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2024年@开窗引流冲洗术 fenestration and decompression technique英语短句 例句大全

2024年@开窗引流冲洗术 fenestration and decompression technique英语短句 例句大全

开窗引流冲洗术,fenestration and decompression technique1)fenestration and decompression technique开窗引流冲洗术1.Methods 48 cases were treated withfenestration and decompression technique.目的:探讨开窗引流冲洗术在青少年大型颌骨囊肿临床的疗效。英文短句/例...


稳压装置 pressure stabilizer英语短句 例句大全

稳压装置 pressure stabilizer英语短句 例句大全

...6.The regulators are mainly used in Oxygen, Acetylene, Hydrogen etc. gases decompression. It has the double一 function of reducing steading the gas pressure.主要用于氧气、炔、气等高压气瓶的减压装置,有降压和稳压两种作用。7.Voltage Stability Assessment of Power System...


高压氧综合治疗 radiation encephalopathy英语短句 例句大全

高压氧综合治疗 radiation encephalopathy英语短句 例句大全

...13.Clinical result of the hyperbaric oxygen therapeutics concomitant with decompression treatment at early stage to treat 30 patients of osteofascial compartment syndrome高压氧结合早期减压治疗30例骨筋膜室综合征的临床疗效分析14.Core decompression and hyperbaric oxygen in the...


天幕裂孔切开术 Tentorium cerebelli hiatus incision英语短句 例句大全

天幕裂孔切开术 Tentorium cerebelli hiatus incision英语短句 例句大全

...herniation after intracranial hematoma evacuation and bone flap craniotomy decompression.目的探讨天幕裂孔切开术救治重型颅脑损伤合并颞叶钩回疝的临床效果。2)tentorium cerebelli hiatus incision小脑幕裂孔切开术1.Clinical experience oftentorium cerebelli hiatus inc...


数据压缩 Data Compression英语短句 例句大全

数据压缩 Data Compression英语短句 例句大全

...压缩算法研究8.Method and Application for Data Compression and Data Decompression Based on DCS System基于DCS系统的数据压缩与数据解压缩的算法设计与应用9.The Research of Data Acquisition and Data Compression Technology Based on Underwater Dynamic Parameters;水下动态参...


小关节切除 facetectomy英语短句 例句大全

小关节切除 facetectomy英语短句 例句大全

...e the biomechanical characteristics of articular process and the safety of decompression produre for lumbar disc herniation.方法选用5具新鲜成人尸体脊柱L4/5功能单位(FSU),通过分级切除L4/5节段的左侧小关节,共造成5种实验验模型(正常脊柱结构、小关节切除...




...我的解压方式:发动态,删动态,听歌,发呆,沉默。My decompression way: hair dynamic, delete dynamic, listening to music, in a daze, silence.五、你懒得哄,我也懒得闹了,再见!You are too lazy to coax, I am too lazy to make, goodbye!六、话说三遍,淡如...


适合发朋友圈的温柔句子 幽默可爱 值得收藏

适合发朋友圈的温柔句子 幽默可爱 值得收藏

...the toads you"ve seen.坦白心声本来就是一件很危险的事。Very decompressed healing sentences, short and delicate, healing your unhappy老实说,你在我心中的地位我都很羡慕。tell the truth, I admire your position in my heart.埋藏心底吧,这次我也没办法。Bury t...


值得收藏的感悟句子 唯美优雅 越看越喜欢

值得收藏的感悟句子 唯美优雅 越看越喜欢

...自己解压,要不然真的会活不下去。At 30, you must learn to decompress yourself, or you will not live.坐车的时候,一篇紫色的薰衣草映入我的眼帘,好美的花海啊。When I was in the car, a purple lavender came into my eyes. It was a beautiful flower sea.还是最...


极度伤心的失望句子 哪一句让你红了眼眶?

极度伤心的失望句子 哪一句让你红了眼眶?

...r you; When you have something to do, he will put down the work at hand to decompress; When you are in a bad mood, he will be willing to accept your negative emotions.


