第一句子大全 > 标签 > Useful
use常考考点汇总 跟我轻松学英语

use常考考点汇总 跟我轻松学英语

... sth,过去常常做……used to doing,习惯于做某事use 的变形useful,形容词格式,有用的。常考固定搭配:be useful to sb对某人有用be useful to sth,对某物有用例句:taking notes is useful to our study。做笔记对学习很重要。等于it is useful to take...

2017-11-08 #经典句子

说到人心坎上的句子 精辟现实 悟透人生!

说到人心坎上的句子 精辟现实 悟透人生!

...唯独一颗真心在现实跟前,最没用。Everything in the world is useful, money is useful, house is useful, car is useful, only one true heart is in front of reality, the most useless.我讨厌的,不是你的自私,也不是你的坏脾气,而是不断的猜测 等待 伤害 道歉...

2022-11-30 #经典句子

英语中考知识点练习题:主将从现 过去进行时 so的用法

英语中考知识点练习题:主将从现 过去进行时 so的用法

...C. not any longer D. no longer3. I think Chinese is as_____ as English.A. useful B. more useful C. most useful D. the most4. I_____ my homework when my father came in.A. am doing B. was doing C. do D. was did5. What a _____ headache! You seem_____ ill.A. terri...

2023-09-05 #经典句子



...er-driest第四种构成形式:big-bigger-biggest第五种构成形式:useful-more useful-most useful第六种构成形式:good-better-best形容词比较等级的用法:形容词的原级肯定结构:He is as tall as father.他和爸爸一样高否定结构:This apple is not as sweet as...

2023-09-02 #经典句子



English Vocabulary: Talking about RAIN 下雨时有用的英语短语Useful English Phrases to Say When it’s Raining 下雨时有用的英语短语1. Questions 问题What’s the weather like? 天气如何?How is it outside? Is it raining? 怎么在外面? 在下雨吗?Is it still raining ou...

2011-03-14 #经典句子



...能容忍他们抽烟了。找点活儿干# 地道表达:make yourself useful 弦外之音就是 to do something to help Could you make yourself useful and get Jenny some coffee?你能帮帮忙给珍妮拿杯咖啡么?Don"t just sit watching television— make yourself useful!别光坐着看电...

2022-12-25 #经典句子

英语中27个有用的MAKE短语动词含义和例子 你认识几个呢?

英语中27个有用的MAKE短语动词含义和例子 你认识几个呢?

27 Useful Phrasal Verbs with MAKE (with Meaning and Examples) 英语中27个有用的MAKE短语动词含义和例子Learn useful phrasal verbs with MAKEwith meaning and examples in English. 学习有用的短语动词与MAKE的意思和例子在英语。Make afterMeaning: Chase 追逐Example: I made...

2018-11-04 #经典句子



30+ Useful Phrasal Verbs with BRING in English 英语中30多个有用的BRING短语动词Start studying most useful phrasal verbs with BRING in English with Meaning and Examples. 用英语中的BRING开始学习最有用的短语动词,包括含义和例子。List of commonly used phrasal verbs w...

2012-11-10 #经典句子



Useful English Phrases to Describe Your Daily Routines 有用的英语短语来描述你的日常生活There are some key phrases that are useful to learn in English in order to explain your day to another person 用英语学习一些有用的关键短语,以便向另一个人解释你的一天Phr...

2017-04-29 #经典句子

餐馆里常用的英语短语 Useful Expressions Used at a Restaurant

餐馆里常用的英语短语 Useful Expressions Used at a Restaurant

Learn Useful Restaurant English for Restaurant Staff and Common Expressions Used at a Restaurant.为餐厅员工学习有用的餐厅英语和餐厅常用的表达方式。Restaurant English | Video 饭店英语|视频Restaurant English: Useful Expressions Used at a Restaurant 餐馆英语:餐馆里...

2013-10-24 #经典句子

2021年写给自己的正能量句子 很燃很励志!

