
温度露点差 dew-point deficit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-29 17:59:08


温度露点差 dew-point deficit英语短句 例句大全

温度露点差,dew-point deficit

1)dew-point deficit温度露点差

1.The humidity effect, namely the markedly positive correlation between stable isotopic ratio in precipitation anddew-point deficit in atmosphere %ΔT%-d, is put forward firstly and the relationship between {δ~{18}O} in precipitation and %ΔT%-d is analyzed in this paper for the Urumqi and Kunming Stations, which climatic characteristics are completely different.提出了湿度效应的概念,即降水中稳定同位素比率与大气的温度露点差ΔTd存在显著的正相关关系。


1.Statistic Analysis of Discrimination on Clouds in Shengyang Area with Depression of Dew Point利用温度露点差判别沈阳地区云体的统计分析

2.Discussion on Calculation Formulae of Boiler"s Acid Dwe-Point Temperature of Gas锅炉烟气酸露点温度计算公式的研究

3.The dew point is the highest temperature to which the air cools to saturation moisture content.露点是空气降温到含水量饱和的(最高)温度。

4.Speedy Calculation of Bubble Point and Dew Point for Ideal Mixture;理想混合物泡点温度和露点温度的快速计算方法

5.The surface temperature is less than3℃ above the dew point.底材表面温度没有达到高于露点3℃上的条件下。

6.Study on Changing Dew-point Temperature of Supplying Air and Control for Variable Air Volume Air-Conditioning System;变风量空调变露点温度送风及控制研究

7.Study on acid dew point temperature change follow heat pipe tube bank combination热管管排组合对露点腐蚀温度影响研究

8.The Simulation Research of The Dew Point Temperature for Displacement Ventilation with Cooling Ceiling置换通风与冷却顶板房间露点温度的模拟研究

9.The Analysis of the Measurement of Flue Gas Dew Point in the Coal-fired Boiler燃煤锅炉烟气露点温度确定方法的分析

10.Development and Application of an Ultra Low Power Consumption Temperature, Humidity & Dew Point Data Logger;超低功耗温度、湿度及露点数据记录仪的研制与应用

11.Selecting the Temperature Measurement Points of the NC Machine Tool and Constructing the Compensated Model of the Thermal Error;数控机床温度测点选取及热误差补偿建模

12.bottle thermometre瓶式温差电偶温度计

13.The temperature at which the water vapor in a given sample of air becomes saturated is called the dew point.使一已知空气样品中的水蒸汽达到饱和时的温度称为露点。

14.Account on Temperature and Effect of Corrosion on Air Preheater Cold END of Boiler Gas Acid Dew Point锅炉烟气酸露点温度计算及对预热器腐蚀的影响

15.White Dew: The temperature at night reaches the dew-point to form dew.白露:夜间温度可达到成露的条件。

16.auto-ignition temperature自燃温度自动点火温度

17.Evaluation of Vncertainty about Indication Error of Electric Contact Filled System Thermoneter in Result of Measurement压力式电接点温度计示值误差测量结果的不确定度评定

18.heterogeneous thermoelectric effect非均匀温度差电效应


dew point temperature露点温度

1.Based upon the stress corrosion cracking of the regenerator of dozens of FCC in China, the main compositions, the contents of SO2, SO3 and NOx anddew point temperature of the flue gas from two FCC in Guangzhou Petrochemical Company are tested.根据国内数10套催化裂化装置再生器发生应力腐蚀开裂的情况,测试了广州分公司两套催化裂化装置的烟气主要组分、微量极性气体(SO_2,SO_3,NO_x)的含量以及烟气酸露点温度。

2.In this paper, the factors affecting thedew point temperature of flue gas were analyzed and discussed in respect of thermodynamics, especially the relationship between thedew point temperature and the composition of the flue gas based upon phase equilibrium.针对催化裂化烟气成分日益复杂化给催化设备带来的危害 ,从热力学角度分析并讨论了影响烟气露点温度的因素 ,尤其从相平衡理论推导了烟气中的露点温度与烟气组成的关系。

