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小学英语Unit 6《In a nature park》优质教案

小学英语Unit 6《In a nature park》优质教案

...让学生运用本单元重点句型来讨论:Is there a ...in the nature park? Are there any...in the nature park.⑵ Let’s check: There is a / an...in the nature park.There are... in the nature park.⑶ 根据呈现的照片教学:koala,并介绍考拉的情况。Story time.⑴导入故事接上...

2023-12-05 #经典句子

总投资120亿!三马将新增一个RDC PARK国际文化创意产业园

总投资120亿!三马将新增一个RDC PARK国际文化创意产业园

...前,云岩区与深圳市容德文化传媒集团有限公司签约RDC PARK国际文化创意产业园项目,总投资额约120亿元。据悉,DC PARK国际文化创意产业园项目位于云岩区三马片区数博大道与马王路交叉口西南侧,项目初步规划建设无边界艺术...

2020-02-01 #经典句子

19 英语语法·句型篇——定语从句(2)

19 英语语法·句型篇——定语从句(2)

...以及定语从句和同位语从句的区别。句1:we want go to the park. 句2:Many women are dancing in the park. (该句in the park 指地点,与上句park是同一个对象)以上两个句子合并之后,去掉定语从句中与从句修饰的名词相同的部分,再加关系词...

2023-08-01 #经典句子

6年级英语酷听 基础训练2

6年级英语酷听 基础训练2

...答句。A. I usually go shopping on Sunday.B. We don"t want to go to the park.C. They will go swimming together.D. We always help each other.5. [35] 根据你所听到的句子,选出最恰当的应答句。A. He is visiting the Ocean Park.B. He has been to the Ocean Park.C. He went to the Ocean Pa...

2023-05-03 #经典句子



...。Father: And green trees.爸爸:还有绿树。Mother: Oh, I like this park.妈妈:噢,我喜欢这个公园。Father: Yeah, this park is beautiful.爸爸:是啊,这个公园真漂亮。Mother: Look at that fountain.妈妈:看那处喷泉。Father: Let`s go there.爸爸:让我们过...

2023-08-12 #经典句子



...1.It is / was + 被强调部分 + that/who + 其他成分I met him in the park this morning.→It was I who / that met him in the park this morning.(强调主语)→It was him that I met in the park this morning.(强调宾语)It was in the park that I met him this morning.(强调地点状语...

2023-10-13 #经典句子

“博物馆”用英语怎么说?90个最常用城镇类英语单词总结 收藏

“博物馆”用英语怎么说?90个最常用城镇类英语单词总结 收藏

...op n. 公交汽车站cafe [kfe] n.咖啡馆 capital [kptl] n. 首都car park n. 停车场castle [kɑsl] n.城堡cathedral [kθidrl] n. 大教堂church [tt] n.教堂citizen [stzn] n.公民city [sti] n. 城市crosswalk [krswk] n.人行横道crowd [krad] n.人群directions [d"rek()nz] n.指...

2019-01-18 #经典句子



...一下一般过去时的用法:be动词:1、肯定句:She was in the park yesterday.2、否定句:She wasn’t in the park yesterday.3、一般疑问句:Was she in the park yesterday?4、特殊疑问句:When was she in the park?;行为动词:1、肯定句:He went to the cinema last...

2022-11-16 #经典句子

五年级上册英语第四 五 六单元知识点总结

五年级上册英语第四 五 六单元知识点总结

...behind my computer.23. 我住在自然公园附近。I live nearthe nature park.24. 请帮助我。Please help me.25.你能帮助我吗?Can you help me?26. 让我帮帮你。Let me help you.27.多么漂亮的一张照片啊!What a nice photo!28.在这个房间里有什么?在床旁边有一张...

2022-11-24 #经典句子

Linux浏览文件命令:cat less more详解!

Linux浏览文件命令:cat less more详解!

...sh to make an important client meeting. Google was growing so quickly that parking was an ongoing problem, and the only spot I could find was quite far away. I sprinted across the parking lot, which in reality meant lumbering a bit more quickly than my absurdly slow pregnancy crawl. This only made m...

2017-03-07 #经典句子



...现在时态:don’t(doesn’t) +动词原形肯定句:I go to the park every morning.我每天早晨去公园。I为第一人称,所以我们在动调前+don’t否定句:I don’t go to the park every morning.我不是每天早晨去公园。肯定句:He likes monkeys. .他喜欢猴子...

2023-07-10 #经典句子



...游泳。Mummy likes jogging, she often does morning jogging at Dandfeng Park.妈妈喜欢慢跑,她常常去丹枫公园晨跑。My grandparents like shadowboxing and they usually get up early every day to practice shadowboxing at Dandfeng Park.我的姥爷姥姥喜欢太极拳,他们每天都...

2023-09-30 #经典句子



...y Street(正确)The school is at Bay Street (错误)They live at 10 Park Road (正确)They live in 10 Park Road (错误)The museum is in the city (正确)The museum is on the city (错误)不知道大家的选择是怎样,反正小编错误率非常高。这些介词是我们口语或...

2023-05-29 #经典句子

西湖美景四月天 最美西湖中英文介绍

西湖美景四月天 最美西湖中英文介绍

...西湖新面貌展现于世人面前。PROFILE OF THE WEST LAKE NATIONAL PARKThe West Lake National Park in Hangzhou is a harmonious blend of the natural beauty in the elegant and graceful lake and hills, profound and splendid cultural relics and historic sites, and brilliant culture and arts. As th...

2009-01-18 #经典句子



...车去上班I get to work a little bit early我上班会提早点到达I parked my car in a parking lot我把车停在停车场(parking lot)

2009-05-23 #经典句子



...hair and h________ his finger.(二)仿照例子写句子例:a forest park—Where did you go?—I went to a forest park. go swimming—What did you do?—I went swimming. 1. the nature park______________________________________2. the library _____________________________________________3.go b...

2023-06-18 #经典句子



...这路车去公园对吗?乙:不,你要坐3路车。A: Am I right for the park? / Am I on the right bus to the park?/ Is this the right bus for the park?B: No You want a 3 instead.A-2甲:我乘这车能到机场吗?乙:不,你乘错了。 A: Will this bus take me to the airport?/ Can I get to the a...

2009-09-14 #经典句子



...将于同一天晚上8时在金娜英的YouTube频道现场进行。John Park将于29日携新歌《原地》回归舞台歌手John Park携新歌《原地》回归。"感性抒情歌手"John Park将于29日发行单曲《原地》。 《原地》是适合秋天节奏的R&B曲目,讲述了爱情尽...

2024-01-01 #经典句子

分分钟搞定“宾语从句”——战“疫”时期 知识不缺席

分分钟搞定“宾语从句”——战“疫”时期 知识不缺席

...ayd. Which is the way to... Can you tell me which is the way to the park? 七、宾语从句的时态注意一个应试点:1.连接词+主谓结构=连接词+to do 2.自然现象和永恒不变的真理永远用一般现在时 [试题汇编]1. Are there aliens in space? Could you tell me?...

2023-11-16 #经典句子



...断下面的句子,给出合理的解释哦I to see an old tree in the park.I seeingan old tree in the park.I seenan old tree in the park.很明显,这三个句子都是错的。为什么呢?因为,to see 是不定式;seeing 是ing形式,seen是过去分词。see的过去式是saw,...

2023-09-07 #经典句子