
表达孤独的情感文案 字字扎心 黯然神伤


If you like someone especially, you wont get any fun from him 这个世界是个圈,每个人都在不同的人身上转

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"Good night" seems to be a polite thing. Who can"t sleep knows? Anyway, the topic is over


Your departure is like the wind, light clouds, light clouds, I like the ending like this, and it seems that no one is responsible for each other


Light is not the right of sunshine. I love people who are also shining

当你知道谁是你的未知数时,我很乐意做你的 x

When you know who you are, I"m happy to be your X


Whenever I am, I can show my own preferences or restrain myself


If you like someone especially, you won"t get any fun from him.


The world is a circle, everyone is turning around different people.


Even if I changed my way to accompany you for a while, it was a great honor


The smoke on the top of the tile house began to curl up and fall, and the sun shone on the flowers that could not fall


But I always want to find you, but I have been holding for so long, tired and sour, and others are also looking at me embarrassed


The sudden maturity of individuals is not due to copywriting, but to the hard and memorable experience


The retreat and string of lines when talking to strangers seems less sad


Never thought about how the people I felt knew how sad I was


Some people appear, who can think that it will be forgotten in my life

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