


Do up 做起来Meaning 含义: Fasten an item of clothing 系一件衣服Example 示例: You dont need to do up the top button 你不需要做顶部按钮

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20 Useful CLOTHING Phrasal Verbs in English 20个有用的英语短语动词

Learn common clothing phrasal verbs in English with meaning and examples. 学习英语中常用的服装短语动词的意义和例子。

Do up 做起来

Meaning 含义: Fasten an item of clothing 系一件衣服Example 示例: You don’t need to do up the top button. 你不需要做顶部按钮。

Dress up 打扮

Meaning 含义: Dress (oneself or another) in your best clothes :(自己或他人)穿上你最好的衣服Example 示例: You don’t need to dress up. It’s just a family get-together. 你不需要装扮。这只是一个家庭聚会。

Dress up 打扮

Meaning 含义: Put on fancy dress in children’s games 穿上儿童游戏中的奇装异服Example 示例: For her birthday party, they had dressed her up as a fairy. 为她的生日晚会,他们把她装扮成一个仙女。

Useful CLOTHING Phrasal Verbs | Image 1. 有用的服装短语动词

Dress down 朴素的服装

Meaning 含义: Wear clothes that are more informal than those you usually wear 穿着比平时穿的衣服更为休闲Example 示例: He dressed down on his first date. 他在第一次约会时穿好衣服。

Hang out 出去玩

Meaning 含义: Dry clothes outside after washing 洗涤后在外面擦干衣服Example 示例: Have you hung the washing out? 你把洗好的衣服晾出去吗?

Hang up 挂断

Meaning 含义: Put something on a hook or a hanger 将东西放在钩子或衣架上Example 示例: The women hung up their coats and sat down. 女人们穿上大衣,坐下来。

Have on 穿着

Meaning 含义: Wear an item of clothing on one’s person 穿一件衣服的人Example 示例: Melissa had her new dress on. Melissa穿上了她的新衣服。

Kick off 开始

Meaning 含义: Make your shoes come off by shaking your feet 通过摇晃你的鞋子让你的鞋子脱落Example 示例: He kicked his shoes off as soon as he got home. 他回到家后立即脱鞋。

Put on 穿上

Meaning 含义: Dress yourself or someone else with an item or items of clothing 给自己或其他人穿上一件或多件衣服Example 示例: She put on her coat and went out. 她穿上外套走了出去。

Slip on 穿上

Meaning 含义: Put on an item of clothing easily 穿上一件衣服Example 示例: She slipped her sandals on before she went into the sea. 在她进入大海之前,她穿上了凉鞋。

Take off 脱掉

Meaning 含义: Remove any item of clothing 脱掉全部衣物Example 示例: Anna took off her sandals. 安娜脱下她的凉鞋。

Take in 改短

Meaning 含义: Make clothing narrower 改短衣服Example 示例: I’ll have to take this dress in at the waist – it’s too big. 我得把这条裙子的腰改小 - 它太大了。

Take up 拿起

Meaning 含义: Reduce the length of a piece of clothing 减少衣服的长度Example 示例: I want to take this pair of pants up. It’s too long. 我想把这条裤子穿上。它太长了。

Try on 试穿

Meaning 含义: Put on an item of clothing to find out whether it fits or is suitable 试穿一件衣服以确定是否合适Example 示例: What a lovely dress! Why don’t you try it on? 多么可爱的连衣裙!你为什么不试试呢?

Throw on 匆匆穿上

Meaning 含义: Put on a piece of clothing quickly and carelessly 匆匆地穿上一件衣服Example 示例: She just threw on the first skirt she found. 她刚刚穿上她找到的第一条裙子。

Turn up 卷起

Meaning 含义: Shorten trousers, a dress or a skirt so that they fit better 卷起裤子,裙子或裙子,使其更合身Example 示例: Her jeans were too long, so she turned them up. 她的牛仔裤太长了,所以她把它翻过来。

Wrap up 穿暖和的衣服

Meaning 含义: Put warm clothes on 穿上保暖衣服Example 示例: I could hear my mother telling me to wrap up warm. 我听到母亲叫我要保暖。

Useful CLOTHING Phrasal Verbs | Image 2. 有用的服装短语动词

Zip up 拉链拉上

Meaning 含义: To be closed by means of a zip 拉上拉链Example 示例: He zipped up his leather jacket. 他拉上皮夹克。

Let out 放出

Meaning 含义: Make clothing wider 使衣服更宽Example 示例: I’m going to have this skirt let out. 我要把这条裙子放出来。

Let down 放下

Meaning 含义: Use the extra cloth in the hem of a piece of clothing to make it longer 使用额外的布边的一件衣服使其更长Example 示例: This skirt needs letting down. 这条裙子需要放下来。


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