
高级又走心的情感文案 温柔又含蓄 宠溺如一


Some encounters between people are like meteors, which burst into flames of love and love, but are doomed to be hurried 有

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Some encounters between people are like meteors, which burst into flames of love and love, but are doomed to be hurried.


Sometimes people are like this, meet again big thing oneself carry to endure to pass, hear the person beside a word of comfort instantly complete defeat.


Those days when we were together appear in my mind time after time.Happy, happy, lost, sad and painful days.Miss you so much, miss you so much...


You don"t ask me every time you love me not love, move some truth out, even if the earth reversed I also want to understand, you love me or not love!


Because I love you, so I want us to be together.


How can I explain to you that while I love you without hesitation and without reservation, my fear is also boundless.


To find a strong woman, do not look for me, I will try to support themselves, but do not want to be your eyes of the day, I want you to be my day.


Most of the time, let us not put down, in fact, not each other, but those who lost the common memories.


Time is the fairest judge;History is the best witness.You will know how I love you, but give me time!


Every day when I open my eyes, you and sunshine are in, that is the best future.


There are three stages of love: heartache.Only heart, that is like;Only the heart read, that is love;Where there is love, there is pain.


If love hurts me at the moment, that"s the proof that I love you.

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