2021年写给自己的正能量句子 很燃很励志!

...一直努力最有用。Sometimes hard work is useless, hard work often is useful, hard work all the time is the most useful.6、没有路灯的小巷里,月亮格外明亮;不被关注的灵魂,格外耀眼和倔强。The moon shines brightly in unlit alleys. The soul that is not paid attenti...

2022-12-08 #经典句子

初中英语 冠词四大考点总结

初中英语 冠词四大考点总结

...用an。(3) 有的词虽然以元音字母开头,但却使用a,如useful,university和European开头音素为[ju:],one开头音素为[w:],都属于辅音音素。如a useful book;a university;a European country;a one-eyed camel。2. 不定冠词的用法(1) 在可数名词的...

2010-03-24 #经典句子



20 Useful CLOTHING Phrasal Verbs in English 20个有用的英语短语动词Learn common clothing phrasal verbs in English with meaning and examples. 学习英语中常用的服装短语动词的意义和例子。Do up 做起来Meaning 含义: Fasten an item of clothing 系一件衣服Example 示例...

2013-06-24 #经典句子

高中生必看高考英语高分句型not only but also

高中生必看高考英语高分句型not only but also

...also very funny. 例句赏析They are not only ornamental, but also quite useful.它们不但具有装饰性,而且还很实用。She said this is not only sad, but also foolish.她说,这不仅是种悲哀,而且还很愚蠢。Birds eat not only seeds but also corn and fruit!小鸟不只吃...

2023-09-27 #经典句子

头晕目眩 英语单词怎么说?

头晕目眩 英语单词怎么说?

...more important—most importantdifficult—more difficult—most difficultuseful—more useful—most useful6.少数单音节单词,特别是分词形容词,须在前面加more变为比较级,(the) most变为最高级。如:fond—more fond—most fondpleased—more pleased—most pleased7....

2018-10-20 #经典句子

2020高考英语写作 感谢信的高分素材和经典模板

2020高考英语写作 感谢信的高分素材和经典模板

...en faced with frustrations.3. It was you who cared about me and offered me useful suggestions.4. Your patience and advice shed light on my path to progress.5. The reference books / learning materials you recommended to me were very helpful.段尾常用语1. Without you, I would not have been where I...

2018-03-29 #经典句子



...,提高正确率,扩大新的词汇量。举例子:The man gave some useful advice这里有useful ,adj后缀-ful,翻译这个男人给出了一些有用的建议。学到这里我们做一道例题吧!He didn"t pass the English test, so he looked very _____(happy)He was a _____(work), and ...

2017-06-01 #经典句子

阳光励志金句 正确的审视自己 就会有一种力量的源泉永远涌现!

阳光励志金句 正确的审视自己 就会有一种力量的源泉永远涌现!

...对对你有用的东西——有用的东西。No one objects to what is useful to him.to be of use to others is natural.then dont object to what is useful to you-being of use.3、最好的报复,就是不像你的敌人那样。The best revenge is not to be like your enemy.4、 我们越是重...

2009-06-07 #经典句子

20句初中英语作文高分句型:表达观点 提出建议

20句初中英语作文高分句型:表达观点 提出建议

...认为这对孩子们的学习和健康有害。5. In my opinion , It is useful for us to learn it well .在我看来,学好它对我们很有用。6. He did his best when he faced difficulties.当面临困难的时候,他尽了自己最大的努力。7. Doing sport is a good way to relax and ke...

2023-08-07 #经典句子

日常发朋友圈的心情句子 温暖走心 点赞多多

日常发朋友圈的心情句子 温暖走心 点赞多多

...,爱多了也无济于事,爱是有用的。Love is useless, love is not useful, love is useful.他希望把夏天的橙汁苏打水,卖给颜料枯竭的梵高。Hope to sell summer orange juice soda to Van Gogh, who has run out of paint.让快乐一直延续到和世界握手的时候,走在鲜花...

2023-06-25 #经典句子