
被伤心包围的情感文案 浪漫又深情 让人难以忘怀


One person recalls pain and tears, while two people recall happiness and sweetness So lets not live alone! I will do what

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Suddenly I want to know how you mentioned me to others.


One person recalls pain and tears, while two people recall happiness and sweetness. So let"s not live alone! I will do what you do to me, but I just won"t do that to you!


What will we do when we finally reach the summit and then collapse? We wept bitterly. All the repression was swept away, and we cried like babies, with the ecstasy of climbing the greatest mountain, and also with the relief after the long climb.


No one will appear in your life for no reason at all. Thanks to everyone who stepped into your world, it is them that make you learn to fly better.


Sometimes, caring too much is also a kind of torture for myself.


Can"t miss, just miss, lost too much.


Time, starting from zero. The story can"t end at the end.


"What"s wrong with me being fat?" "I don"t have a figure. I didn"t ask you to like me." Every time I want to say this to people who dislike my fat.


The last thing I should do is to fall in love with you at an age when I don"t know how to love.


We all have one thing that we will never forget, but we will never mention it again. There is always a love, which is remembered from time to time in my life, but is always remembered in my distant mind. There is always a person who always remembers, but lives in the lonely heart forever.


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