
久一英语:6-8月雅思口语题库-Part 2&3-city


关于这类地点的描述,除了例文里给出的 location, tourist attractions和snacks之外, 还可以从landscape, history, people等思路入手

友情提示:本文共有 4145 个字,阅读大概需要 9 分钟。

Describe a city where you want to live in the future

You should say:

Where it is

Who you would like to live with When you would like to move there

and explain why you would like to live there in the future Sample Answer:

I wanna settle in Qingdao in the future, which is a laid-back coastal city in Shandong province. I’ve never been there before but loads of friends who visited that bustling and enchanting spot recommend me to travel there. Hence, last summer vacation, I took a journey with my parents, which left lasting impression on me and I made a resolution that after I graduated from my

college, I’d like to live in this city with my relatives and my future lover. Because on one hand, there are several tourist attractions and decent scenery, like Zhongshan Park, Mountain Lao, Golden Beach and other stuff. Thus, after high-intensive study or work, I have many options to get rid of stress. For example, I can hike in the mountain and as the sun is setting, the whole city is painted gold by the sunlight, which makes me feel as if I were in a different world. Besides, some senior citizens do physical exercises in the park. They do Taiji, perform swordplay, practice Chinese Kungfu and dance in the square. I’d love to join them along with my parents, coz these exercises can strengthen our muscles, build up cardiovascular system and make joints and bones become more flexible. On the other hand, various of mouth-watering food hooks me a lot, from authentic Chinese cuisine to western-style food. Honestly, I’m a foodie and really crazy about seafood, so this city suits me better. Additionally, there may lie a beach where can be used to barbecue. In this way, I can throw a party to have a blast, and probably bring snacks or rent a grill from staff, which can meet our appetite. Generally speaking, I hope my dream will eventually come true and appreciate the beauty of mother nature.


解析:这是一道典型的地点描述题之城市题,对于此题的选择上不但可以选择自己喜爱或出名的城市,如北上广深;还可选择自己熟悉了解的城市,如家乡或上学的地方。关于这类地点的描述,除了例文里给出的 “location”, “tourist attractions”和“snacks”之外, 还可以从“landscape”, “history”, “people”等思路入手。讲到旅游景点,我们还可以用一些与自然风光有关的的短语来描述,如”birds chirp in the trees”, “shimmering and limpid water”等。考虑到英式思维的严谨性,一定要用衔接词来增强答题的逻辑性,提高分数。

Part 3

1)What are the factors to consider when looking for a place tolive?

Sample Answer:

Actually, I guess there are two main factors influencing citizens’ decisions. First is decent location. For example, some shopaholic prefers to live in business centres, which are full of flashy and trendy items.Someone wanna own a house in the tranquil and serene spot, so they tend to choose to settle down in a laid-back city. Additionally, convenient transport can also facilitate

lives, which plays essential role in people’s choice.


解析:此题的解题思路依然能与城市题保持一致,从地理位置、交通设施、邻居、环境、气候等方面解题。可以用 actually,personally, in my opinion 进行开篇,有一句总起的 topic sentence 不但会使逻辑清晰,而且能为自己增加思考的时间来更好的答题。内容上可就其中一点要素进行举例扩充细节,其他的因素略讲即可。

2)What are the disadvantages of movingfrequently?

Sample Answer:

Two cons are noteworthy. As for society, personnel fluidity is greater, which may negatively affect economy and stability of the whole city, coz some citizens need to quit current jobs when moving to another city. And for individuals, you know, they should adapt to brand-new environment continually, which do bothering them.


解析:Part3 是 in-depth conversation,属于深度谈话,也是决定考生分数的分水岭。因此答题的立足点往往需要“大”一点,不再只是与自身相关联,而是要考虑到国家、社会等。频繁搬家就意味着需要人员流动性大,对社会有消极影响;对于个人来说要不断地适应新环境, 也可以举例频繁搬家换学校对小孩子造成不良的心理影响。

3)What are the differences between living with a friend and livingalone?

Sample Answer:

Honestly, living alone may have more freedom. I mean, people’s living habits and schedules are different, so some conflicts do exist in daily life. For example, I’m a morning person, if my friend who prefers to stay up late and deal with stuff, I may feel distraught. But this thing can be avoided when I’m alone. Whereas, living with friends offers me sense of safety coz she can comfort me

when I’m frustrated.


解析:此题考查独住与和朋友合住的不同,需要考虑到各自的好处和弊端。比如独处,就意 味着自由,如穿着、时间安排等等,不需要在意他人的看法,朋友在一起住的时间久了可能会产生矛盾,从而影响友情;但合住就不会那么孤独,有人分担喜怒哀乐,并且还可以 cover 房费,比较省钱。如果从学习方面来考虑,有人一起自然是遇到不会的题可以讨论来解题, 提高效率。

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