
看一眼就感同身受的文案 抚慰失落 适合你的品味



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Don"t wait to hurt to comfort, don"t wait to leave to know how to cherish.Sometimes, if you miss the present, you will never, ever have a chance.


I just want you to take me with you, don"t ask me to let go of you, I can"t do that, I just want you, believe it or not.


May the time slow, may the old people do not come loose, may the people you miss and you say good night, may you do not feel lonely in the day.


Recall the time together, the years of friendship, is the most beautiful picture of memory.


Without you, who can say beautiful moments?


Don"t let your heart tired!Relax yourself timely, looking for catharsis, to exhaustion of the mind solution decompression.


For so many years, you have been in my heart, I put down heaven and earth, but never put down you.


Autumn wind rustling moonlight scattered buried drunk that nobody"s corner but you don"t understand me.


This one life, not easy, love each other to the old, not greasy.


It"s never the big thing that breaks me down, you know?


It"s not that I don"t want to talk, but there are a lot of things I can"t say. It"s safer to put them in my heart.


Tonight the moon is so round, I want to hold your hand in the sea to enjoy the full moon!I love you!Like the eternal moon!

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