第一句子大全 > 标签 > custom



2019-03-19 #经典句子



...nication for countries in other language systems. In order to acquire more customers, Xiaopi requires merchants to submit translation language versions in English.In addition, given the current market reality of cross-border e-commerce, it is important for overseas merchants to meet the needs of int...

2024-01-25 #大杂绘

文脉民俗与context中的folklore: 一网打尽的英语短句和例句大全

文脉民俗与context中的folklore: 一网打尽的英语短句和例句大全

... the essence of Chinese cultural heritage, delving into the intricacies of customs, traditions, and folklore that have been passed down through generations. The book offers a diverse range of English language sentences and examples that encapsulate the beauty and depth of Chinese cultural traditions...

2024-01-30 #大杂绘

外贸英语英译英阅读:China's customs show

外贸英语英译英阅读:China's customs show

外贸英语英译英阅读:China"s customs show长期处于在“非英语语言环境”下,能让你的英语保持“可持续性发展”的唯一方法,就是“英语阅读”。但是,英语阅读必须讲究方法:英语阅读就是英语阅读,不要一不小心就弄成了“...

2022-11-17 #经典句子

中英双语完整版 · 质量管理体系术语

中英双语完整版 · 质量管理体系术语

...n:供应商选择、评估和再评估准则79. communication:沟通80.customer:顾客81.customer property:顾客财产82. control procedure for customer property:顾客财产控制程序83.customer feedback:顾客反馈84.Customer Service Contact Form:顾客服务联系表85.customer ...

2009-03-01 #经典句子

商务英语名词和搭配Business Vocabulary Nouns & Collocations

商务英语名词和搭配Business Vocabulary Nouns & Collocations

...costs down or keep down costs and you can maintain low costs.Number six is customer.你可以让费用保持低水平,你也可以维持低费用。第六个词是客户。You can have a loyal customer, a regular customer, a satisfied customer. You can talk about customer service or customer suppo...

2010-09-15 #经典句子



...受到在线支付的快乐和方便而不用担心被欺骗。My View on Customer ServiceIn recent years, duo to the intense competition of business, the status of customer has got a rise invisibly. People in all walks of business regard “Customer first, service foremost.” as their service tene...

2024-01-08 #经典句子



going through customs,过海关。immigration,入境。When I was taking my flight, going through the customs.当我乘坐我的航班,要通过海关。I"ll have to have my luggagechecked before going through customs!过海关之前还得进行行李检查!Going through immigration and cust...

2013-07-05 #经典句子



....我正在写我的报告。Word study词汇学习三、Part three.【1.】custom(n.)1.风俗;习惯:(1.)When visiting a foreign country,we might find the country"s customs strange to us.当我们去外国访问时,我们也许会发现该国的某些风俗习惯有些奇怪。(2....

2023-11-26 #经典句子

去国外餐厅点餐 只会this和that怎么行?送你英文点餐攻略

去国外餐厅点餐 只会this和that怎么行?送你英文点餐攻略

... you today?晚上好。欢迎来到XXX餐厅。请问有什么可以帮您?Customer: I"d like a table for two, please.我想要一个两人桌。Waiter: Right this way,please.这边请。Customer:Thank you! Can I see the menu, please?谢谢!麻烦拿份菜单。Waiter:Sure!Here are menus for you. To...

2023-12-01 #经典句子



...ed to cashier. This allows you to quickly open additional registers if the customer queue gets too long.As you prepare cross training plans, you need to consider both the company benefits and the employee benefits. Carefullyselect the employees to be cross trained. Some people like to learn new thin...

2024-01-12 #经典句子



...—issued new guidelines for tort law stating that companies need not warn customers of obvious dangers or bombard them with a lengthy list of possible ones.【词汇突破】institute 机构 substantial 实际的 bombard不断攻击;向...连续提出问题 lengthy冗长【主干识...

2022-10-29 #经典句子



西和乞巧与中国七夕文化On Qiqiao Custom in Xihe and Qixi Culture in China内容摘要:本文将西和乞巧风俗放在中国七夕节这一大文化背景之下进行考量,从崇拜对象、时间空间、活动目的、活动性质、活动形式、文化遗存以及风俗起源等...

2023-05-20 #经典句子



1. Please fill in the customs baggage declaration form.请填写海关行李申报表。customs 除了是顾客的意思,当在出入境时指海关,一般C大写。2. The perishables are not allowed to bring in.易腐烂的东西是不允许入境的。perishables 易腐烂的东西 这一个...

2023-09-10 #经典句子

翻译思路拆解|这届“后浪” 在B站追捧传统文化

翻译思路拆解|这届“后浪” 在B站追捧传统文化

...的结构搭配,用来表达“历史”也没什么大不妥:Social customs passed down from generation to generation这里再分享一个很鸡贼的办法,对于这种词语解释定义的句子,想不出来不要紧,去查词典,直接搬运人家词典里的英文解释。比如trad...

2019-05-03 #经典句子

餐馆里常用的英语短语 Useful Expressions Used at a Restaurant

餐馆里常用的英语短语 Useful Expressions Used at a Restaurant

...常用的短语Restaurant English: Making a Reservation餐厅英语:预订Customer 客户I would like to make a dinner reservation for two. 我想预订两人的晚餐I need to make a dinner reservation. 我需要预定晚餐。We will need the reservation for Tuesday night.We will be coming to your...

2013-10-24 #经典句子



...把它弄明白了。Number three, the third word that students misuse is custom.第三个,学生错用的第三个单词是风俗习惯。Custom.风俗习惯。We used the word custom to talk about behaviours that are specific to a particular place, culture or society.我们用这个词谈论某...

2023-07-16 #经典句子

音节的构成及划分 分类举例详解 英语单词轻松读

音节的构成及划分 分类举例详解 英语单词轻松读

...的叫单音节。例:bag/bg/②有两个音节的叫双音节。例:custom/"kstm/ ->/"ks‖tm/ ③有三个或三个以上音节的叫多音节。例:benefit/"benft/-> /"be‖n‖ft/二、音节的构成:①可以由一个元音构成。例:apple/"pl/为双音节,//单独构成一个音...

2024-01-20 #经典句子




2012-12-14 #经典句子



...sses such as restaurants and stores because it offers a new way to attract customers.这对餐馆和商店这样的企业很有用,因为它提供了一种吸引顾客的新方式。25、Restaurants can offer a choice of music along with the various food choices on the menu, allowing customers mor...

2010-10-16 #经典句子