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英语语法:in front of和in the front of 前面和前部如何区分?

英语语法:in front of和in the front of 前面和前部如何区分?

1.The children sat in the front ofthe bus, and they put their bags in front ofthem.孩子们坐在汽车前面,并且把包放在自己的前边。说明:in front of意为“在……的前面”,其反义词是behind,说明人与物、物与物之间的相对位置,即不在同一范围...

2017-06-28 #经典句子



...find 正确答案:B 有不会的敲评论区小黑板高频短语2:in front of 与 in the front of技巧:里the外不thein front of 强调一个物体在另一个物体外部的前面。(外不the) in the front of 强调一个物体在另一个物体内部的前面。(里the)粗心题...

2009-10-06 #经典句子

Calling the Front Desk:“打电话给酒店前台”用英语怎么说呢?

Calling the Front Desk:“打电话给酒店前台”用英语怎么说呢?

A:Yes, sir. Front desk. How can I help you?是的,先生。(这里是)前台。我可以怎么帮您?B:I"m Amy Duncan in room 2046.I want to know if you have an adapter available,because my wife has to charge her phone.我是2046房间的Amy Duncan。我想知道你们有没有转换器,因为...

2024-01-12 #经典句子

仁爱版英语七年级下册Unit 6 Topic 1重点短语与句子讲解

仁爱版英语七年级下册Unit 6 Topic 1重点短语与句子讲解

.... 给某人写信/写信给某人6. on the second floor 在第二层7. in front of ...在(某物或某场所外部) 的前面如:There is a shop in front of my house .我家的前面有一家商店。in the front of ...在(某物或某场所内部) 的前面如:There is a blackboard in the fron...

2022-12-02 #经典句子



...hould,will,would, can, could,may,might,must,need等。6.in front of与in the front ofin the front of只比 in front of多了一个定冠词“the",但两者的含义却大不相同:in front of通常指一者在另一者前面,两者不存在位置上的包含关系,即一者...

2023-06-09 #经典句子

在这 12 组短语中 有the 还是没 the 区别很大

在这 12 组短语中 有the 还是没 the 区别很大

...11个短语中,有没有定冠词the,其含义区别甚大。一、in front of 和 in the front ofin front of 意为“外部的前面”而 in the front of 是指在一个空间内部的“前部”。例如:There are three trees in front of the classroom. 教室前面有三棵树。The teach...

2009-10-28 #经典句子



...内容哦。来,跟着小雅一起听音跟读哦。Steven: Is this the front desk?史蒂芬:是前台吗?2.Front desk: Yes, sir, What can I do for you?前台:是的,先生,请问有什么需要吗?3.Steven: This is Room 705, The air conditioner in my room doesn"t work.史蒂芬:...

2023-11-19 #经典句子

三观超正的霸气句子 精辟独到 值得收藏!

三观超正的霸气句子 精辟独到 值得收藏!

...色,在父母离异的人面前不谈家庭。Don"t talk about height in front of short people, figure in front of fat people, skin color in front of dark people, family in front of people with divorced parents.11、欣赏不来别人视若珍宝的,就该保持沉默。If you can"t appreciate w...

2022-11-22 #经典句子



...e will make you truly happy and ________(58)(satisfy), so keep that at the front of your mind. 【3】Moreover, fully consider each option. It can be easy ________(59)(let)a particular school become a front-runner early on ________(60) your decision-making process, and it may even become the winning...

2023-07-08 #经典句子

让人放松心情的句子 沙雕有趣 值得一看!

让人放松心情的句子 沙雕有趣 值得一看!

...熟人面前神经病,闺蜜面前女流氓。Girls are little fresh in front of relatives, quiet emperor in front of outsiders, psychosis in front of acquaintances and hooligans in front of girlfriends.(图片和素材源自网络,侵权联删)

2022-11-29 #经典句子

抗击疫情的句子 让我们向那些用生命拯救生命的抗疫战士致敬!

