
被伤心包围的情感文案 浪漫又深情 治愈心灵!


Aspirants have thousands thousands, no minds only feeling extremely difficult 别去打扰那些连回你句话都带敷衍的人

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Aspirants have thousands thousands, no minds only feeling extremely difficult.


Don"t bother people who don"t even respond to your words.


First stop special feelings, and then quit never forget.


True love comes after giving up one"s own happiness.


Do you think the rich are as happy as you imagine? You are wrong. The happiness of the rich is beyond your imagination.


How many people seem heartless, but hide the sadness in the heart.


Men"s eyes depend on radiation;A woman"s heart is by conduction.


At that time, we always thought that life is only meet, but did not expect to miss the original, and regret, and too late.


You don"t have to change yourself deliberately, I will adapt to you.


The hardest part is listening to the person you like talking about the person you like and pretending you don"t care.


Sometimes let go, not because I don"t care, but because I don"t care.


Anyway, the last one will go.

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