第一句子大全 > 标签 > dark
英语 a shot in the dark 的用法

英语 a shot in the dark 的用法

...而胡乱猜测,结果可能会大相径庭。英语短语 a shot in the dark 就表示“瞎猜”的意思,怎么样,很接地气的表达吧?今天我们一起通过几个例句来学习一下它的用法。例句1:The figure Tom came up with was really just a shot in the dark.汤姆得...

2011-04-26 #经典句子



...确呢?别急,先来看正确答案:“黑眼圈”的英文叫作“dark circles”或者“dark rings”。小伙伴们现在知道为啥是部分正确了吧!那如果我们要说“有黑眼圈”,那英语又该怎么表达呢?“有黑眼圈”的英文叫作“have dark circles/ri...

2023-08-13 #经典句子

治愈系歌曲《darkness of the day》包含哪些英语知识?

治愈系歌曲《darkness of the day》包含哪些英语知识?

导语:治愈系歌曲《darkness of the day》包含哪些英语知识?有没有这样一首歌温柔的直击你的心底,聆听歌手低吟浅唱。你会觉得很有力量。今天小编要给大家推荐一首来自Isaac Gracie的《darkness of the day》。这首歌曲并没有太多的...

2023-11-06 #经典句子

失落分手的伤感文案 释放忧伤 深情难忘记

失落分手的伤感文案 释放忧伤 深情难忘记

...见了,从此黑暗为伴。You are the light in my life, remove all the darkness, then you disappeared, from the darkness.The darkness is no darkness with thee有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗。The darkness is no darkness with thee.拜拜我走了(把我留下来)Bye bye I"m out of here (leave m...

2010-12-27 #经典句子



...rose mauve深紫红 prune; mulberry深藕红 conch shell棕红 henna暗红 dark red; dull red鲜红 scarlet red; scarlet; bright red;血红 blood red; incarnadine血牙红 shell pink; peach beige绯红 scarlet; crimson; geranium pink米红 silver pink深红 deep red; crimson淡红 light red; carnati...

2023-05-02 #经典句子



...一切都是开始,一切都是结束。Where the wind goes, where the dark tide of the current goes, how much power you have to use to fly against the wind, everything is the beginning, everything is the end.暗夜中的光线不灭,暗夜流光,多少华美,多少绚丽,暗夜独行,...

2023-05-05 #经典句子

译词|“夜猫子”的英文怎么说?可别说是 night cat……

译词|“夜猫子”的英文怎么说?可别说是 night cat……

...ther is a real night owl.我哥哥是个标准的夜猫子。黑眼圈have dark circles under one"s eyes 有黑眼圈黑眼圈多半出现在眼睛下方,所以“有黑眼圈”就可以说成 have dark circles under one"s eyes。例句:John is so tired that he has dark circles under his eyes....

2013-03-01 #经典句子

意难平卑微的文案 刺痛内心 建议有人陪着你看

意难平卑微的文案 刺痛内心 建议有人陪着你看

...ed. I sat by the French window of the cafe. Lightning and thunder lit up a dark and strong night from time to time大街上的人都匆忙逃走,只有她下了车,打着雨伞不慌不忙地走过泛滥成河的街道,推开了咖啡厅的门,向我走来Everyone on the street fled in a hur...

2007-03-15 #经典句子



...开头语的提示句是“But no more helicopters came and it was getting dark again.”意思是:没有直升机来了,天又黑了。同学们,可以想一想,我们该怎么接下来写开头呢?(停顿3秒钟)来看看下面的写法:Immediately, an absolute darkness ruled the f...

2023-01-26 #经典句子

如沐春风的优雅短句 句句独特 很有品味

如沐春风的优雅短句 句句独特 很有品味

...动死者的舞蹈。In this world, what we represent is the fear of the dark, dancing the dance of the dead on the dark stage.一个人一旦忍不住猜测和好奇,那就是堕落的开始。Once a person can not help but guess and curiosity, that is the beginning of the fall.你的心是黑暗...

