
压抑想哭的情感文案 简短扎心 高级含蓄


Remember that it is not because of ignorance that a man is led astray, but because of selfknowledge 我曾经以为你属于我,却发现我把心送到了错误的地址

友情提示:本文共有 1800 个字,阅读大概需要 4 分钟。


Remember that it is not because of ignorance that a man is led astray, but because of self-knowledge.


I thought you were mine, but I found out I sent my heart to the wrong address. Now, please give it back to me!


Love is a timely rain. When it suddenly comes, it becomes infinitely transparent.


There are always some concerns. The old ones are like scars. The more I don"t touch it, the more I feel the pain.


Each of us from the story of the protagonist into a supporting role, and then from the supporting role into a passer-by.


Gradually know, a lot of things can meet but not seek, do not belong to their own, why bother to care about.


No matter what kind of crying you went through last night, when you wake up in the morning, the city is still bustling, and no one cares about your emotions.


How many words from the heart are regarded as verbal jokes that no one hears, and how many innocent mistakes are regarded as intentional.


When a person does not love you, but does not reject you, he should stay friends with you. And then, forget it, dump him. He doesn"t love you. You should know he just wants to use you to feed his vanity.


I don"t care about you, I don"t ignore you, but I feel I have become redundant in your world.


Time will dilute a person"s memory, but there is no way to kill a person"s sadness.


Can not reach the call distance, can not go back to the past, can not go back to the call separation.

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