第一句子大全 > 标签 > damages


damage本身的含义是“损害”,而damages却是“损害赔偿金”,意思是完全不同的。damages(损害赔偿)一般包括以下几种类型special damages特别损害赔偿。。general damages一般损害赔偿。。exemplary/punitive amages惩罚性赔偿。。liquidated dama...

2020-03-19 #经典句子

临床危害对病人的临床影响:Clinical Influence of Clinical Hazards and Compl

临床危害对病人的临床影响:Clinical Influence of Clinical Hazards and Compl

... influence临床危害2)harmful critical field危害临界域3)subclinical damage亚临床损害英文短句/例句1.The Relationship between Ambulatory Pulse Pressure and Pulse Pressure Index and Subclinical Carotid Damage in Essential Hypertensive Patients高血压患者动态脉压脉压指数与...

2024-02-04 #大杂绘



... more beneficial form of aid.2021年10月14雅思大作文题目People who damage public property, such as buildings or statues should have to do community service (such as cleaning parks) as a punishment rather than other forms of punishment (such as paying a fine or going to prison)To what extent ...

2017-12-11 #经典句子



...hich + the+名词的结构替换,意思相同。The house whose roof was damaged has now been repaired.=The house the roof of which was damaged has now been repaired.=The house, of which the roof was damaged, has now been repaired.难点6:两个以上的简单句组成一个句子时,必须用...

2023-07-11 #经典句子

「新概念英语」Not for jazz 不适于演奏爵士乐

「新概念英语」Not for jazz 不适于演奏爵士乐

...经很久了, 是我祖父在很多年以前买的。 ]Recently it was damaged by a visitor. She tried to play jazz on it! She struck the keys too hard and two of the strings were broken. My father was shocked.[可它最近被一个客人弄坏了,因为她用它来弹奏爵士乐。她在击琴...

2023-11-03 #经典句子



...s, debts, compensation, reimbursement, fines, penalties, equitable relief, damages (including without limitation nominal, actual, and compensatory damages, punitive or exemplary damages, and direct and consequential damages), attorneys’ fees, costs, court or arbitration costs, interest, and expens...

2023-09-08 #经典句子



...e _______to my car, but it’s nothing serious.A. harm B. injury C. ruinD. damage【真题解析:超级详细,英语再差也能看懂】好好看吧,这么好的解析,看完喜欢的话记得分享转载哦!这个题目其实就是考的一个词汇题,但是有些小伙伴,看到几...

2023-08-01 #经典句子

人生微语录:因为相信 所有不会取悦;因为满足 所以淡然!

人生微语录:因为相信 所有不会取悦;因为满足 所以淡然!

...。这意味着伤害不再控制我们的生活。Healng doesn"t mean the damage never existed.it means the damage no longer controls our lives.三、因为一个人相信自己,所以他不会试图说服别人。因为一个人满足于自己,所以不需要别人的认可。因为一个人...

2013-04-24 #经典句子



...,指定为水面搜救作业进行协调而不实际进行救助的船舶Damage control team A group of crew members trained for fighting flooding in the vessel堵漏队 经训练在船上进行堵漏的一组船员Datum The most probable position of a search targe...

2013-07-19 #经典句子

中考英语:语法专题之动词的被动语态用法 总结的太全面了.....

中考英语:语法专题之动词的被动语态用法 总结的太全面了.....

... the earthquake and thousands of people were left homeless.(2015 广州)A. damaged B. were damaged C. were damaging D. are damaged14. Now it’s much easier to shop online. When your order is ready, the things you want to buyto you soon. (2015 河南)A. send B. were se...

2023-09-28 #经典句子

万里挑一的优质好句 个性经典 点赞收藏!

万里挑一的优质好句 个性经典 点赞收藏!

...越小。Forgive no bottom line, no one will hurt you. The extent of the damage is ultimately up to you. The more you release, the more frequent the damage will be, and the less you can fight back in the face of injury, the less courage you will have.每个人都必须考虑考虑!它决定了你...

2022-12-06 #经典句子

「今日英语短文」Oil In The Sea - 海里的石油

「今日英语短文」Oil In The Sea - 海里的石油

...ngry when they found a large oil spill in the Gulf of Paria in Trinidad. A damaged pipeline started to leak in early August, and the fishermen did not like how an oil company dealt with it.A big boat came, and it drove around. It made circles in the oil, which then started to go to the bottom of the...

2018-12-14 #经典句子



...容易受到伤害。5. The false story of multiple affairs was profoundly damaging not only to the campaign, which lost valuable time responding to the claims, but also for the innocent people who were wrongly accused of being involved.本句的特色是含有较长后置修饰语的not only… but...

2023-05-19 #经典句子



...) 主+谓+宾. =)什么怎么样了什么.3) Sth have/exert a/an negative/ damaging /opposite/adverse +impact /effect on sth4) Sth be adj (beneficial, helpful, essential, crucial, detrimental) to sth5) It is difficult/easy/important/possible for sb to do sth.6) A more effective way to do sth is to d...

2023-12-16 #经典句子



... . I have a very strong 51 that the lie we’re telling is doing 52 damage to our children. Windows and doors have 53 metaphorical (比喻) meanings. I’m telling them they can’t open what they absolutelyknowis a door. What if later in 54 they come to a metaphorical door, like an opp...

2023-11-07 #经典句子

高中英语常考易混词辨析 一次性带你全部扫清!(附例句 习题)

高中英语常考易混词辨析 一次性带你全部扫清!(附例句 习题)

..._ wind.答案:1. opposite 2. opposite 3. opposite 4. contrary 5. contrarydamage, destroy, ruindamage, destroy 和 ruin 这三个单词均表示“破坏”、“损坏”的意思,但各自的含义和用法不同。(1)damage 指部分“损坏”、“损害”、“破坏”或指使用价值...

2019-12-14 #经典句子

脱口秀不是talk show!杨笠一句话戳穿“普信男”男人都被“骂”

脱口秀不是talk show!杨笠一句话戳穿“普信男”男人都被“骂”

...,让美国男性也纷纷躺枪。see eye to eye 心有灵犀collateral damage 躺枪collateral /kltrl/ adj. 附属的American women see eye to eye with the Chinese actress.美国女人跟这位中国女演员心有灵犀。American men never expect they would be the collateral damage of a Chinese...

2023-07-05 #经典句子

「干货」同等学力英语那么多核心词 我们要如何去掌握?

「干货」同等学力英语那么多核心词 我们要如何去掌握?

...ge,这些都是大的意思。又比如,表示伤害类的词有:● damage(可修复的损坏):早上开车不小心追尾了,导致前灯坏了,就要用damage,这是可以修复性的损坏。● destroy(摧毁):这是外力大规模的摧毁,比如说伊拉克,之前...

2007-03-20 #经典句子



...解释说明1.degradation 毁坏,恶化(过程),the process of sth being damaged or made worse2.resistant 抗…的;耐…的, not damaged by the thing mentionedHowever, the active health careclaims of Viroblock NPJ03 as "antiviral" are not yet permitted in the U.S. and require pesticidal devi...

2023-05-20 #经典句子



...usness and others never even suffered a direct blow to the head, yet brain damage occurred.【答案】头部受伤往往会造成死亡或者重伤,需要让病人住院治疗。但是有许多人虽然头部受伤,图完的常规检查却发现不了。这些人受伤以后似乎得到了恢...

2024-01-16 #经典句子