
朋友圈闺蜜互损文案 幽默风趣 皮一下很开心!


Other peoples intimate friends are sitting in the co pilot to eat snacks, while I can only sit in the back of the tram

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Other people"s intimate friends are sitting in the co pilot to eat snacks, while I can only sit in the back of the tram carrying two cups of milk tea.


Promise me, don"t be cheap to any boy, will you die alone?


Other people"s best friends seem to be smart, while my best friend seems to be a little silly.


Let me tell you a secret. Although my best friend is young, she weighs a lot.


We are good friends. If you fall down, I can help you up, but you have to make me laugh first.


The whole network is selling intimate friends, so I won"t sell them because I"m afraid they will be returned.


Sometimes I would like to hate my best friend, not because I have hatred with her, but because I would be very happy to hate her.


What should I do if I don"t have enough memory? Delete some ugly photos of my best friend.


I feel like I"m a psychopath, otherwise my best friend is psychopath.


Just call me beauty. Don"t have anything to do with my best friend.


Every time I swear, I swear that my best friend has been single for 100 years, so my best friend is still single now.


If no one gives you a gift for a major festival, you can tell me that I will be happy to tell you that I don"t either.


I really want to tell my best friend that it"s nice to laugh at others, but it"s funny to laugh at you.


If you don"t get along well one day, you can come to me and hang out with me. I can"t guarantee anything else. As long as I have a bite to eat, you will have a bowl brush.



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