第一句子大全 > 标签 > Dawn



2024-01-08 #经典句子



...道的表达——虚幻的希望, 这个短语的英文表达是:false dawn 虚幻的希望The increase in sales at the end of the year proved to be a false dawn. 年底销售的增长结果证明只不过是虚幻的希望。Barb thought her marriage was beginning to improve when her husband ca...

2008-02-12 #经典句子



...3:头发 was 像青丝(朝)。The hair was (like black silk) (in the dawn). 零件 4:头发变成雪(暮)。The hair became snow (in the dusk). 【最终答案】 第一重天:Don’t you see (people feel sad) (about the gray hair) (in the mirror)(in the hall), (because the hair was) (...

2023-06-27 #经典句子



...昏【用法】at dusk 在黄昏时刻in the dusk 在暮色中【拓展】dawn n. 黎明at dawn 在黎明时分from dawn till dusk 从早到晚【例句】He works from dawn till dusk. 他从早工作到晚。dust n. 灰尘 v. 除去灰尘;清扫垃圾【拓展】dusty adj. 满是灰尘的;土灰色...

2016-11-16 #经典句子

富有个性的伤感短句 简短而高级 句句虐心!

富有个性的伤感短句 简短而高级 句句虐心!

...!谈谈吧!愿能携手伴曙光;不愿两伤对烈阳!Before the dawn, we all long for the dawn;But also afraid of being hurt by the sun!Talk about it!May hand in hand with dawn;Do not want two injuries to the sun!我多想在我还能想起你的日子里,告诉你我多爱你。I wish I...

2022-11-18 #经典句子

每日三句经典英语 - 没有细流 何成大海

每日三句经典英语 - 没有细流 何成大海

The darkest hour is that before the dawn.中文: 黎明前是最黑暗的。小编:常说黎明前的黑暗,也就是曙光就要出现,挺过最艰难的时刻,胜利就属于你!dawn(n.)黎明。What is any ocean but a multitude of drops?中文: 没有细流 何成大海? 小编:这...

2020-01-07 #经典句子



...h end of the evening, they spread their wings to fly to the gray and black dawn.清晨的曙光败给了琐碎的喧嚣,太阳徐徐升起,满是温柔。The dawn of the morning lost to the trivial noise, the sun slowly rose, full of tenderness.宇宙喝了酒,醉在了繁星的点点温柔里...

2023-06-26 #经典句子



...美情话吧,还有中英文对照哦。1. My night has become a sunny dawn because of you.因为你,我的夜晚变成了阳光明媚的黎明2. You are my sunny dawn.你是我的黎明。3. You make me want to be a better man.你让我想成为一个更好的人。4. I need you like a heart ne...

2023-09-04 #经典句子



...补习班:用适当的介词填空(一)1、The accident happened_____dawn(拂晓)。2、Tom was very happy_____his birthday morning.3、Prisoners of war began to build this bridge_____May 5th,1942.4、People are very busy_____Easter Week.5、The children enjoyed themselves_____the holida...

2013-10-13 #经典句子

热爱生活的干净句子 简单精致 值得被收藏起来

热爱生活的干净句子 简单精致 值得被收藏起来

...I always say to myself that if I hold on for a long time, I will see the dawn before dawn.5、要努力啊,为了想要的生活,为了要守护的人。To work hard, for the life you want, for the people who want to protect.6、生活应该是美好有盼头的,希望你也是。Life should b...

2022-12-17 #经典句子

短句个签‖只要世界有光 温柔就还存在

短句个签‖只要世界有光 温柔就还存在

...一切都会变好,黎明过后就破晓。Everything will be better and dawn will break after dawn.与梦想等价交易,与善良并肩同行。Trade with dream, walk with kindness.暧昧上头的那几秒,像极了爱情。Those ambiguous seconds are like love.让故事圆满的办法,就...

2012-10-19 #经典句子

治愈系干净句子 阳光向上 句句暖人心!