抗击疫情的句子 让我们向那些用生命拯救生命的抗疫战士致敬!

...向那些用生命拯救生命的抗疫战士致敬!The soldiers in the front line against the epidemic, is your sweat to write down your oath. Let"s pay tribute to the anti-epidemic soldiers who saved lives with their lives!抗疫前线的战士们,是你们用行动证明了你们的决心。...

2023-01-19 #经典句子

中考重点句型:There be 句型

中考重点句型:There be 句型

... on the desk.(在)桌上有五个鸡蛋和两个苹果。----- What’s in front of the yard?(在)院子前面有什么?------Thereis a road in front of the yard.(在)院子前面有一条路。3)“What’s (What is) + 地点的介词短语?” 常用There be句型来回答:-----What’s on...

2023-09-19 #经典句子

小学英语作文练习之My Hometown 我的家乡

小学英语作文练习之My Hometown 我的家乡

...over a river.The scenry was as beautiful as a picture.There was a maple in front of my house , and always two old men playing Chinese chess under it.There were lots of flowers and also a dog in the garden. No sooner had I entered than it jumped into my arms.In the yard,there was my daddy’s black b...

2011-01-20 #经典句子

舒缓创伤的绝美文案 治愈情绪 温暖的心

舒缓创伤的绝美文案 治愈情绪 温暖的心

...希望我们的关系,可以变成准静止锋。In addition to the cold front is a warm front, hopefully our relationship can become a quasi-stationary front.就这样与你告别,借万里青山,以之为隔,世世不见。So I bid farewell to you, by wanli Castle peak, separated by it, th...

2015-06-12 #经典句子



...。一般说来,这个短语的最后一个词 是简单介词。如; in front of, because of, instead of等。三、介词的用法(1)介词和它的宾语构成的介宾结构在句中作状语,表语,补语,定语或介词宾语。如:The boys are reading in the classroom.(状语)...

2023-07-08 #经典句子

特别有个性的文案句子 简单又深情 建议收藏

特别有个性的文案句子 简单又深情 建议收藏

...态。It"s just a midnight almost saybye you haven"t lost your manners in front of others.为什么才是有人容不下一个努力保持正常生活的人呢?Why is it that some people can"t tolerate a person who tries to keep a normal life?他从不打扰别人,他在最坏的时候也陪着...

2022-11-26 #经典句子

初中英语 冠词四大考点总结

初中英语 冠词四大考点总结

...船 by the sea 在海边He went to France by sea.He lives by the sea.5. in front of 在(某个范围之外的)前面 in the front of在(某个范围之内的)前面There is a tree in front of the house.There is a blackboard in the front of classroom.冠词比较简单,同学要认真体会...

2010-03-24 #经典句子



...择A选项。7. 设循环队列的存储空间为Q(1:35),初始状态为front=rear=35。现经过一系列入队与退队运算后,Front=15,rear=15,则循环队列的元素个数为( )。A. 15B. 16C. 20D. 0或35【答案】D【解析】在循环队列中,front为队首指针,指向队首...

2016-07-12 #经典句子

很多人都觉得超赞的伤感小短句 懂你心意 懂你的心

很多人都觉得超赞的伤感小短句 懂你心意 懂你的心

...希望我们的关系,可以变成准静止锋。In addition to the cold front is a warm front, hopefully our relationship can become a quasi-stationary front.这世上最累的事情,莫过于眼睁睁看着自己的心碎了,还得自己动手把它粘上。The most tiring thing in the world...

2022-12-17 #经典句子

五年级英语Unit4单词 音标 句型 英汉互译高频考点汇总

五年级英语Unit4单词 音标 句型 英汉互译高频考点汇总

...n(在……上面) under(在……下面) in(在……内)in front of(在……前面) behind(在……后面)next to(在……旁边) between(在……中间)二、物体名词:table(桌子、台子) desk(书桌、办公桌) box(盒子、箱子)door...

2022-11-20 #经典句子