, and let your tears flow again!


Do you know that there will be no future after this parting?


After the pain, I will wake up. Maybe this is love, which is the initial beauty and the ultimate pain.


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