第一句子大全 > 标签 > deficit
神经功能缺损评分 Neurologic impairment score英语短句 例句大全

神经功能缺损评分 Neurologic impairment score英语短句 例句大全

...fect of Coagulation Function on the Volume of Blood Loss, the Neurological Deficit Scores and the Prognosis in the Patients with Acute Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage凝血纤溶功能变化对急性自发性脑出血出血量、神经功能缺损评分及预后的影响2.Reliability,validity a...


温度露点差 dew-point deficit英语短句 例句大全

温度露点差 dew-point deficit英语短句 例句大全

温度露点差,dew-point deficit1)dew-point deficit温度露点差1.The humidity effect, namely the markedly positive correlation between stable isotopic ratio in precipitation anddew-point deficit in atmosphere %ΔT%-d, is put forward firstly and the relationship between {δ~{18}O} in precipitatio...


认知功能损害 cognitive impairment英语短句 例句大全

认知功能损害 cognitive impairment英语短句 例句大全

...nt;轻度认知功能损害的病理生理机制和早期诊断8.Cognition Deficit in Internet-Game Addicts: An Auditory Oddball P300 Study;网络游戏成瘾者认知功能损害的ERP研究9.The outcome of mild cognitive impairment and its influential factors轻度认知功能损害的转归及其...


【深度分析】常启德:重振信任与多边主义 共同实现可持续发展目标(中英文对照)

【深度分析】常启德:重振信任与多边主义 共同实现可持续发展目标(中英文对照)

...、基础设施、绿色和数字赤字。These are the four development deficits highlighted at Boao as per the Sustainable Development: Asia and the World Annual Report 2021 – health, infrastructure, green and digital deficits.但在面对这些赤字时,最大的障碍,是信任赤字和多...


英文美句 核心词汇cooperate with 等

英文美句 核心词汇cooperate with 等

...ation and Congress to come up with a credible package to reduce the budget deficit.他敦促政府和国会出台一整套切实可行的方案,以缩减预算赤字。urge v. 敦促Congress n. 国会come up with 提出,出台credible adj. 可信的,可靠的;pakage n. 一组建议; 一揽子...




...在为全国英语演讲比赛做准备。ADD注意缺陷障碍 (Attention Deficit Disorder)Attention deficit disorder (ADD)is diagnosed around three times more often in boys than in girls.被诊断为注意力缺乏症的男大约是女孩的三倍。run low不足;缺乏Food supplies run lowafter...


2024年益智凝神颗粒+Yizhiningshen+granule英语短句+例句大全: 丰富你的词汇库 提升你的英语水平

2024年益智凝神颗粒+Yizhiningshen+granule英语短句+例句大全: 丰富你的词汇库 提升你的英语水平

...ule on clinical symptoms and cognitive function of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder益智凝神颗粒治疗注意缺陷多动障碍患儿临床症状及认知功能改善的初步观察英文短句/例句1.Effect of Yizhiningshen granule on clinical symptoms and cognitive funct...




...unately, we"re in the red now.很不幸,现在正亏损呢。此外,in deficit/defst/ 也可以指“亏损”,而in the black则可以表示“盈利,有盈余”。来源:每日学英语微信公众号注意啦,好消息!在公众号对话框回复“号内搜”,获取链接,可...


代际平衡 Generational Balance英语短句 例句大全

代际平衡 Generational Balance英语短句 例句大全

...收支不平衡,实现增长的重新平衡11.The other is the persistent deficit in the current account of the balance of payments.二、续性国际收支平衡经常性帐户赤字。12.Processed trade,FDI and China international unbalance between income and payment;加工贸易、FDI与中国国...




...西部区域遥感蒸散模型研究及其应用15.Study on Regional Water Deficit Monitoring Method Using Remote Sensing Based on Vegetation Evapotranspiration;基于植被蒸散法的区域缺水遥感监测方法研究16.Research on Regional Evapotranspiration Regulations for Three Basins in Shan...


