第一句子大全 > 标签 > idioms
「IDIOM」“没有可比性 好吧”用英文怎么说?

「IDIOM」“没有可比性 好吧”用英文怎么说?

Hi大家好,欢迎来到MIA的习语课堂。生活工作中呀,总有些人拿着两个完全没有可比性的事在纠结,没有可比性你还纠结啥?今天MIA就跟大家分享这句话的英文说法。To Compare Apples and(with) Oranges【含义】英英释义:used to say that two...

2014-05-13 #经典句子

Idiom Workshop:英语词组全书

Idiom Workshop:英语词组全书

Hillary Clinton"s visit seems to have averted or at least delayed the situation on the penninsula coming to a head.你知道这里的come to a head是什么意思吗?还有come to a dead end?come to a standstill?明明每个单词都认识,但就是不敢确定词组的意思对不对?!不...

2017-08-14 #经典句子

中文谚语的奇葩翻译 How to say these Chinese idioms in English?

中文谚语的奇葩翻译 How to say these Chinese idioms in English?

中文有成语和俗语英文有谚语当中文的成语和俗语被翻译成英文时会擦出怎样的火花呢?What happens when Chinese idioms are translated into English?01有些中国成语有现成的英文谚语来对应There are some Chinese idioms similar to the ready-made English prove...

2016-08-21 #经典句子

雅思口语中习语的运用 How to use idioms in IELTS Speaking

雅思口语中习语的运用 How to use idioms in IELTS Speaking

So, I"d like to talk to you about idioms and IELTS. There is a common question that students ask me and that"s: Should I use a lot of idioms in my IELTS speaking test?我想跟大家谈一下习语和雅思考试。学生经常问我同一个问题,那就是:在我的雅思口语考试中,我...

2016-09-09 #经典句子

Emma英语-25 跟 WRAP 有关的短语和习语Phrasal Verbs & Idioms

Emma英语-25 跟 WRAP 有关的短语和习语Phrasal Verbs & Idioms

Hello! I"m Emma from mmmEnglish! Since it"s very close to Christmas and I"m wrapping lots of presents, this lesson is going to be full of expressions using the word, "wrap".嗨!我是 Emma 来自 mmmEnglish!因为马上就是圣诞节了,所以我打包了很多礼物,本节课就来讲讲...

2017-07-10 #经典句子

五个和“改变”有关的习语 5 English idioms about CHANGE

五个和“改变”有关的习语 5 English idioms about CHANGE

Hello, I"m Emma from mmmEnglish!In this lesson, I"ll go over five common idioms that sound very similar, their meaning is also very similar.大家好,我是Emma,欢迎来到Emma的美味英语!在本节课程中,我们将会学习五个常用的习语,它们听起来非常相似,意思...

2023-09-15 #经典句子

居家办公 实用超赞习语Awesome IDIOMS for Daily Conversation

居家办公 实用超赞习语Awesome IDIOMS for Daily Conversation

Well hey there I"m Emma from mmmEnglish! Today I"ve got some very common English expressions and idioms to help you talk about working from home, something that many of us have been getting used to lately, right?大家好,我是 Emma,欢迎来到 Emma 的美味英语频道!今天我要分享...

2023-10-17 #经典句子