
风趣幽默的朋友圈文案 句句沙雕!


There is nothing outstanding about me If there is one, it should be the waist plate 2、世界上最远的距离,莫过于公交车上我频频看

友情提示:本文共有 1939 个字,阅读大概需要 4 分钟。


There is nothing outstanding about me. If there is one, it should be the waist plate.


The furthest distance in the world, than the bus I frequently look at you, you frequently look at me, I fell in love with you at first sight, but you tightly clutched the wallet.


Money is a grievance. Everyone says they love it, but they trade it with others.


Rainy day is suitable for sleeping at home, sunny weather is suitable for walking out; Long years, actually not a day suitable for work.


I"ve been itching recently. Maybe I"m growing a brain.


Like to eat a thing is not to hide, even if cover your mouth, saliva will still overflow from the fingers.


You have to work hard and earn more money so that you can afford to eat like a stomach.


Do not meet again, shampoo is very tired, shampoo is very expensive; the most important thing is: shampoo is really cold this day.


Secretly tell you, my tomato is tomato flavor, don"t tell others.


The little sun is very busy, the little cloud wants to eat sugar, the giraffe dislikes the neck is not long enough, make money this matter too confused!


Don"t try to challenge me. Altman is my big brother.


Why remind me that "money is not everything"? I"m not that greedy. I just want money, not everything.


Others smile face with peach blossom, I laugh ha ha ha!

14、和大家认识也挺久了,也没给过大家什么福利;不如这样,评论里留下你最想要的东西, 然后你们自己攒钱去买,我监督你们。

I"ve known you for a long time, and I haven"t given you any benefits. Why don"t you leave what you want most in the comments, and then you save money to buy it, and I"ll supervise you.


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