中枢损害 Central nervous system damage英语短句 例句大全

中枢损害 Central nervous system damage英语短句 例句大全

...rain or spinal cord, which can result in a range of physical and cognitive deficits. This can occur due to various reasons such as trauma, infection, stroke, or degenerative diseases. The consequences of such damage can be profound and have lasting impacts on a person"s life. Symptoms may include pa...




...ighbors.UN conference to study why women in war-torn States suffer justice deficit.这一动词的用法比较简单,凡是带有“享有”的意思就可以用。经典用法是享有***声誉。在公司、单位英文介绍里简直是不可或缺的一个词。好的用enjoy,不好的可...


盐胁迫应答基因 salt-responsive genes英语短句 例句大全

盐胁迫应答基因 salt-responsive genes英语短句 例句大全

...4.Physiological Responses of Transgenic AhCMO Cotton Seedlings under Water-Deficit and Salinity;转AhCMO基因棉花苗期对干旱、盐胁迫的生理反应15.Function of Rice RACK1(OsRACK1) in Salt Stress Response;水稻RACK1基因(OsRACK1)在盐胁迫响应中的功能研究16.Isolation and ...


公平缺失 lack of fairness英语短句 例句大全

公平缺失 lack of fairness英语短句 例句大全

...;新《公司法》一人公司规范之疑义与缺失11.On the Mechanism Deficit of the One-person Company in the New Company Law论新《公司法》中一人公司制度的缺失12.A Cause of an Error in Public Policy Decision : Defect of Public Ethics;浅析公共决策失误的一个诱因:公...


[2024年]乙酰胆碱脂酶 Acetylcholinesterase英语短句 例句大全

[2024年]乙酰胆碱脂酶 Acetylcholinesterase英语短句 例句大全

....The Effects of TAK-147 on Scopolamine and Ischemia-induced Spatial Memory Deficits;乙酰胆碱脂酶抑制剂TAK-147对血管性痴呆的作用3.Effects of Exercise-Induced Fatigued on the Activity of AChE at Neuromuscular Junction of Rats;运动性疲劳对大鼠神经肌肉接头乙酰胆碱脂...


2024年时差 time difference英语短句 例句大全

2024年时差 time difference英语短句 例句大全

...days!当我旅行时,我有时需几天的时间调时差。14.temporary deficit"临时逆差,临时亏空"15.current difference副港与主港的平流时间差或流速差16.I nearly cried myself."那时我自己差一点哭了!17.There"s a difference of one hour.它们之间相差一个小时...


蔗糖代谢相关酶 sucrose-metabolizing enzymes英语短句 例句大全

蔗糖代谢相关酶 sucrose-metabolizing enzymes英语短句 例句大全

...与蔗糖代谢相关酶变化规律的基因型差异研究9.Effects of deficit irrigation on accumulation of sugar and activity of sugar metabolism-related enzymes of Lycium barbarum L.亏缺灌溉对枸杞果实糖积累和蔗糖代谢相关酶活性的影响10.Study on the Relationship between t...


耗水率 water consumption rate英语短句 例句大全

耗水率 water consumption rate英语短句 例句大全

...对作物耗水特征和水分利用效率的影响11.Effects of regulated deficit irrigation on water consumption characteristics and water use efficiency of winter wheat调亏灌溉对冬小麦耗水特性和水分利用效率的影响12.Effect of irrigation on water consumption composition and us...


空间悖论 the paradox space英语短句 例句大全

空间悖论 the paradox space英语短句 例句大全

..." Era;“审美化”时代的图像生产及其价值悖论10.On the Twin Deficits Paradox in Clinton s Governing Period in USA;美国克林顿政府时期的“双赤字”悖论11.On the Paradoxical Metaphors of Virginia Woolf s "House/Room";论弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫作品中的“房间”隐...


大脑中动脉与Middle Cerebral Artery的英语短句及例句大全

大脑中动脉与Middle Cerebral Artery的英语短句及例句大全

... with nylon suture;the effects of the drug were studied about neurological deficit,the water content of brain tissue,the activities of SOD,and MDA in brain tissue,the cerebral infracted zone,as well as undermicroscopic e.方法将大鼠随机分成6组:假手术组,模型组,PTS25、50、100mg/kg组...
