
满是难过的情感文案 高级而个性 让人难以忘怀


你吃东西的样貌真可爱,是练过吗?You look so cute when you eat Have you practiced?在雪里刻画出你旳名字,瞬间融化在我旳心里。就是这样浓

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You look so cute when you eat. Have you practiced?


Carve out your name in the snow, instantly melt in my heart.Is so thick miss you.


Time is too thin, fingers are too wide, can not grasp the time, only I still miss.


You really good to people, you will be very comfortable;If it is to please, really will be very tired.


You care, others may not care;Life has taught me that this is more than life.


Do you know what it would mean if ONE day I stopped messing around.


Love is spending time with you.


The one who brings you happiness is the one who can also bring you pain.


There is a tacit understanding called;There is a feeling called wonderful;There is a kind of happiness is accompanied by you;There is a yearning called longing.


The most exciting thing in life is not whether the person you like will come, but you believe he will come, but you never know when he will come.


Loving you is the best thing I"ve ever done.


Maybe our love time is not long, but there must be a lot of stories.

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