
北师大高中英语必修一Unit 2词汇与短语助记教学(同步录音文件)

时间:2023-08-10 07:11:01


北师大高中英语必修一Unit 2词汇与短语助记教学(同步录音文件)

2019北师大版高中英语必修一 Unit 2


Topic Talk

1. athlete/θlit/ n.运动员

2. frequency/frikwnsi/n.发生的频率,发生率

3. prefer/prf/ vt.更喜欢

4. rather than而不是

5. badminton/bdmntn/ n.羽毛球

6. golf/ɡlf/ n.高尔夫

7. gymnastics/dmnstks/ n.体操

8. jog/dɡ/ vi.&n.慢跑

9. cycle/sakl/vi.骑自行车

10. bowling/bl/ n.保龄球

11. skateboard/sketbd/ n.&vi.滑板:用滑板滑行

12. track/trk/ n.跑道

13. in good/bad shape健康状况良好/不佳

14. balanced/blnst/ adj.均衡的

15. diet/dat/ n.日常饮食

16. stair/ste/n.楼梯;梯级

17. regularly/reɡjlli/ adv.经常:定期地

18. net/net/n.(网球等的)球网;网

19. court/kt/ n.(网球等的)球场

20. within/wn/prep.在……之内

Lesson 1

21. underdog/nddɡ/ n.处于劣势的人(队);弱方

22. defeat/dfit/ vt.(在比赛、战争中)战胜,打败

23. company/kmpni/ n.公司;一群人

24. guy/ɡa/n.(非正式)男人,家伙

25. champion/tmpin/n.冠军,第一名

26. *shot/t/ n.投球,击球

27. inspiration/nspren/ n.激励,鼓舞;给人以灵感的人/物;灵感

28. try out for sth争取成为;参加选拔

29. *bench/bent/ n.替补队员席

30. replacement/rplesmnt/ n.替换的人(物)

31. desire/dza/渴望

32. crash/kr/ vi.& vt.猛撞

33. crash into猛撞,猛击

34. gather/ɡ/vi.& vt.聚集,聚合

35. gather around聚集

36. not…anymore不再……

37. pack/pk/ n.vi.& vt.包,包裹;把……包起来

38. sharply/ɑpli/ adv.严厉地,毫不客气地

39. let sb down使失望,辜负(别人的信任或期望)

40. onto/nt/prep.到……上,向……上

41. extra/ekstr/ adj.额外的,另外的

42. pay off取得成功:奏效

43. keep up with跟上,保持同步

44. energy/endi/ n.力量,活力

45. crowd/krad/ n.人群

46. clap/klp/ vi.& vt.鼓掌,拍手

47. earn/n/vt.赢得:博得

Lesson 2

48. boxing/bks/ n.拳击(运动)

49. bounce/bans/vi.& vt.(使)弹起, (使)反弹

50. belt/belt/n.腰带,皮带

51. announcement/nansmnt/ n.通告,公告

52. defence/dfens/n.防守队员,后卫

53. audience/dins/ n.观众:听众

54. remind/rmand/vt.使(某人)想起,提醒

55. bite/bat/ vi.& vt.咬

56. prohibit/prhbt/ vt.禁止

57. case/kes/n.状况,场合;事例,实例

58. in case以防万一

59. sign up报名

60. annual/njul/adj.一年一度的,每年的

61. application/plken/ n.申请书

62. warm up热身运动,准备活动

63. quit/kwt/vi.& vt.停止(做某事)

64. halfway /hɑfwe/adv.半途地

65. tip/tp/n.建议,忠告,窍门

66. ought toaux.应该,应当

67. occupy/ɑkjpa/vt.占用,占去(时间)

68. disappointment/dspntmnt/ n.失望;扫兴;沮丧

69. amazingly/mezli/adv.惊人地,了不起地

Lesson 3

70. relieve/rliv/ vt.减轻,缓解

71. strengthen/streθn/vi.& vt.(使)强健

72. *immune/mjun/adj.免疫的;有免疫力的

73. system/sstm/n.系统

74. immune system免疫系统

75. cheer up (使)高兴起来, (使)振作起来

76. weekly/wkl/adj.一周一次的,每周的

77. be fed up with厌烦的,不满的,无法再忍受的

78. awkward/kwd/adj.令人尴尬的

79. particular/ptkjl/n.adj.尤其,特别;特定的

80. in particular尤其,特别

81. benefit/benft/n.好处.益处

82. membership/membp/n.会员身份

83. equipment/kwpmnt/n.设备,装备

84. capable/kepbl/adj.能干的;能力强的

85. be capable of有能力做

86. prevent/prvent/vt.预防;阻止,阻挡

87. disease/dziz/ n.疾病

88. upper/p/adj.较上的,上面的

89. flow/fl/vi.n.流,流动;流动

90. oxygen/ksdn/n.氧

91. relief/rlif/n.减轻,缓解

92. ache/ek/ n.隐痛

93. guideline/ɡadlan/n.指导方针,指导原则

94. click/klk/vi.& vt.点击(鼠标)

