第一句子大全 > 标签 > half
每日一句英译英:Glass half full(乐观心态)

每日一句英译英:Glass half full(乐观心态)

每日一句英译英:Glass half full(乐观心态)有半杯水,你觉得它是half full,还是half empty?Nope! 还有一个:Glass half full1) Examples for Glass half full英语体验1. We all know that those "glass is half-full’ people always live a more fulfilling life (Aha,big word=a ha...

2023-09-04 #经典句子

表达另一半还在用 wife 或 husbund 吗?快来学习一个新的短语

表达另一半还在用 wife 或 husbund 吗?快来学习一个新的短语

...正式用语。用比较通俗的英语表达”另一半“就是 other half;当表示是谁的另一半时,用 one"s other half,特别是在没有特定的指明下,一般情况下用来表示妻子或丈夫;意为“另一半,那口子,老伴”等,例如:Next time I come to thi...

2016-09-26 #经典句子

把英语Well begun  half done理解成英语

把英语Well begun half done理解成英语

D5: Well begun is half done是什么意思?把英语Well begun, half done理解成英语把英语Well begun half done“说”成中文(口语)“良好的开端是成功的一半”大家都会。但是,要你把它的英语意思“说成”英语口语,你可以做到吗?不过,在我...

2009-08-15 #经典句子



...达——半斤八两, 这个短语的英语表达是:six of one and half a dozen of the other 半斤八两;不相上下 "Shall we give her chocolates or flowers?"“我们应该送她巧克力还是花?”"I don"t know, it"s six of one and half a dozen of the other."“不知道,都差...

2023-10-21 #经典句子



...rn English. 她六岁时开始学习英语。6. “半”的表达一半:half a/an + 名词或 a half 或 one and a half + 名词,例如:An/one hour and a half 或 one and a half hours 一个半小时7.车路、车次、航班次、房间号、楼层、页数等的表示法。12 路车 bus 12/...

2023-08-23 #经典句子

网易云超火的句子|我知道自己不适合做好人 更不适合做好事

网易云超火的句子|我知道自己不适合做好人 更不适合做好事

..., ask yourself, who dare say is willing. I think time will answer us.Think half a year has passed, winter half a year, spring half a year.偶尔会觉得这个季节应该有雪,但阳光还是会出来还是会感到欣喜。Think half a year has passed,winter half a year,spring half a year.Occas...

2022-12-15 #经典句子

七月高质量的早安句子 简短励志 发朋友圈超赞!

七月高质量的早安句子 简短励志 发朋友圈超赞!

...es, there is a new tomorrow, so we always have new hope. Hello, the second half of 2020.请保持那一份热情,奔赴下一趟山海。七月,你好。Please keep that enthusiasm and go to the next mountain and sea. Hello, July.就算没有天分,只要你愿意每天花一点时间,做同...

2023-07-05 #经典句子

句子不长 但句句入心

句子不长 但句句入心

...he persistence is easy.四、半身风雨半身伤,半句别恨半心凉.Half wind and rain half injury, half don"t hate half heart cool.五、秒回不是巧合,而是我一直都在等你,直到等到你那一天。Seconds back is not a coincidence, but I have been waiting for you, until you...

2023-07-18 #经典句子

阳光治愈系的句子 精致唯美 让心灵充满阳光!

阳光治愈系的句子 精致唯美 让心灵充满阳光!

...半星辰大海,一半诗和远方一半人间烟火。Interesting life, half fuel, half the sea, half the stars, half poetry and far away half human fireworks.不管天气怎样,给自己的世界一片晴朗;不管季节变换,让自己的内心鸟语花香。No matter what the weather is ...

2022-10-21 #经典句子

一些很温柔又浪漫的句子|我爱你 其实比你想的要多得多

一些很温柔又浪漫的句子|我爱你 其实比你想的要多得多

...,四个字概括起来就是,没有意义。怀念比过程更长久。Half wind, half rain, half hurt, half hate half coldI don"t mind your past, I care that you have n" t.Once in front of everyone to show off you, but now hide everyone to continue to love you.The story is not long, but it is d...

