第一句子大全 > 标签 > Thirty


...y- five26 twenty- six 27 twenty- seven 28 twenty- eight 29 twenty- nine 30 thirty31 thirty- one 32 thirty- two 33 thirty- three 34 thirty- four 35 thirty- five36 thirty- six 37 thirty- seven 38 thirty- eight 39 thirty- nine 40 forty41 forty- one 42 forty- two 43 forty- three 44 forty- four 45 forty-...

2010-12-01 #经典句子

《三十而已》火爆刷屏!英文名为何是 Nothing But Thirty?

《三十而已》火爆刷屏!英文名为何是 Nothing But Thirty?

...?根据官方给的说法,《三十而已》的英译名为Nothing But Thirtynothing but在英语里是个常见词组,用于名词、不带 to 的不定式或动名词之前,表示:只有,仅仅,除了...什么也不那么 nothing but thirty 就可以理解为:仅仅三十岁、只...

2023-10-22 #经典句子

二十不惑三十而已很火的句子 气质满分 百读不厌!

二十不惑三十而已很火的句子 气质满分 百读不厌!

...不管什么年龄,崩溃起来都是无言的。Twenty is not confused, thirty is only, no matter what age, collapse is speechless.2.二十不惑,三十而已,而我卡在中间,困惑不已。Twenty is not confused, thirty is only, and I stuck in the middle, confused.3.二十不惑,是...

2023-01-22 #经典句子

英语中基数词与序数词的区别和用法 原来这么好记

英语中基数词与序数词的区别和用法 原来这么好记

... eighteen 、nineteen( 3 )、 从20–99 : 整十数中除 twenty (20),thirty (30), forty (40),fifty (50),eighty (80)为特殊形式外,sixty (60),seventy (70),ninety (90) 都是其个位数形式后添加后缀-ty构成。表示几十几时,在几十和个位基数词形式之间添...

2012-03-29 #经典句子

三十而已经典扎心句子 句句有道理 说到心坎里!

三十而已经典扎心句子 句句有道理 说到心坎里!

...。It is not our body nor our spirit that first perceives the arrival of thirty, but matter.2.三十岁的我想说,一无所有,过得一塌糊涂。Thirty years old, I want to say, nothing, a mess.3.比起情感的不安,物质的困顿,才时时刻刻勒着你的脖子。Than emotional un...

2023-06-14 #经典句子




2016-01-17 #经典句子



... than 1 trillion dollars to boost the economy.Three trillion three hundred thirty three billion three hundred thirty three million three hundred thirty three thousand three hundred thirty three: 3,333,333,333,333[Example] This total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of this country reached 3.333 trilli...

2019-09-06 #经典句子

Emma英语- 不要再念错数字啦 STOP saying numbers wrong

Emma英语- 不要再念错数字啦 STOP saying numbers wrong

...自然的英语数字发音。Cardinal numbers, one, two, three, fifteen, thirty-seven.And ordinal numbers, first, second, third, etcetera. So get your tongue ready for a workout, we"re going to the gym!基数词,比如说一、二、三、十五、三十七。还有序数词,第一、第二、...

2008-01-01 #经典句子

中高考英语中几个数字的高级表达法 分数和年月日及时间的表达

中高考英语中几个数字的高级表达法 分数和年月日及时间的表达

...ty –one.2.8:56 读作four to nine 或eight fifty-six.3.8:30 读作eight-thirty 或 half past eight.4.在表达时刻时,如果在30分钟内,可用past 和after,如9:25 作 twenty –five past nine 或twenty-five after nine.如果超过30分钟,则用to ,如9:55读作 five to ten...

2017-04-12 #经典句子

十万用英语怎么说 超实用的基础英语数字读法

十万用英语怎么说 超实用的基础英语数字读法

...n(美国读法),以此类推。例如:31,234,567,890读成:thirty-one billion,two hundred and thirty-four million,five hundred and sixty seven thousand,eight hundred and ninety。这里便于大家理解,我们先分别从五位数起的多位数字进行单独讲解,然后...

