第一句子大全 > 标签 > Relationship
“网恋 异地恋”用英语怎么说?

“网恋 异地恋”用英语怎么说?

...候也是青春期或刚成年。“网恋”的英文表达是“online relationship”, 来看例句:In my opinion, online relationship is not reliable. 在我看来,网恋是不可靠的。 A: Angela is dating someone on the Internet.B: Oh, she should be careful. I never trust online relation...

2009-07-29 #经典句子

说到心坎里的句子 干净唯美 触动心灵

说到心坎里的句子 干净唯美 触动心灵

...有他存在的理由,结束,都有他结束的必要。 There is no relationship in the world that is not full of holes. At the beginning of every relationship, there is a reason for his existence, the end, there is the need for his end.一个人认为难忘的回忆。也许别人已经忘记...

2022-11-29 #经典句子

最近朋友圈很潮很精辟的句子 句句精辟 获赞无数!

最近朋友圈很潮很精辟的句子 句句精辟 获赞无数!

...,你的关系还是你的关系,但是咱俩之间,没有关系。My relationship is your relationship, your relationship is still your relationship, but there is no relationship between us.成长就是,从前我难过的时候,油盐不进,茶饭不思,现在能一边流泪一边去...

2023-09-20 #经典句子

你的一个举动 你的一句话都是影响我心情的起因

你的一个举动 你的一句话都是影响我心情的起因

...而是没有关系,没有关系是最稳定的关系。The most stable relationship in time is not the one we are for, but no relationship, and no relationship is the most stable relationship.我想知道到底我要笑到什么样子,才可以掩盖我所有的悲伤和痛苦?我更想知道...

2008-05-29 #经典句子



...f pressure from her parents, she still stays single because she believes a relationship should be taken seriously/ should not be taken lightly.儘管爸妈给她很多压力,她仍然选择单身,因为她相信感情是件必须慎重谨慎的事。阶段二:迷恋迷恋的片语是 have a cr...

2014-10-29 #经典句子

人生感悟金句 温柔且有内涵 句句激励 温暖余生!

人生感悟金句 温柔且有内涵 句句激励 温暖余生!

...。Falling in love tells us absolutely nothing about whether a particular relationship is healthy or good for us.二、你不需要首先爱自己,你需要足够爱自己。You do not need to love yourself first,you need to love yourself enough.三、爱不仅仅是一种感觉。它是决定。...

2019-05-01 #经典句子

治愈系爱情句子 精致暖心 让你明白许多!

治愈系爱情句子 精致暖心 让你明白许多!

...only quarrel but not solve the problem, this is the biggest problem in the relationship.可能不是你们的错,不是你们不适合,只是你们不愿意为对方让出一步。Maybe it"s not your fault, it"s not that you"re not suitable, it"s just that you"re not willing to make way for each...

2022-12-05 #经典句子

收藏了好久的句子 建议收藏在备忘录

收藏了好久的句子 建议收藏在备忘录

...n here is the boy"s brothers and sisters. Remember that this is always the relationship between you two. Don"t involve the third person.就算是在这个世界上再进的关系,除了父母之外,都希望你过得更好Even if you are in a relationship in this world, except for your parents, ...

2023-05-10 #经典句子



...you are allowed 30 minutes to write a shortessay on how to best handle the relationship between doctors and patients. Youshould write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.【医患关系】Mr. Liu点拨:How to handle the relationship between doctors and patients?In recent years, the relat...

2023-08-26 #经典句子

深有感触的心碎句子 句句穿心 点醒迷茫的你

深有感触的心碎句子 句句穿心 点醒迷茫的你

...方的心。When men talk to women, men can"t wait to further confirm the relationship and grasp each other"s heart as soon as possible.生命中所有的遭遇和错过都是由命运决定的。不要拘泥于某些人或事,你可以不去想。All encounters and misses in life are determined b...

2023-04-28 #经典句子

适合给男孩子的惊艳文案 撩得不行!

适合给男孩子的惊艳文案 撩得不行!