95. detail/ditel/n.细节

96. principle/prnspl/ n.原则.基本的观念

97. amount/mant/n.数量,数额

98. shortcut/tkt/ n.捷径,近路

99. overnight/vnat /adv.突然,一下子

100. achievable/tivbl/ adj.可完成的;做得成的

101. make sure确保

102. muscle/msl/n.肌肉

103. bone/bn/ n.骨头,骨

104. satisfaction/stsfkn/ n.满足,满意

105. sweat/swet/n.汗水

106. overdo/vdu/ vt.把……做得过火

Writing Workshop

107. sight/sat/ n.视野

108. cyclist/saklst/n.骑自行车者,自行车运动员

109. overtake/vtek/vt.超过

110. amazed/mezd/adj.大为惊奇的,惊讶的

111. sportsmanship/sptsmnp/ n.体育精神

112. *bronze/brnz/ n.铜

113. medal/medl/ n.奖牌:勋章

114. response/rspns/ n.回答,答复

115. gesture/dest/ n.姿态;手势;姿势

116. take advantage of sth利用某物

Reading Club 1

117. defend/dfend/ vi.& vt.保护,保卫

Reading Club 2

118. flexibility/fleks"blti/ n.灵活性


1. badminton n.

2. golf n.

3. gymnastics n.

4. jog vi& n.

5. bowling n.

6. skateboard n. vi.

7. stair n.

8. net n.

9. underdog n.

10. onto prep.

11. prep.在....之内

12. n.& v.渴望

13. adj.额外的,另外的

14. athlete n. → adj.擅长运动的;健壮的

15 frequency n. → adj.频繁的,经常的→ adv.频繁地,经常地

16. vt.更喜欢藏→ n.偏爱,偏好

17. vi.骑自行车威→ n.骑行者

18. n.跑道;踪迹vt. 追踪

19. adj.均衡的联想→ n.平衡

20. n.日常饮食

21. adv.经常;定期地肤想→ adj.定期的;经常的

22. n. (网球等的)球场;法庭;宫廷

23. vt.& n. (在比赛战争中)战胜,打败→ adj.失魂落魄的,沮丧的

24. n.公司;一群人;陪伴→ vt.陪伴→ n.同伴

25. n.冠军,第一名→ n.冠军

26. n.激励,鼓舞;给人以灵感的人/物;灵感→ vt.鼓舞,激励→ adj.鼓舞人心的→ adj. 卓越的;激动人心的

27. replacement n. → vt.替换

28. vi.& vt.猛撞法应

29. vi.& vt.聚集,聚合

30. n.包,包裹vi. & vt.把……起来→【反】 vi. & vt. 打开包裹取出物品

31. sharply adv. → adj.急剧的;锋利的→ vt.削尖

32. n.力量,活力→ adj.充满活力的

33. n.人群vi.& vt. 拥挤;挤满→ adj.拥挤的

34. vi.& vt.鼓掌,拍手近→【近】 vt.& vi. (为……鼓掌)

35. vt. 贏得;博得→ n.[pl. ]工资;收入


1.____________ 了解……的情况/动态

2._________ 节食减肥

3. 谋生

4.in good/ bad shape ____________

5.not... anymore ____________

6.let sb. down ____________

7.rather than ____________

8.cycle to work ____________

9. keep sb. company ____________

10.crash into ____________

11.gather around ____________

12. replace A with B ____________


1. boxing n. 拳击(运动)

2: bounce vi. & vt. (使)弹起,(使)反弹

3. audience n. 观众;听众

4. halfway adv. 半途地

5. quit vi.& vt. (过去式 quitted/quit , 过去分词quitted/quit )停止(做某事)

6. tip n.建议,忠告,窍门;小费

7. warm-up 热身运动,准备活动

8. belt n. 腰带,皮带;安全带

9. announcement n.通告,公告→ announce vt.通知,通告

10. defence n.防守队员,后卫→ defend vi. & vt. 防御;保卫→ defensive adj.防御性的

11. remind vt.使(某人)想起,提醒→ reminder n.暗示,提醒人的事物

12. bite vi.&vt.(过去式 bit ,过去分词 bitten )咬n.咬;一口

13. prohibit vt.禁止→ prohibition n.禁止→【近】 ban / forbid

14. annual adj. 一年一度的,每年的 → annually adv.一年一度地,每年地

15. application n.申请书→ apply _vi.申请→ applicant n.申请人

16. occupy vt.占用,占去(时间) → occupation n.占有;职业→ occupied adj.已被占用的;无空闲的

17. disappointment n.失望;扫兴;沮丧→disappoint vi. & vt. (使 ……失望) → disappointing adj.令人失望的→disappointed adj.感到失望的

18. amazingly adv.惊人地,了不起地→ amaze vt.使感到吃惊→amazing adj.令人赞叹的→amazement n.吃惊

19. case n.状况,场合;事例,实例


1.in case 以防万一

2.to one’s amazement 使某人吃惊的是

3. sign up 报名

4. to one’s disappointment 令某人失望的是

5.ought to 应该,应当

6.be occupied with 忙于某事;被……占据

7.have/take a bite of 咬一口

8.make an announcement 通知



1. There will be more ______( frequency) rounds of inspection by our security personnel.

2. ______(balance) diet is of extreme importance for the athletes.

