第一句子大全 > 标签 > rest
余生致自己的温柔句子 干净美好 值得收藏

余生致自己的温柔句子 干净美好 值得收藏

...取,该放下的时候坦然放下。Be a free and easy person for the rest of your life. Try your best when you should fight for it and put it down when you should put it down.2、余生对自己好一点,不要为没必要的事伤神,更不要为不值得的人伤心。Be good to yourself f...

2023-01-15 #经典句子



...r? 你身体哪里不舒服?B: I have a cold. 我感冒了。A: Get some rest. I hope you get better soon. 好好休息。希望你早日康复。coughA: What" the matter? 你身体哪里不舒服?B: I have a cough. 咳嗽。A: Get some rest. I hope you get better soon. 希望你早日康复。f...

2023-08-25 #经典句子

谨慎!百分数 分数 the rest the remainder+of+名词的谓语动词

谨慎!百分数 分数 the rest the remainder+of+名词的谓语动词

...现一些相关或者相同的用法,特别是百分数,分数,the rest,the remainder+of+名词的谓语动词变化,其后谓语的单复数选择要谨慎,下面这几种用法常见却不常用,考试出现不经常,但是也很简单,一学就会。1.【a large quantity of】后...

2012-08-03 #经典句子

“休息一下”英语怎么说?不是所有情况都说have a rest 别用错

“休息一下”英语怎么说?不是所有情况都说have a rest 别用错

“休息一下”可不能简简单单只用一个“have a rest”来表达,我们汉语里也会分短时间的小憩一下和长时间的充分休息,那么英语里肯定也是不同的,该怎么表达呢?现在和小学妹一起来看看吧!“休息一下”英语怎么说?have a ...

2022-12-25 #经典句子



主题句At Mercedes-Benz, we’ve never been satisfied with resting on our longings. Quite the opposite, for over 120 years, we’ve strived with utmost meticulousness and immense experience to set ourselves apart.词汇与表达Mercedes-Benz 梅赛德斯-奔驰satisfied [‘sts’fad] adj. 满意...

2023-05-29 #经典句子

缘起总有缘灭 花开总有花落 余生有你足矣的暖心朋友圈短句

缘起总有缘灭 花开总有花落 余生有你足矣的暖心朋友圈短句

...world was black, until I met you! I know what is a sense of belonging, the rest of my life, walk together, have you, enough!感谢你的出现,让我知道被疼爱"宠爱是什么感觉,余生有你,足矣。Thank you for your presence, let me know what it"s like to be loved. It"s enough to h...

2022-11-26 #经典句子

余生致自己的一段句子 暖心大方 发朋友圈秒赞!

余生致自己的一段句子 暖心大方 发朋友圈秒赞!

1.余生一定要为自己好好活,活成自己想要的样子。The rest of your life must live for yourself and live as you want.2.平和而认真地用尽余生,做你自己,不要为任何人改变。Use the rest of your life peacefully and conscientiously, be yourself, and don"t change f...

2022-12-19 #经典句子



...y ways to talk about the same thing.2. For example,we can say:Let"s take a rest for five minutes.3. We can also say:Let"s have a rest for five minutes.4. Or we can say:Let"s take/have a five-minute rest.5. Well,we can also say:Let"s take a break for five minutes. A break is a short rest.6. We can sa...

2012-05-04 #经典句子



...走出阴影, 这个短语的英文表达是:lay the ghost of sth (to rest) 终于走出…的阴影,终于摆脱…的困扰With one stunning performance, he has laid to rest the ghost of all his defeats last season. 以其出色的表现,他终于走出了上赛季失败的阴影。New DN...

2015-12-17 #经典句子

译林版九年级英语下册第一单元 重点 难点与必考点 各个击破!

译林版九年级英语下册第一单元 重点 难点与必考点 各个击破!

...词短语;climbdown“认错”是名词climb攀登者,登山者take a rest相当于have a rest,该词组中的rest是名词,这两个词组均可用rest替换a long way to go这个词组中的to go作定语。我们再来看一个例句:Is this the best way to solve the problem?这是...

