第一句子大全 > 标签 > marriage
“闪婚”是“flash marriage” 那“奉子成婚”英文该怎么表达?

“闪婚”是“flash marriage” 那“奉子成婚”英文该怎么表达?

...孕了,要提前结婚。英文中有个专有表达,就是“shotgun marriage/wedding”shotgun marriageshotgun的意思是“猎枪”,在shotgun marriage表“强迫”的意思,所以shotgun marriage的本意即“有了孩子被迫提前结婚”,也就是“奉子成婚”,我们...

2018-12-22 #经典句子

关于婚姻的句子 字字如金 句句经典!

关于婚姻的句子 字字如金 句句经典!

...不是长久的相爱,而是克服彼此的厌倦!In fact, the duty of marriage is not to love each other for a long time, but to overcome each other"s boredom! 2、婚姻当中,改变自己的是神,改变别人的是神经病!In marriage, what changes oneself is God, and what changes oth...

2022-11-30 #经典句子

人生婚姻感悟句子 都说婚姻是女人的坟墓

人生婚姻感悟句子 都说婚姻是女人的坟墓

...ain will rely on the water, the water will flow, and everyone will change. Marriage is not a woman"s second reincarnation. Don"t give up your ability to live. You are no worse than a man. You should live for yourself at any time. 2. 那个不哄你,不关心你,不沟通,打游戏,除了对...

2022-11-21 #经典句子



...enced to life imprisonment.他因谋杀而受审并被判处终生监禁。Marriage&family life 婚姻和家庭1.Arranged or mercenary marriage and any other acts of interference with the freedom of marriage are forbidden.包办、买卖婚姻和其他任何干涉婚姻自由的行为都是被禁止...

2022-11-28 #经典句子

杜海涛沈梦辰即将结婚?那些关于结婚的英文表达 你知道多少?

杜海涛沈梦辰即将结婚?那些关于结婚的英文表达 你知道多少?

...喜讯,来学习下那些与“结婚”有关的英语表达吧~Before Marriage 结婚前在恋爱期(结婚前),情侣之间会通过“约会”、“确定关系”等方式来增进感情。因此,结婚前谈恋爱的相关表达有很多:1.to ask someone out=to ask someone to go o...

2018-10-12 #经典句子

简短的温柔短句 句句精美 希望你能喜欢

简短的温柔短句 句句精美 希望你能喜欢

...,可以打败一段婚姻。Love can not pay attention to details, but marriage must be careful, consider some small details, can beat a marriage.青春期里的爱情,即使伤感,也会伴随你一生,他会一直在我们的回忆中跳动。Love in adolescence, even if sad, will accompan...

2023-07-20 #经典句子

冷艳又撩人的深情小句子 细节中的柔情 暖在心里

冷艳又撩人的深情小句子 细节中的柔情 暖在心里

...受。即使是海市蜃楼也比空洞的沉默好。There are no unhappy marriages, only unhappy couples. A couple walked into the palace of marriage with a wonderful longing for marriage, but they were disappointed in the end, so they blamed marriage, saying that marriage is the grave of love, bu...

2022-11-12 #经典句子

吴尊纪念与妻子相恋25周年 “周年快乐”英语怎么说?

吴尊纪念与妻子相恋25周年 “周年快乐”英语怎么说?

...ose to someone 向某人求婚get a divorce/divorce someone 离婚shotgun marriage 奉子成婚trial marriage 试婚remarriage 再婚flash/lingtning marriage 闪婚concealing/hidden marriage 隐婚marriage of convenience 形式婚姻结婚的常见说法walk down the aisle 结婚tie the knot 结...

2022-12-05 #经典句子

15句治愈系的晚安情话 晚上一个人慢慢看 治愈伤痕累累的心灵

15句治愈系的晚安情话 晚上一个人慢慢看 治愈伤痕累累的心灵

...不仅要上发条,还得忍受每小时的钟声!Love is attractive, marriage is binding. It is futile to try to escape from both. Love is like a clock, it stops until it is wound; Marriage is like a clock. We must not only wind it up, but also bear the hourly bell!结婚唯一伟大的地方...

