
50个简单流利的英语口语技巧 Part 1-10


TIP 1be realistic about your English learning goals有现实的英语学习目标Do not expect your English to be as good as that of

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# TIP 1

be realistic about your English learning goals有现实的英语学习目标

Do not expect your English to be as good as that of a native speaker soon after taking up the language. It takes time.


# TIP 2

Practice speaking as well, not just reading and listening练习口语,而不仅仅是阅读和听力

While reading and listening can help you learn a lot about the language, the only way to speak better English is by speaking it yourself.


# TIP 3

Practice speaking English whenever you get a change一有机会就练习说英语

Do not pass up a change to speak English whenever one arises.


# TIP 4

Get native English-speaking friends and practice speaking with them结交母语为英语的朋友并练习与他们交谈

If you want to speak English like a native, you should have friends who speak it like you would like to.


# TIP 5

Do not be afraid of making mistakes不要害怕会犯错

Mistakes are part of learning; they help you know where you need to make improvements to become a better English speaker.


# TIP 6

Use simple sentences at first, then progress to more complex sentences.开始用比较简单的句子,然后扩展到复杂的句式

You have to start from somewhere; do not struggle to master the complex language parts until you have mastered the basics.


# TIP 7

Get a reliable English learning course去上一门比较靠谱的英语课程

Having the right English speaking course can accelerate the rate at which you learn to speak this language fluently.


# TIP 8

Make an effort to improve your pronunciation努力提高你的英语发音

The way you pronounce certain words could be the reason your English speaking skills seem a little off. So, practice saying some problematic words properly.


# TIP 9

Try saying something extra尝试说一些别的

Do not give one-word replies like yes and no; try to say something more to build your skills and your confidence.


# TIP 10

Learn from your mistakes从你的错误中吸取教训

Once you learn you tend to make a certain mistake, work on getting rid of it, and over time, your English will improve considerably.



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