2023-11-15 #经典句子

翻译中 三种常见的状语从句的位置

翻译中 三种常见的状语从句的位置

...受到外力的作用,静止的物体将永远保持静止。A body at rest always remains at rest unless it is acted on by an external forces.(=Unlessit is acted upon by an external forces,a body at rest always remains at rest.)

2024-01-04 #经典句子

情话文案:遇见你 就有种余生都是你的奇妙感觉

情话文案:遇见你 就有种余生都是你的奇妙感觉

...。When I meet you, I have a wonderful feeling that I will be you for the rest of my life.2.你的笑容是我见过最美的晴天,你要明白,我对你的爱胜过喜欢。Your smile is the most beautiful sunny day I have ever seen. You must understand that I love you more than I like.3.刚...

2023-07-26 #经典句子

在英语中如何使用take 你知道吗?快来学学吧!

在英语中如何使用take 你知道吗?快来学学吧!

...来学下take的一些固定搭配吧。搭配一:后接washing noun或resting noun像washing noun这样的名词有shower,bath等。你想说洗澡,你就可以说take a shower,take a bath。像resting noun这样的名词,就可以是rest,nap,break等。所以你说你要休息,就可...

2017-11-06 #经典句子

很撩很甜的治愈系句子 句句温柔 像极了余生!

很撩很甜的治愈系句子 句句温柔 像极了余生!

...荣华,温柔笑闹,山川湖海,星辰物语,都是你。For the rest of my life, plain glory and gentle laughter, mountains, lakes and stardust stories are you.2、以前,眼前人是心上人;此后,心上人是枕边人。In the past, the person in front of him was a sweetheart, an...

2022-12-19 #经典句子

七夕套路对象的超甜句子 撩到腿软!

七夕套路对象的超甜句子 撩到腿软!

...全部理想全部期待。You are all my ideals and expectations for the rest of my life三,喜欢你是一件上瘾却又无法过瘾的事。亲爱的七夕快乐!Liking you is addictive but not enjoyable. Dear Happy Tanabata!四,三生有幸遇见你,我想和你跨过分秒,也愿和...

2022-12-03 #经典句子

朋友圈最甜蜜的情话 让你心动的句子

朋友圈最甜蜜的情话 让你心动的句子

...是我余生的晴空。You are my rainy season and the clear sky for the rest of my life.2.我不想成为你生命中的插曲。我想成为你人生的主题曲。I don"t want to be an episode in your life. I want to be the theme song of your life.3.如果生活艰难,你想搬进我甜蜜的...

2022-11-27 #经典句子



...面的例句:完了,看到这个例句,小编也懵了,第一个词rest,what?小编的脑海里只有休息的意思,翻找了一下词典,小编发现原来rest还可以有locate的意思啊。所以Rested in the Pacific Ocean可以翻译为“坐落在太平洋”,这是句子中...

2023-06-13 #经典句子

触动心灵的爱情英文短句:懂你的人 才配得上你的余生

触动心灵的爱情英文短句:懂你的人 才配得上你的余生

...,才配得上你的余生。The people who know you are worthy of the rest of your life.从前你是我心上的一束光,倾世温暖。Once upon a time you were a light in my heart.现在你是我心里的一根刺,刻骨铭心。Now you are a thorn in my heart.以后你是我心底的一...

2023-07-27 #经典句子



...te in May, I do not worry about the past, but I just want to laugh for the rest of my life.八、日常迷信,五月你好,请对我好一点,希望有更多好事发生。Daily superstition, hello in May, please be kind to me, hope more good things happen.九、春已至,花已开,愿山...

2007-09-25 #经典句子



...of the telephones is [are] working.没有一部电话中是好的。6. the rest作主语指不可数名词时谓语用单数,指可数名词时谓语用复数。The rest of the money is yours.剩余的钱归你。The rest are arriving later.其他人稍后就到。想了解更多精彩内容,快...

2024-01-15 #经典句子