有没有那么一句话 在寒冷的冬天温暖了你

有没有那么一句话 在寒冷的冬天温暖了你

...,消失一段时间,然后治愈归来,循环反复。My depressed decompression methods: silence, no talking, no communication, listening to music, dazed, staying up late, sad, disappearing for a period of time, and then cured back, repeated cycle.6.当时间消磨掉了你的热情,你便...


触碰泪点的心酸句子 知你冷暖 懂你的心

触碰泪点的心酸句子 知你冷暖 懂你的心

...feel very warm and not cold at all. I like the rain very much. I feel very decompressed when listening to the rain, and so does the wind从18年开始到医院的时间突然间变多了我觉得熟悉医院一定是不好的。The time from 18 years to the hospital has suddenly changed. I think it ...


适合晚上发朋友圈的句子 句句有感而发 引人共鸣

适合晚上发朋友圈的句子 句句有感而发 引人共鸣

...ied, but did not have a meditation."我消沉的解压方法""My depressed decompression method"如果再也不见,那就好好告别If you don"t see it again, say goodbye“我要做一个白天的月亮,”"I"m going to be a day moon,"只是担心还没有发生的事Just worried about what hasn"t...


沉默不想说话的丧系句子 句句心酸催泪 看完想哭!

沉默不想说话的丧系句子 句句心酸催泪 看完想哭!

...过,消失一段时间,然后治愈归来,循环反复。My way of decompression when I feel depressed: silence, no talking, no communication, listening to music in a daze, staying up late and sad, disappearing for a period of time, and then healing back, cycling repeatedly.所有决定放手...


看一眼就感同身受的文案 抚慰失落 适合你的品味

看一眼就感同身受的文案 抚慰失落 适合你的品味

...yourself timely, looking for catharsis, to exhaustion of the mind solution decompression.这么多年,你一直在我心口幽居,我放下过天地,却从未放下过你。For so many years, you have been in my heart, I put down heaven and earth, but never put down you.秋风瑟瑟月光洒...


富有人生哲理的句子 经典走心 你喜欢哪一句?

富有人生哲理的句子 经典走心 你喜欢哪一句?

...e right time to relax themselves, looking for catharsis, to the tired mind decompression solution.人之所以会烦恼,就是记性太好,记住了那些不该记住的东西。所以,记住快乐的事,忘记令你悲伤的事。The reason why people worry is that they have a good memory a...


适用于夜深人静时发孤独文案 句句用心 治愈不安!

适用于夜深人静时发孤独文案 句句用心 治愈不安!

...yourself timely, looking for catharsis, to exhaustion of the mind solution decompression.你眸光流转,会心一笑,胜过千万句对白;你真情传递,脉脉不语,胜过万语千言。Your eyes flow, knowing smile, more than a million words of dialogue;Your true feelings, not a word,...


肺部微小病变 Lung small lesion英语短句 例句大全

肺部微小病变 Lung small lesion英语短句 例句大全

...诊断价值7.Changes of Microcirculation of Lungs during the Experimental Decompression Sickness实验性减压病时肺微循环变化的研究8.Pathological Change of Pulmonary after Ventilation Combined with Hypothermia via Lung on Canines with Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeARDS犬肺局部...


开渠引流 drainage by trenching英语短句 例句大全

开渠引流 drainage by trenching英语短句 例句大全

....Clinical observation of tremendous cyst treatmented with fenestration and decompression开窗引流冲洗术治疗青少年颌骨囊肿的临床观察5.Clinical Study of Therapy for High Anal Fistula With Reformed Operation and Staging Dressing-change;内口切除顶瑞清创开窗引流结合分...




...病变41例随访观察3.Objective To investigate the clinical results of decompression laminectomy andspinal fusion combined with pedicle screw instrumentation in spinal stenosis with grade Ⅰ degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis.结论对退变性腰椎管狭窄症伴Ⅰ度滑脱,采用椎管减...