2023-11-05 #经典句子

朋友圈虐心的文案句子 字字扎心 让人回味

朋友圈虐心的文案句子 字字扎心 让人回味

...you. 婚姻是不愿付出的人的坟墓,是懂得爱的人的天堂。Marriage is the grave of those who do not want to give, and the heaven of those who know how to love.吵架的时候,先开口的人可能占不了上风,然后闭上嘴的人就被认为是胜利。In a quarrel, the one ...

2022-12-03 #经典句子

关于婚姻的人生哲理 句句在理 值得收藏!

关于婚姻的人生哲理 句句在理 值得收藏!

一,婚姻,过的不是心情,而是心态Marriage is not a mood, but a state of mind二,不信任你的人,再多的解释都是多余People who don"t trust you, no amount of explanation is redundant三,工作和家人没有谁清谁重,互相需要协调体谅No one is clear about wo...

2022-12-18 #经典句子



...ld only be single for a small portion of their life — a period of “pre-marriage.”But by the 17th century, new terms, such as “spinster” and “singlewoman,” emerged.What changed? The numbers of unwed women — or women who simply never married — started to grow.Now terms were n...

2024-01-24 #大杂绘

将这八句话送给不认真努力的自己 句句精辟 字字在理

将这八句话送给不认真努力的自己 句句精辟 字字在理

...是结婚证却证明不了两个人在一起合不合适。In fact, the marriage certificate can only prove that it is illegal for you two to be together, but the marriage certificate cannot prove that it is inappropriate for you two to be together.记住时间能验证一个人的人心,金钱...

2022-12-26 #经典句子

2021最扎心的伤感句子 看痛了心 很多人哭红了眼!

2021最扎心的伤感句子 看痛了心 很多人哭红了眼!

...满足贪婪的受害者。It is not that men are too selfish, but whose marriage should not be the victim of greed.能面对忽冷忽热的人,又该如何应对?How to deal with people who can face hot and cold?无关紧要的人坐拥华贵,身居高位,是值得我们学习的榜样。Ir...

2022-11-29 #经典句子

精辟透彻励志人生感悟句子语录 正能量句句深入人心

精辟透彻励志人生感悟句子语录 正能量句句深入人心

...ssful.3.爱情是艺术,婚姻是技术,离婚是算术。Love is art, marriage is technology, divorce is arithmetic.4.爱情总是比婚姻更神圣,婚姻总是比爱情更实惠。Love is always more sacred than marriage, and marriage is always more affordable than love.5.我不是有意要...

2023-04-29 #经典句子

点燃朋友圈的句子 满腔热血 句句激励人心!

点燃朋友圈的句子 满腔热血 句句激励人心!

...须从婚前亲密关系行为开始,摒弃陋习。In the morbid age of marriage, material desire and flesh desire are the original sin. If marriage wants to return to health, it must start with the intimate relationship before marriage and abandon bad habits.金钱,两个人齐心协力才能...

2023-09-05 #经典句子



...世界上真实存在和惟一可能的幸福。7、Only love can make the marriage become holy, only by the sanctification of love marriage is the true marriage.只有爱情才能使婚姻变得圣洁,只有被爱情圣洁化了的婚姻都才是真正的婚姻。8、Everyone"s life should be gov...

2022-12-22 #经典句子



...中的离婚,用divorce这个词,其英文释义为:dissolution of marriage(婚姻关系的解除)。Divorce即可以做动词,又可以当名词,它还有个形容词形式divorced,这就导致其用法较为多变。作名词使用:get a divorce(固定短语)例:James and A...

2020-11-23 #经典句子

朋友圈高质量的英文说说 句句精湛 好赞多多

朋友圈高质量的英文说说 句句精湛 好赞多多

...ar, with gratitude预祝你们婚后幸福美满I wish you happiness after marriage愿此生有人与你共暮色,问你粥可温May someone share the twilight with you in this life and ask you if your porridge is warm祝你们风雨同舟,万事如意祝君之婚事,胜孟光举案之好,...

2022-12-04 #经典句子

适合你当下情绪的短句文案 扎心又现实 值得分享

适合你当下情绪的短句文案 扎心又现实 值得分享

...tival, what everyone can"t sit still is talking about the children"s labor marriage家中两个27岁的姐姐被催婚大人都说到了这个年龄要求不要太高,有合适的人赶紧结婚吧。The two 27 year old sisters in the family were urged to marry. The adults said that the age requir...

2022-10-20 #经典句子