2022-12-17 #经典句子

《寄生兽》动画主题曲被抄袭?歌曲评论区沦陷 网友:中文版OP

《寄生兽》动画主题曲被抄袭?歌曲评论区沦陷 网友:中文版OP

...也是刻入灵魂的。然而就在近期,一首叫作《Shining in the dark》出现引起争论,被很多人直指抄袭日本动画《寄生兽》的主题曲《Let Me Hear》。《Shining in the dark》是2021年7月19日国内音乐作者在某个音乐平台发布的一首歌曲。正在...

2017-10-12 #经典句子

黑不是黑 白不是白丨你真的了解英文里的颜色吗?

黑不是黑 白不是白丨你真的了解英文里的颜色吗?

...black那么深。实际是深棕色的,所以“黑眼睛”的英文是dark eyes或 dark brown eyes。另外,经常熬夜的人可能会出现“熊猫眼”(黑眼圈)。这种缺乏睡眠引起的黑眼圈在英文中叫dark circles(under one"s eyes)。白头发≠white hair如果你...

2018-02-26 #经典句子

暖心文案|我这个人虽然置身黑暗 但也向往光明

暖心文案|我这个人虽然置身黑暗 但也向往光明

...这个人满身黑暗,还总想这带给你一点阳光。I am a man of darkness, and I always want this to bring you a little sunshine.你很有很多情绪,但是面对你不愿意给藏起来。今晚我过得不尽人意,却也看不到人间疾苦。Tonight I have not been satisfactory, b...

2015-12-20 #经典句子



...作应以协助父母放松对子女的管教为重点。3.To defeat the darkness out there, you must defeat the darkness in yourself.要打败外界的黑暗,首先需要克服内心的黑暗。分析:句中用了两个“defeat”,都是“打败、克服”的意思。例句:He defeated o...

2023-07-28 #经典句子



...。我们来看美剧《绝望的主妇》里的两个例子:Sometimes dark clouds have silver linings.Like you just naturally find the silver lining.考研英语二2012年的真题里也出现过或这个表达:No one tries harder than the jobless to find silver linings in this national economi...

2023-06-23 #经典句子

一眼心动的温柔句子|从来不想你去记得 忘却就好

一眼心动的温柔句子|从来不想你去记得 忘却就好

...己的路,在夜里,山风吹满山。Where the wind blows, where the dark tide of the current flows, how much effort you have to use to head against the wind, everything is the beginning, everything is the end.The light in the dark night flashes, the dark night flows, how many beautiful, how ma...

2022-11-25 #经典句子

大嘴巴 用英语怎么表达

大嘴巴 用英语怎么表达

...实际意思,因为这个意思就是中文里面使用的意思,如 dark horse.Sit on the fence 不要理解为“坐在围栏上”,它意为“持观望态度,犹豫不决,骑墙,保持中立”等,例如:He tends to sit on the fenceat meetings. 开会时他往往持观望态度...

2008-12-20 #经典句子



...者图像里的色调(the tone of a picture with regard to lightness or darkness or intensity of color),low-key在图像里面就表示主基调为黑色、灰色等等。A photographic image, painting or movie can be defined as "low key" if its dominant values are black, dark brown or dark bl...

2019-04-03 #经典句子



... top of the head interlocks, but the antenna, is spaniding the unclear not dark sky.头顶交错而过的天线,分割着不明不暗的天空。Always some wisp sadly belongs to you.总有一缕悲伤属于你。Paused lifts the hand in the pasts light youth to cancel the recollection.停留在...

2024-02-22 #大杂绘



...也有人翻译成“海军蓝”,因英美曾用于海军制服,即a dark greyish blue,也可以简称navy。2 oriental blue 可以叫“东方蓝”,就是釉里蓝,青花瓷上面的那种蓝色,而青花瓷就是oriental blue and white。3 midnight blue 也叫深蓝色,或午夜蓝...

2007-11-19 #经典句子