
温情动人的情感文字 治愈您的心情 满眼失望!


There is nothing more beautiful than when I first met you 我曾踏月而来,只因你在山中

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There is nothing more beautiful than when I first met you.


I came on the moon because you were in the mountains.


"Do you know why I"m not in heaven?""Why?" "Because you"re on the ground."


Like is anxious to confirm the relationship, love is waiting for their ability to give her a home.


The more loving one became more and more conciliatory;


The wise look forward;A wise man looks backward;A wise man is a conqueror of others;The wise man is the one who conquers himself.


Distance, really not very beautiful, and I am a person afraid of loneliness.


When you dial my number, the voice says I"m out of service.Are you sad?.


In destiny"s journey, everyone"s performance time is set.Somewhere doomed, the time to leave, no matter how reluctant to have to leave chic.


A woman who truly loves you will be angry at you for many things, but will stick around.


Your eyes are overloaded with tears, passengers are desperate and heartbroken.


When I was a kid, I wanted to be a scientist, a mathematician, an inventor, and now I just want to have a family with you.

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