

时间:2023-08-10 07:36:01



高中英语必修2-Unit 1文本解读

课内学习:Work on the Book

1. What do u think the Key words and the important sentences are in this unit?

2. What are the language Functions and skills in this unit?

I. Analyzing the teaching objectives:

Target Language

1. Vocabulary:

Key words:

cultural, survive, remain, state, rare, reception, wonder, remove, furniture, trial, consider, opinion, evidence, prove, pretend, treasure, in return, belong to, take apart, think highly of

Important sentences:

What do u think the important sentences are in this unit?

1)Frederick William I , the King of Prussia, could never have imagined that…

2)Once it is heated, the amber can be made into any shape.

3)In return, the Czar gave the King of Prussia 55 0f his best soldiers.

4)Later, Catherine U had the Amber Room moved to the palace outsider…

5)This was a time when the two countries were at war.

6)There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Kunigsberg…

7)After that, what really happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery.

8)I think highly of those who are searching for the Amber Room.

Learning about language中第一部分的Exercise 1根据英语解释,写出对应的单词。

Exercise 2练习belong to的词义和用法。

Exercise 3练习介词at的用法。第二分的Exercise 1从文中找出7个含that /which /who /where /when的定语从句。Exercise 2 Join the pairs of sentences using that语从句)o Exercises 3 Join the pairs of sentences using which /who /whom /where /when with commas(非限制性定语从句),旨在让学生掌握本单元的语言知识。

language Function:Asking for opinions and giving opinions

Language skills


1. Understand the general idea and the logic relationship of the listening passage.

2. Get the useful information and catch the key words from the listening text.


l. Make an interview in simple English ; introduce and talk about the topic “ cultural relics”.

2. While communicating, know how to ask for advice and opinions.!


1. Predicting the topic using the slide, pictures and key words.

2. Scanning the general idea and skimming the detail information.

3. Guessing the meaning of new words by context.


1.Write a short reply to a letter and give your opinion.

2.Write a letter of suggestion to persuade others.

Using language的第一部分的Listening要求学生take notes while listening进一步提高听力水平。第二部分中Speak and write down a short list of reasons for your choice练习 It can be proved that…because……第三部分Read a letter from a German newspaper and write a reply to this letter and give a reason why you agree or don’t agree with the writer.通过这样的语言输入和输出技能训练,培养学生英语语言综合运用能力。

About Teaching procedure:

★Warming up

The purpose of this Warming Up is to make students aware of what a cultural relic is and what it is not.J[is a good opportunity to teach them how to define ideas in English.开门见山告诉学生文物的定义,假设你是文物办公室的工作人员,如何在小村庄处理一起罕见明朝花瓶被盗案件;假设你是一个文化遗产部的工作人员,在一个小村镇调查一个罕见的明朝花瓶被盗事件。让学生对文物的定义有所了解,启发学生思考关于文化遗产的归属问题,激发学生的文化遗产保护意识。

★Pre-reading 是Reading的热身部分,通过二个问题唤起学生对已知古今中外文化遗产的回忆,及抒发面对现实中无数文化遗产不复存在的事实的情感,在丰富的信息输入和学生固有知识被唤醒之后非常容精读课文I Search of the Amber Room,带着学生走进寻找丢失了的普鲁士国王威廉一世送给俄罗斯沙皇的那个琥珀屋龄牟罗移妒毁、重建的奇妙历史。

提出两个问题。第一问是说出一个你了解的文化遗产,如果这个文化遗产不见了:你会感觉如何,为什么会有这样的感觉?另一个问题是你发现了一个文化遗产,你会怎么处理它?这两个问题不仅考查学生对待文化遗产的态度,引出Reading:In Search of the Amber Room,为阅读做好铺垫。

★Reading 是关于寻找丢失了的普鲁士国王威廉一世送给俄罗斯沙皇的那个琥珀屋,再现它的建造、被毁、重建的历史过程。通过阅读让学生从文化遗产的历史中,体验人类文明发展的过程,提高学生保护文化的意识。

★Comprehending 既有知识性的问题,让学生了解文章的细节(Exercise l),同时又跳出了课文,对文章进行了整体评价( Exercise 2),由易到难,有梯度,全面考查了学生对文章的理解。

★Learning about language Discovering useful words and expressions和 Discovering useful structures两部分。其中第一部分首先安排了根据英培释义搭配词汇的练习,力求巩固学生对新词汇的理解和记忆。Exercise 2练习belong to的词义和用法。Exercise 3练习介词at的用法。针对本单元的语法重点——定语从句,第二部分的Exercise 1是从文中教e 1是从文中找出7个含语从句的句子,启发学生去发现、归纳和复习限制性定语从句。然后进行大饲练习。同时在Exercises 3引人非限制性定语从句的教学与训练。

★Learning by Using 中的 Reading, listening and writing通过对evidence, fact和opinion三个词的讲解辨析,同时结合琥珀屋离奇失踪对学生进行听力训练,有效地帮助学生将所学的内容与实际判断能力的培养结合起来。而在Speaking and writing中则继续围绕上面的话题,让学生交流听力内容,然后写出文字材料。最后,把教材内容推向深入,在Reading and writing中展示不同人对待国家文化遗产的不同态度,引发学生的思考,让他们发表自己的看法,具有现实意义。

★Summing up从有用的动词、动词短语、其他的表达和新句型结构四个角度总结本单元内容,并总结所学的有关文化遗产方面的知识。Learning tip建议学生亲自去博物馆看一些中国文化遗产,并主动担当导游向外国游客介绍这些文化遗产,同时练习英语口语,并向外国游客学习英语,同他们交朋友。


1. Through talking about some cultural relics, students can truly appreciate the significance of them, and at the same time, realize the importance of protecting cultural relics.

2. Students can be aware of the great value of the cultural relics in China, and have a deeper love for their mother country!

3. Students can help and learn from each other and be more co-operative, by team or group work.

本单元话题----文化遗产(cultural relics)是全世界较为关注的焦点之一,是具有现代意义的时尚话题。本单元内容生活化,富有活力,体现了新教材的一个重要特征---紧扣时代脉搏,富有时代气息。整个单元自始至终围绕“文化遗产”这一话题内容,反映了《新课程标准》所提出的“向学生渗透人文理念和注重对学生文化意识的熏陶”的要求,语言技能言和知识的设计围绕“文化遗产”话题展开。教师利用本单元素材不但可以传授英语知识而且可以在教学过程中通过渗透的方式将文物保护知识有机地渗透于课堂教学之中,培养学生爱护人类文明、保护文物古迹、热爱伟大祖国的思想品德。


1. To help the students to know about the history of the Amber Room and cultural relics, at home and abroad; to respect different cultures in different countries;

2. To let the students be aware of the significance of protecting cultural relics

  1. 冰泪草的眼泪2023-12-19 22:03冰泪草的眼泪[国外网友]
  2. 薄往昔的花与青杏2023-10-15 02:49薄往昔的花与青杏[广东省网友]
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