3.Analyses the effects ofdew point temperature in Beijing, Jinan and Weihai on feasibility of floor radiant cooling.对地板辐射供冷进行了实验研究 ,分析了北京、济南、威海三城市露点温度对地板辐射供冷可行性的影响。

3)dewpoint temperature露点温度

1.The study was performed to investigate the applicability of thedewpoint temperature method replacing relative humidity for calculating e_a in the absence of humidity data in the Yangtze River Delta of China.为了研究在湿度缺测条件下,露点温度法替代相对湿度法计算ea在我国长江三角洲地区的适用性,选用江苏南通2000~的旬气象资料,采用FAO推荐的相对湿度法和露点温度法两种方法计算了实际水汽压ea和旬参考作物蒸发蒸腾量ET0,分析了这两种方法计算结果的误差及其与影响因素间的关系。

4)Dew point露点温度

1.In view of preventing condensation and guaranteeing quality of units,the indoor temperature is set higher than indoor dew point temperature,in the condition of which the heat supply to the disadvantag.方法通过建立数学模型,利用数学工具mathtool计算,得出在低限供暖保护的情况下,供热单位需向非供暖房间(自然室温低于露点温度)提供的热量以及此时户间传热量。

2.The paper presents several relationships between the water vapor saturation pressure and temperature, and between the dew point temperature and water vapor pressure of the moist air.本文比较了-30℃至65℃湿空气饱和水蒸气压与温度的各个关系式以及露点温度与水蒸气分压力各关系式的精度,供空调有关工作者选用。

3.The paper presents several relationships between the water vapor saturation pressure and temperature , and between the dew point temperature and water vapor pressure of the moist air.比较了-30-65℃湿空气饱和水蒸气压力与温度的各个关系式,以及露点温度与水蒸气分压力各关系式的精度,举例说明了这些关系式的应用。

5)dew temperature露点温度

parising between the sending air temperature and thedew temperature , and research the effect of evaporation temperature to air conditioning unit ,the selection of water supply temperature of chilled water unit.比较了送风温度与露点温度,并研究了蒸发温度下降对机组的影响、冷水机组供水温度的选择。

2.The difference between the boiler monitoring regulations and the industrial standards is analysed,and how to calculate airdew temperature and keep the temperature of water used for water pressure test above thedew temperature of ambient air are discussed.分析了锅炉设备水压实验用水温度、环境温度对水压实验结果的影响程度,指出水的膨胀性不可忽视,对锅炉监察规程和行业标准的差异进行了分析,并阐述了如何计算空气露点的温度,使水压试验用水温度高于周围空气的露点温度,建议进行水压试验时,应重视水温和环境温度的差异,修改锅炉行业标准,使水压试验数据准确,以确保工程质量。

6)dew-point temperature露点温度

1.Formulae for Determination of Dew-point Temperature of Compressed Air for Automatic instruments;仪表用压缩空气露点温度的直接公式计算法

2.Makes a discussion for the determination method of inlet water temperature of fan-coil unit in dry cooling condition with fresh air system,gives the formula to calculate critical inlet water temperature in dry cooling condition of fan-coil unit,and it s changed withdew-point temperature of indoor air.就干工况风机盘管加独立新风空调系统的末端风机盘管的冷水进水温度的确定方法进行探讨,并得出干工况下风机盘管临界进水温度的计算公式,而临界进水温度随着室内空气露点温度的提高而提高。

3.Based on the theory of thermodynamics,the conversion of the atmosphericdew-point temperature and thedew-point temperature under ordinary pressure is analyzed for compressed air and a set of accurate formula are provided.以热力学理论为基础,讨论了压缩空气的压力露点和常压露点换算方法,并给出了可靠准确的具体计算方程,可用于-100~90℃范围内的压缩空气露点温度计算,十分便于工程使用。


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