
在这 12 组短语中 有the 还是没 the 区别很大


一、in front of 和 in the front ofin front of 意为外部的前面而 in the front of 是指在一个空间内部的前部

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一、in front of 和 in the front of

in front of 意为“外部的前面”而 in the front of 是指在一个空间内部的“前部”。例如:

There are three trees in front of the classroom. 教室前面有三棵树。

The teacher is in the front of the classroom. 老师在教室里的前面。

二、at table 和 at the table

at table 意思是在桌边吃饭,at the table 在桌边不一定是在吃。

The Lees are at table. 李家正在吃饭。

Mr. Lee is at the table. 李先生在桌子旁边。

三、by day 和 bay the day

by day是指在白天,bay the day 是按天计算之意。

You can only walk safely in the streets by day. 你只能在白天才可以安全上街。

My wages are paid by the day. 我的工资按天计算。

四、take place 和 take the place of


The accident took place in Green Street. 事故发生在格林大街。

Miss Sterlin took the place of Mr. Wang as our headmaster. 斯特林老师取代王老师当我们的校长。

五、in possession of sth. 和 in the possession of sb.


Mr. Smith is in the possession of the garden. 斯密斯先生拥有这座花园。

The garden is in the possession of Mr. Smith. 这座花园为史密斯先生拥有。

六、in sight of 和 in the sight of

in sight of 表示“能看见”而 in the sight of 表示“在……看来”

After six weeks on the sea, we were in sight of land. 在海上漂了六周之后,我们能看到陆地了。

Well, in the sight of me, it is only a waste of money. 哦,在我看来,那只是在瞎花钱。

七、 in place of 和 in the place of

in place of 表示“代替”,常作状语,in the place of 表示在“…… 的地方”,例如:

Try to use this word in place of yes. 请尝试使用这个单词替换yes。

You should try to understand this in the place of them. 你该站在他们的位置理解这件事。

八、in future 和 in the future

in future 意为“从现在往后”,in the future 意为“在未来、将来”

Please come on time in future. 今后请及时来。

I hope I will marry her in the future.我希望将来能和她结婚。

九、in office 和 in the office

in office 意为“在位、执政”, in the office 意为“在办公室里”

He was still in office at the age of 70. 他在七十岁时尚在执政。

He was in the office till 9 pm. 他直到晚上九点还在办公室。

十、in class 和 in the class


Don"t talk in class. 上课时不要说话。

She is in the class upstairs. 她在楼上那个班里。

十一、in store 和 in the store

in store 意为“有存货”而 in the store 意为“在仓库里、在商店里”,如:

There is plenty of food in store before the war. 在战前,大量粮食被储存。

There is plenty of food in the store. 那个仓库里存有大量粮食。

十二、in charge of 和 in the charge of


He is in charge of the factory. 他掌管这个工厂。

This factory is in the charge of him. 这家工厂在他的掌管之下。

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