治愈系干净句子 阳光向上 句句暖人心!

...黎明都不知道,你究竟是否爱着月亮。But I didn"t know until dawn whether you love the moon or not.人生是匆忙的,不要错过落日和落日。Life is in a hurry. Don"t miss the sunset and the sunset.光线在云层中,穿过缭绕的云雾,让光线散发出来。Light in t...

2022-12-20 #经典句子

越看越中意的心情短句 甜蜜暖心 人气超高

越看越中意的心情短句 甜蜜暖心 人气超高

...;That freedom is a valuable value;在黎明时使我看到曙光To see the dawn at dawn生命中最早的青春The earliest youth in life你对我发火。You"re angry with me.就是你的阳光,照耀着我It"s your sunshine, shining on me但是继续保持冷静。But keep calm.失败令人羞愧F...

2023-06-17 #经典句子

12句鼓舞人心的小句子 句句积极向上!

12句鼓舞人心的小句子 句句积极向上!

...黑,你要悄悄努力,惊艳所有人!There is always a time before dawn when it is very dark. You have to work quietly and amaze everyone!5、努力一点,为了将来走更好的路,见更好的人。Work hard, in order to go a better way in the future, meet better people.6、如果没...

2022-12-27 #经典句子

那些超级文艺的句子 精致有韵味 适合做个签

那些超级文艺的句子 精致有韵味 适合做个签

...the distance alone from the mist, but you listen at the corner, follow the dawn in the heaven and earth, you say life is too emotional那些被风吹散的晨曦落在人山人海的浮萍可曾生出柔软的云-一见宛如微笑的你The morning light scattered by the wind, the duckweed falling o...

2023-01-31 #经典句子

丧系句子:你那么成熟懂事 应该没什么人疼吧!

丧系句子:你那么成熟懂事 应该没什么人疼吧!

...大后更害怕天亮,因为一醒来就是生活。I was afraid of the dawn when I was young, because I woke up to go to school. When I grow up, I am more afraid of dawn, because I wake up and live.10、人在无端微笑时,不是百无聊赖,就是痛苦难当。When people smile for no rea...

2023-01-02 #经典句子

暖心文案“你是远方星球的引力 所以我潮汐不止”

暖心文案“你是远方星球的引力 所以我潮汐不止”

...n you are tired, you can"t see the light, I will accompany you to wait for dawn""如果穿小皮鞋磨脚,你可以穿小熊袜子坐在板凳上,吹着晚风,我陪你聊天,你是公主,也是我的女孩""If you wear small shoes to polish your feet, you can wear bear socks and sit on th...

2015-08-17 #经典句子

充满希望的句子‖错过了落日余晖 还会有满天星辰

充满希望的句子‖错过了落日余晖 还会有满天星辰

...朵总有一朵为你绽放。There is always a flower blooming for you at dawn.“我们DNA里的氮元素,我们牙齿里的钙元素,我们血液里的铁元素,还有我们吃掉东西里的碳元素,都是曾经大爆炸时千万星辰散落后组成的,所以我们每个人都是星...

2022-11-24 #经典句子

适合早上发朋友圈的句子 早安励志句子 加油!

适合早上发朋友圈的句子 早安励志句子 加油!

...,打开人生的窗,你会发现,曙光仍在,早安!Not every dawn will have sunshine, not every hesitation will have sorrow, not every fragrance will have fragrance, open the window of life, you will find that the dawn is still there, good morning!真正的努力不是做给别人看,...

2022-11-26 #经典句子

干净高级的励志句子|如果痛恨所处的黑暗 请你成为你想要的光

干净高级的励志句子|如果痛恨所处的黑暗 请你成为你想要的光

...ng is not terrible. Stand up and pat the dust and still smile, because the dawn is ahead.所谓耐心,就是你要像拓荒者一样,就算面前一片荒芜,你也期待着这里人山人海的那一天。The so-called patience means that you should be like a pioneer. Even if there is desolat...

2022-12-01 #经典句子