第一句子大全 > 标签 > heat
冬天 教你如何用英文表达“暖气 羽绒服 暖宝宝 电热毯”!

冬天 教你如何用英文表达“暖气 羽绒服 暖宝宝 电热毯”!

...气象学上的暖空气。所以,在英式英语中,我们常常用“heating”来表达“暖气”;而在美式英语中,我们则常把“暖气”译为“heat”,其还有“加热、供热”的意思,类似的短语还有heating pad 加热垫 ; water heating 热水器等。例...

2010-10-09 #经典句子



...么neat 整洁的编码:n=你,eat=吃故事:你吃东西挺整洁的heat 热编码:h=好,eat=吃故事:好吃,趁热吃meat 肉编码:m=没,eat=吃故事:没肉吃recreation 娱乐编码:rec=热菜,re=热,ation=一神故事:吃热菜的热一神在娱乐great 伟大的编...

2008-04-10 #经典句子

天气热到令人呕吐 “热”用英语怎么说

天气热到令人呕吐 “热”用英语怎么说

...先学习下几个与“热”有关的单词和词组:sizzling/severe heat 酷热scorching sun 烈日、骄阳blistering summer day 炎炎夏日torrid sun 灼热的太阳sultry weather 湿热难耐的天气heat up 升温stiflingly hot 闷热hot and humid 湿热hot and dry 干热hot spell 连续...

2022-12-23 #经典句子



...emperatures 高温sauna days 桑拿天stiflingly hot 闷热sizzling/severe heat 酷热scorching weather 高温天气maximum temperatures 最高温度yellow alert for high temperatures/yellow-coded heat alert 高温黄色预警crazy hot/super hot 太热了to prevent heatstroke 防中暑to escape the ...

2023-01-10 #经典句子



...碎了一个珍贵的盘子,最后,汤姆替他背了黑锅。take the heat 就是替某人背锅,代人受过的意思。说起heat,还有一个句子经常很常用:If you can’t stand the heat,get out of the kitchen。受不了热,就别在厨房呆着。吃不了苦,就别干了...

2023-11-14 #经典句子



Great Heat 大暑The “Great Heat” represents the hottest days in the year. It arrives on July 23 or 24 when the sun reaches the celestial longitude of 120 degrees.“大暑”是一年中最热的一天,通常是在7月23或7月24日,太阳到达天文经度120度。It’s a season with the ...

2019-11-16 #经典句子

今日小暑 进入盛夏!二十四节气用英语怎么说 没你想的那么难

今日小暑 进入盛夏!二十四节气用英语怎么说 没你想的那么难

...二十四节气用英语怎么说吗?一起来学习一下吧。Slight Heat 小暑Monday is the Slight Heat, one of the 24 seasonal division points.今天是24节气中的小暑。Beginning of Spring 立春The Beginning of Spring, he first one of the24 solar terms, is regarded as the beginning of ...

2019-05-03 #经典句子

先学从句 后学非谓语动词 为什么?

先学从句 后学非谓语动词 为什么?

...)3. He regretted that he left school soyoung. (宾语从句)4. If you heat ice, you will get water.(状语从句)5.The boy who is sitting beside you is odd.(定语从句)S: 老师,第1个主语从句怎么简化为短语?T: 主语从句可以简化成动名词短语:His being late ma...

2023-09-07 #经典句子

TikTok热门话题-英语表达hot topic

TikTok热门话题-英语表达hot topic

...门话题的意思。例句2: AI, a popular topic recently, has caused heated debate人工智能是近来的热门话题,引发了热烈的讨论。3 heated topic: 热门话题的另一种说法。例句3:Fighting against Covid-19 has been a heated topic recently. 抗击新冠病毒是最近...

2015-05-19 #经典句子



...热的正确表达! I’m so hot? = sexy? It is so hot! = the weather.2.Heat up physically and emotionally Temperature is heating up. 气温正在升高。Things are heating up.事情正在变得更加激烈。二、Cool Down 心静自然凉!Cool down 可以形容物理降温 也可形容思维...