3. He also writes______( regular) for "International Management" magazine.

4. The team______(defeat) in the first round.

5. He is a wonderful_______( company) and we can talk for hours on end.

6. Dreams can be a rich source of ______( inspire) for an artist.

7. Fewer people desire _____(live) in the north of the country.

8. Environmentalists were_____( sharp) critical of the policy for its failure to encourage conservation.

9. I think I"d prefer something a little less ______(energy).

10. If you go now you should miss the _____( crowd).


1. 你怎么选了这个而不是那个?

What made you choose the one_______ _______ the other?

2. 想想人质曾遭受的折磨,获救后其身体状况已经是出奇地好了。

The former hostage is ______remarkably ______ ______ considering his ordeal.

3. 事实上,朋友们经常互相鼓励去学习,或者参加体育运动。

In fact, friends often encourage each other to study, or ______ ______ ______sports.

4. 他注意到一辆小汽车撞到了附近的大树上。

She noticed a car ______ ______a big tree nearby.

5. 把邻居们都叫过来看好戏吧!

______ ______the neighbors and show them a good time!

6. 人们不再对电影感兴趣了。

People are ______ interested in movies ______.

7. 他信心十足地答道:“我不会让你失望的。”

“I won"t _____you _____,” he replied confidently.

8. 跟上迅速的变化是很困难的。

It is difficult to ______ ______ ______the rapid pace of change.

9. 他得用余生来还清那笔贷款。

It would take him the rest of his life to ______ _____ that loan.

10. 依我看,多数人喜欢工作而不愿待在家里。(prefer doing…to doing..)

I have this theory that most people ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ .

III. 课文改编填空

Peter and I were on our school team and we both love basketball.____1___we weren’t playing on the court, we were watching games about NBA. My favorite player is James and Paul’s favorite is Bogues, ___2___ guy who played for the Charlotte. And we agree they are both ___3____(champion). Bogues was only 1.6 metres tall, ___4__ made him the shortest player in NBA. So was Paul. That’s why Paul treated Bogues as his ___5__(inspire). And being shorter___6__(mean) that he had to practise more. Although Paul had tried out many times for making the team, he was still on the bench, __7__(be) a replacement. Actually, everyone knew Paul had real skills. __8___, he didn’t get a chance. This week, we had a ___9__(extreme) tough game with our competitors, the Bears. And it was in this game that Paul got the chance he had been waiting___10___.


____1____(list) in the World Cultural Heritage(世界文化遗产) by UNESCO in 1987, The Great Wall of China winds up and down across deserts grasslands and mountains, just____2____ a huge dragon, covering___3_____ (approximate)6, 700 kilometers from the east to the west of China.

In ancient China, many people built walls around their states to protect their land. It was Emperor Qing Shihuang ___4____had the walls joined up. The project cost much money and hundreds of thousands of people worked on____5____ wall. On top of it, it is wide enough for five horses or ten men___6_____ (walk) side by side. Along the wall are watchtowers, in ___7_____soldiers used to keep watch. With a history of more than 2000 years, some of the sections of the Great Wall are now in ruins or even disappeared. ____8____, it is still one of the most attractive spots around the world because of its wonderful buildings and historical_____9___(important). Many of the tourists have come to know the famous Chinese saying— "He who ___10____(reach) the Great Wall is not a true man.



1. frequent 2. balanced 3. regularly 4. was defeated 5. companion

6. inspiration 7. to live 8. sharply 9. energetic 10. crowds.

II. 单句写作

1. rather than 2. in ;good shape 3. try out for 4. crash into 5. Gather around

6. not…anymore 7. let…down 8. keep up with 9. pay off 10. prefer working to being / staying at home

III. 课文改编填空

1. When/If 考察状语从句。

2. a 考察冠词,此时a guy who…整体充当同位语。

3. champions 考察可数名词的复数。

4. which 考察非限制性定语从句,which指代1.6米高的事实。

5. inspiration,考察词性转换。inspiration此处为动力。

6. meant 考察谓语动词的时态。

7. being 考察doing做伴随状。

8. However 考察句子的逻辑衔接。

9. extremely 考察副词修饰形容词。

10. for 考察wait for等待这一固定用法。


1. listed 考察非谓语做状语,此时长城和 “列作”世界文化遗产这个动作构成被动关系,故用done形式。

2. like 考察介词,just like表示“正如”

3. approximately 考察词性转换,此处副词修饰动词cover

4. who/ that 考察强调句,强调句仅可以用that、who充当引导词。

5. the 考察冠词,此处表示特指。

6. to walk. 此处考察句型it is + adj + for sb to do sth.

7. which 考察定语从句,此处in+which=where ,用来指代前面的watchtower

8. However 此处表示句意转折。

9. importance 考察词性转化。

10. does not reach 考察谓语动词的否定形式。

  1. 紫妖冷月っ2023-12-19 22:05紫妖冷月っ[广东省网友]
  2. 蓝波2023-10-15 02:38蓝波[青海省网友]




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