
可以让人舒缓的情感文案 字字暖心 爱永存心!


Their enthusiasm, after all, or burned themselves 几番寒露深处凝中宵,浅听铜壶滴响是寂寥

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Their enthusiasm, after all, or burned themselves.


A few cold dew deep condensation night, shallow listening to the drip ring is lonely.One inch from the corridor of bamboo pavilion, the red moon reflects the cold xiao alone.


I tell you THAT I love you, not necessarily with you, just hope that you in the future,


Loving you is as natural as eating and sleeping every day. I already love having you every day.


All standards are used to reject others, like a person to lose all standards.


Gradually know, a lot of things can meet but not ask, do not belong to their own, why fight a life to care about.


"You are my temperate maritime climate." "What do you mean?""It"s warm every day"


Men are as different as their faces.


I can"t forget seeing you for the first time, those charming eyes, that moment I found out what is love at first sight.


Meeting you is my greatest fortune in this life. Falling in love with you is my choice without regret in this life.


Night from the war flower is not broken pool center, court building before the rain misty, jade fat tears three lines of light ink smile withered parting sing, fonqin dance lane body posture cool, drunk shed tears yan makeup.


Tell more jokes, with a humorous attitude, this way the day will be better.

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《爱的五种语言》:肯定的言辞 让爱永存

《爱的五种语言》:肯定的言辞 让爱永存


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