
被伤心包围的情感文案 浪漫又深情 令人难以忘怀


乔· 拜伦Joy and pain in love alternate Joe Byron傻傻地想,痴痴地笑,呆呆地等

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爱情中的欢乐和痛苦是交替出现的。——乔· 拜伦

Joy and pain in love alternate.-- Joe Byron


Think silly, laugh silly, wait.There"s always that one person that makes you lose your mind.


When a man thinks of a woman, he is powerful; when a woman thinks of a man, she becomes beautiful.


Some people go through life without finding love, but I found it, and it was standing right in front of me.


Something called love presents me to you


I"ve never been to New York. I"ve never been to Hawaii. I"ve never been in San Francisco in jeans.


I didn"t deliberately meet anyone, nor was I eager to have anyone. The best of myself should be reserved for the last person.


6, Better to retreat and embrace you.


It doesn"t matter if you fall in love with someone who has a lot of differences in life habits.


May your story be long, and I wish my loneliness an end.


I want someone to say to me: in 60 years, I will love you more than I do now.


"I feel dizzy when I see you recently." "Why?""Because love makes my head spin."

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