
「今日英语短文」Oil In The Sea - 海里的石油



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今日英语短文 - Oil In The Sea。短文难度分为两个等级,坚持阅读,有助于英文水平的提升。

Level 1:

A pipeline moves oil in the Gulf of Paria, Trinidad, and Tobago. An accident happens in early August. The pipeline starts to leak.

There are hundreds of oil spills in the sea. An oil company sends a big boat there. The boat makes circles in the oil. The oil goes to the bottom of the sea.

Local fishermen are very angry. They say that the oil company must clean the sea.

Many different animals and plants are in the sea. Oil is very dangerous for them. It makes bad changes on the food chain. People can have big health problems if they eat the fish.


leak - 泄漏

oil spill - 石油泄漏,浮油

food chain - 食物链







Level 2:

A group of fishermen was angry when they found a large oil spill in the Gulf of Paria in Trinidad. A damaged pipeline started to leak in early August, and the fishermen did not like how an oil company dealt with it.

A big boat came, and it drove around. It made circles in the oil, which then started to go to the bottom of the sea. It was very dangerous for fish and other animals. It damaged fishing nets, too.

Officials said that there were hundreds of oil spills. The accident happened in one of the most biodiverse areas of Trinidad and Tobago, and if people eat the fish, they could have big health problems.


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