
被伤心包围的情感文案 深邃而含蓄 字字入心



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"Something that makes you really tired


If you can"t give your girl put on wedding clothes, so do not stop you untie her hands!


Disloyal people are poor, they are not deliberately disloyal, they are afraid of loneliness.It takes a lot of love for one person to be faithful to another.


I will love you for a long, long time.


I know it"s not easy to meet you, it would be a pity to miss you, I don"t want the rest of my life to be memories, I want to have you every day for the rest of my life.

分手 我没有挽留 因为你说过 就是喜欢这样要强的我。

Break up I did not retain because you said is like this strong me.


Life may be sweet or bitter, but it is never tasteless. I may succeed or fail, but I will never lose heart.


Although I am not handsome!But I have true love!I"m not smart though!But I"m cute!Although I flower mouth!But I certainly do not flower heart!


In a foreign land, I care about you in the distance, a greeting on behalf of my mind, I hope you can understand to read, love you forever.


If, I can go back to the past, I will choose not to know you, not I regret, is THAT I can not face the end without you.


I won"t keep you. I"m tired. I"ll let you go.


Wife, on the basis of your good performance yesterday, we hereby award you the title of "the new good wife who has not died in the century".

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