2022-12-02 #经典句子



...farthest of all?谁跳得最远?14.我想买半公斤肉。I want to buy half kilo of meat. 错误I want to buy a half kilo of meat.正确I want to buy half a kilo of meat.正确半公斤”习惯上应说half a kilo但也可以说 a half kilo,half和名词连用时,一般结构为half+the/a...

2023-05-28 #经典句子



... 3600Three-four. Three-six.Three-eight.4000 45004000 guineas. Four and a half thousand.Five thousand.And a half.Six thousand.And a half.Seven thousand.And a half.Eight thousand.And a half.Nine thousand.And a half.10000 guineas is bid.And a half.Eleven thousand.And a half.意下如何 先生 已...

2017-06-27 #经典句子

适合春分节气发朋友圈的句子 唯春色与你 不可孤独!

适合春分节气发朋友圈的句子 唯春色与你 不可孤独!

...分为二,一半在远方,一半在行囊。Spring is divided in two, half in the distance and half in the bag.三月的天殷勤的过分,亲手为春天梳起了中分。March"s days were too earnest, and I combed the middle points for spring.经不起等待的,除了爱情还有春天的...

2023-07-16 #经典句子

孤独的夜里是否有瞬间让你清醒的文案 深意走心短句

孤独的夜里是否有瞬间让你清醒的文案 深意走心短句

...半心凉。World affairs a big dream, life a few degrees heart cool; Half wind and rain half injury, half sentence don"t hate half cool heart.7、心事人人都有,但却不能人人都说。Everything is on everyone"s mind, but not everyone can say it.8、没有把握的事情就不要弄...

2023-07-23 #经典句子

超级深情的短句 思念如酒 灼人心弦

超级深情的短句 思念如酒 灼人心弦

...生是一对夫妻,一半醉,一半醒,一半飘。Life is a couple, half drunk, half awake, half floating.世事无常,你还是我,你还是我。Things change. You"re still me. You"re still me.年轻人心里要有长草,长莺和你。Young people should have long grass, long warbler...

2023-01-06 #经典句子

迎接七月的短句子 精致大方 发朋友圈超赞!

迎接七月的短句子 精致大方 发朋友圈超赞!

...的过去一半了,打包一下六月,开始迎接美好的下半年。Half of the year has really passed. Pack up June and begin to welcome the beautiful second half of the year.每一个善良的人,都值得被偏爱,六月再见,让我们充满希望地去迎接七月。Every kind-hear...

2023-06-10 #经典句子

写给八月的优美句子 清新脱俗 看了又看!

写给八月的优美句子 清新脱俗 看了又看!

...晴一半雨。八月的心情,一半忧一半喜。The sky in August is half sunny and half rainy. The mood in August is half sad and half happy.3、恍惚中,时光停滞,岁月静好。宛如十年前。八月你好!Trance, time stagnation, time is quiet. Just like ten years ago. Hello Au...

2022-12-03 #经典句子

倍数表达法 主谓一致 as有关句型 宾语从句

倍数表达法 主谓一致 as有关句型 宾语从句

...个房间的三分之一大。注意:(1)倍数表达方法:一半half, 一倍once,两倍twice, 三倍及以上”数词 + 倍数”,three times,four times…(2)分数表达法:基数词 + 序数词,当基数词大于与1时,序数词要使用复数;2.Half + as + 形容词 + a...

2023-06-18 #经典句子

英语中最重要的时态 拉开差距就从这开始!

英语中最重要的时态 拉开差距就从这开始!

...来举例说明!例:火车离开半小时了.误:The train has left for half an hour.这是最常常见的错误!那正确的表达可以是以下几种!正:The train has been away for half an hour.正:The train left half an hour ago.(一般过去时)正:It has been half an hour since the trai...

2011-02-24 #经典句子

关于异地恋的高级文案 句句暖心 干净简短!

关于异地恋的高级文案 句句暖心 干净简短!

...,别说半个中国,半个世界也挡不住我爱你。Not to mention half China, half the world can"t stop me from loving you二,喜欢你之后 手机多了一个城市的天气信息。After liking you, my mobile phone has more weather information of a city三,我不是离不开手机 ...

2023-01-11 #经典句子