
充满个性的情感文案 温柔又含蓄 冷酷而深情


Thank you for your impertinence, which has made me immune to all kinds of poison 谢谢你的无礼,让我对各种毒药都免疫了

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Flowers will not bloom in the coming year because of your alienation; People will turn into strangers because of your mistakes.


Thank you for your impertinence, which has made me immune to all kinds of poison.


The last hug, the chaotic heartbeat, seems like the first sight.


Good-bye. You see me smoking and drinking and swearing. You laugh at me for being dissolute. Do you remember when I first met, I didn"t even dare to say a word, and you made a great contribution to me becoming like this?


If time is an eraser of memory, I wish I had never used it.


If I see you again after years, how can I congratulate you with tears or silence?


They miss each other when they can"t meet. But once they can meet and walk together again, they will torture each other again.


I practice every day, and I don"t think about you. But my heart is always lazy. I try to learn, learn to forget you like falling in love with you. But I still can"t learn. It"s my fault that you have no talent, and you have to leave without the talent of love.


When our feelings are tired, we will stop the journey of love.


Inside the headphones are songs that you like but can"t sing yet, and the photos on the screen of the mobile phone are people who like but haven"t been together yet.


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