...你也值得被爱你也优秀。I said I like you, not to ask you for a relationship, but to express my heart. On a dark day, I can at least think of me and make you feel that you are worthy of being loved and excellent.十,我想谈一场公布的恋情爸妈同意亲戚知道共同奔赴未来...

2019-12-11 #经典句子

适合各种情绪的现实文案 经典入心 每一句都感同身受

适合各种情绪的现实文案 经典入心 每一句都感同身受

...疲惫的关系,一定要及时道别,一点儿错都没有。For the relationship that makes you feel tired, you must say goodbye in time. There is nothing wrong.深夜,有的人躺在床上难过,有的人在酒吧买醉,有的人早已入睡。Late at night, some people are sad in bed, ...

2023-05-23 #经典句子

有深度内涵的句子 精辟有理 说中心事!

有深度内涵的句子 精辟有理 说中心事!

世上最稳定的关系-不相关。The most stable relationship in the world-no relationship.保持这种关系实在是太累了。Maintaining such a relationship is really tired.许多事都是在失望的时候才想清楚的。Many things were completely figured out when I was so disappointed....

2022-12-25 #经典句子

一眼被惊艳的情话句子 简洁大方 触人心弦

一眼被惊艳的情话句子 简洁大方 触人心弦

...true break up, that is, you and this person no longer have any contact and relationship.如果对于你,我没有任何的期待,好像就不会让自己这么心痛。If for you, I do not have any expectations, as if will not let oneself so heartache.当对方并不在意你的时候,你就...

2022-12-01 #经典句子

写给自己的干净句子 句句暖心有格调!

写给自己的干净句子 句句暖心有格调!

...持你们的关系,那么你们之间的关系应该及时终止。In a relationship, you need to maintain your relationship through self ablation, then the relationship between you should be terminated in time.Ta会把和谁的邂逅当作一次命运的礼物,把和谁的别离当作上天对...

2022-11-28 #经典句子

励志积极的情感文案 一字一句 送给正在努力的你!

励志积极的情感文案 一字一句 送给正在努力的你!

...待着朋友的陪伴,支持和鼓励,希望能有人陪伴。In the relationship of friends, I look forward to the company, support and encouragement of friends, and hope to be accompanied by others希望分享一些反馈,我希望我最好的朋友最好的朋友也是我。Hope to share so...

2011-06-17 #经典句子

治愈系撩心句子 我不害怕爱 我害怕再次失去自己!

治愈系撩心句子 我不害怕爱 我害怕再次失去自己!

...。有时候,与其伤害自己去重新拼凑,不如让它们破碎。Relationships are like glass.sometimes it"s better to leave them broken than to hurt yourself trying to put them back together.二、时间总是会暴露你对别人的意义。Time always exposes what you mean to someone....

2022-11-20 #经典句子

英语阅读|人际关系背后的心理奥秘:The Relationship Cure(上)

英语阅读|人际关系背后的心理奥秘:The Relationship Cure(上)

...re talking about it to each other. And it’s a lesson that applies to all relationships, whether romantic or otherwise.重要的不是夫妻俩在谈论什么,而是他们如何彼此谈论。这是一个适用于所有关系,不管是浪漫的还是其他的。邀约是情感交流的基本单...

2013-11-17 #经典句子

情感治愈系句子:你是首选 你是例外 可惜不是结局

情感治愈系句子:你是首选 你是例外 可惜不是结局

...因为在你感受到的时候,也是它离开的时候。An impossible relationship is like doing something without any hope. It sticks to the end but doesn"t get the ending that you need. It"s as if you can"t stay like the wind, you can only feel its existence, because when you feel it, it"s als...

2023-07-24 #经典句子

安慰别人心情不好的句子 简单有哲理 说到心里去了!

安慰别人心情不好的句子 简单有哲理 说到心里去了!

...st want to spend the rest of my life in silence. I don"t want to touch any relationship any more.再也没有值得我花时间认真对待的人,再也没有值得我倾诉的感情值得我倾诉。No one is worth my time, and no relationship is worth my time.没勇气遇见我,也没准备遇...

2022-11-11 #经典句子