2017-03-08 #经典句子

盘点英语口语最魔性的10个国家 中国排第几?

盘点英语口语最魔性的10个国家 中国排第几?

...)读成重音在前的“顿儿克”、Three(数字3)读成“杜瑞”、Thirty(数字30)读成“得尔提”等。Top3 印度有人说,天不怕,地不怕,就怕印度人说英国话。想要听懂印度人说英语,没两把刷子还真不行。“印式英语”(Hinglish)是印度人...

2007-01-18 #经典句子



...部分找出的一个句子。强调句的实践英语原句:it was only thirty years ago that the building industry felt confident enough to erect office blocks of steel and reinforced concrete that had more than a dozen floors.句子知识点小积累:building industry:建筑行业;erect...

2023-08-15 #经典句子

感叹句 还学不会吗?其实真的很简单!

感叹句 还学不会吗?其实真的很简单!

...eld on August 5.—_________ exciting news for the long summer vacation!A. thirty-one; How a B. thirty-first; What C. thirty-first; What an D. thirty-one; How【解析】【分析】句意:——第三十一届巴西奥运会将在8月5日举行。——对于漫长的暑假...

2023-01-11 #经典句子



...en 15 sixteen 16 seventeen 17 eighteen 18nineteen 19 twenty 20 thirty 30 forty 40fifty 50 sixty 60 seventy 70 eighty80ninety 90 hundred 百 thousand 千 million 百万序数词:first 第一 second 第二 third 第三 fourth 第四fifth 第五 ...

2023-06-08 #经典句子

“一定 二变 三去掉”秒杀特殊疑问句(附答案)

“一定 二变 三去掉”秒杀特殊疑问句(附答案)

...ams.The mountain is about 1200 kilometres high.The beautiful town is about thirty-three square kilometers.There are nine tigers in the zoo.Her new T-shirt is 120 yuan.I’m thirty-one years old.My new computer costs 3,000 yuan.There are forty-three students in my class.There is a little milk in the ...

2022-11-20 #经典句子

中国总人口14.1178亿 这个数字用英文怎么说?

中国总人口14.1178亿 这个数字用英文怎么说?

...文数字在翻译成英文数字时,后面多加一个零。3万=30 千=thirty thousand35万=350 千=three hundred and fifty thousand98万=980 千=nine hundred and eighty thousand到了百万,单位统一,比如五百万,五就是five,百万就是million,five million。到了千万,...

2008-02-22 #经典句子



...enteen minus four is /equals /makes thirteen .c.7x5=35Seven times five is thirty -five.d.9÷3=3Nine divided by three is three(六)百分比表达法,通常基数词+percenta. 2% two percentb.2.5% two point five percentc.80% eighty percent(七)小数表达法a,34.16 thirty-four poin...

2008-04-09 #经典句子



...作常具有反复性,故下面一句是错的:Have you seen the six thirty`s news program?应改为:Did you see the six thirty`s news program?

2024-02-03 #大杂绘

四年级英语单词 反义词 英汉互译 重点句型高频考点 赶快收藏

四年级英语单词 反义词 英汉互译 重点句型高频考点 赶快收藏

...n(十七) eighteen(十八)nineteen(十九) twenty(二十)thirty(三十) forty(四十)fifty(五十) sixty(六十)seventy(七十) eighty(八十)ninety(九十) hundred(百)2、其他词汇:shopping(购物) how much(多少钱)train(火...

2023-07-20 #经典句子



...同位语。如:How many boys are there in your cIass ? There are thirty-five.(数词thirty-five当宾语)5.形容词, adj.(Adjective),用以修饰说明名词或代词,表示人或事物的特征。 如:red(红色),great(伟大的),honest(诚实的),difficult(困难的)...

2023-09-29 #经典句子