2023-12-09 #经典句子



...底在干嘛?在这里的as hell 表示“很、非常、极其”。The heat is killing me.heat有“热量”的意思,在这里指“高温”。kill有“杀死”的意思,在这里,kill me是使我难受的意思,而killing是kill的现在分词形式。I"m boiling.老外要形容天...

2013-08-19 #经典句子

吐槽夏天很热的沙雕文案 还你清凉搞笑的夏天!

吐槽夏天很热的沙雕文案 还你清凉搞笑的夏天!

...热死我.I always remember the summer wind clearly saying it was going to heat me up.十一,我们不认识没关系 这天这么热 过小会儿我们就熟了.We don"t know each other. It"s okay. It"s so hot. We"ll know each other in a little while.十二,天气好热 感觉自己像烤盘...

2012-07-30 #经典句子

男生出门秒变暖男 “热死宝宝了”用英语怎么说?

男生出门秒变暖男 “热死宝宝了”用英语怎么说?

...“It"s so hot.”还能怎么表达呢?一起来看看吧↓↓↓The heat is killing me.heat有“热量”的意思,在这里指“高温”。kill有“杀死”的意思,在这里,kill me是使我难受的意思,而killing是kill的现在分词形式。A:The heat is killing me !我...

2019-06-08 #经典句子



...s not the real beginning of this season. After autumn there is a volt, the heat did not disappear, called the autumn tiger.The true meaning of autumn is the season ripening of crops.立秋不是秋天的开始。秋后还有一伏,暑气未消,称秋老虎。秋的含义指庄稼成熟。二、...

2018-05-02 #经典句子

形容天气很热的句子 经典有趣 你喜欢哪一句!

形容天气很热的句子 经典有趣 你喜欢哪一句!

...糕,我给你捏个对象。Are you there? I"m Nuwa. I"m going to die of heat. Now buy me an ice cream and I"ll make an object for you.天要再这么热下去 ,恐怕我冰淇淋的身份,就要曝光了 。夏天的热,也只有钱包里的余额,能让我冷静。It"s going to be so hot...

2022-11-29 #经典句子

立冬啦 如何用地道的英语口语表达天气寒冷

立冬啦 如何用地道的英语口语表达天气寒冷

...至 (English):Summer Solstice11,:Jul.7 or 8小暑(English): Lesser Heat12,:Jul.22 or 23大暑(English): Greater Heat13,:Aug.6,7,8 or 9立秋(English): Beginning of Autumn14,:Aug.22,23 or 24处暑 (English):End of Heat15,:Sep.7 or 8白露(English): White Dew16,Sep.22...

2012-08-16 #经典句子



...吗?感觉要沸腾了。My face is burning. 我脸都要烤焦了。2. HeatThe heat is killing me. 我都快热死了。I"m not going anywhere in this heat. 这么热我哪儿都不想去。3. 高大上委婉表达It"s raining fire. 天在下火啊。I"m melting. 我热得快化了。What a blazi...

2007-06-16 #经典句子



...3、浪的名称微波 ripple微浪 smooth wavelets细浪 light seas热浪 heat wave小浪 moderate seas中浪 rough seas大浪 very rough seas强浪 high seas狂浪 monster waves巨浪 very high seas4、气候变化大浪 very rough seas冷峰 cold front顺风 favorable wind强浪 high seas低气...

2019-04-28 #经典句子

英语长难句解析 每日一句

英语长难句解析 每日一句

..."s advice into account and then decide to adopt it or not in the automatic heating system.译文: 专家们会考虑下这个业余爱好者的建议然后决定是否在自动加热系统中采用这个建议。1.主干:The experts will take the amateur"s advice into account and then decide to ...

2023-06-06 #经典句子



...于时间、地点、条件及让步状语从句中。Metals expand when heated and contract when cooled.▍这时when引导的时间状语从句的省略,还原后的完整句子结构应该是Metals expand when they are heated and contract when they are cooled.所以两个when引导的从句都...

2023-11-07 #经典句子