第一句子大全 > 标签 > glad
为什么be glad about后面不能跟从句?

为什么be glad about后面不能跟从句?

...道题目:Which of the following is NOT correct?A.My parents were indeed glad about that I had won the first prize.B.The apartment on the seventh floor of the building faces east.C.Our science teacher is going to show us how the Moon orbits the Earth.D.Reading after the tape every day is my way to...

2023-07-15 #经典句子



...非就是动词的搭配或名词的说明罢了。比如上图,I’m as glad with my progress in drawing as with that of my students in English and French. 这个句子,先找基本结构,是我对我的进步感到高兴,即 I’m glad with my progress. 然后 in drawing 说的是我的 pr...

2022-12-19 #经典句子

「场景英文」初次见面 这6种英语问候语很实用!

「场景英文」初次见面 这6种英语问候语很实用!

...s the best year we’ve had for a long time.Mr. Bell: Oh, very good. I’m glad to hear that.Miss Li : Have you met Mr. Liu, our managing director?Mr. Bell: No, I haven’t. I’d be glad to meet him.(Miss Li found Mr. Liu)Miss Li : Mr. Liu, I’d like to introduce you to Mr. Roger Bell.Mr. Liu: Oh,...

2023-12-02 #经典句子

jazz chants:爵士乐与 英语节奏语调

jazz chants:爵士乐与 英语节奏语调

...s been a long time.How"ve you been?Just fine. It"s been a long time.I"m so glad you"re back,Jack.So am I!I"m so glad you"re back, Jack. So am I!I"m so glad you"re back, I"m so glad you"re back, I"m so glad you"re back, Jack.So am I!那么,Jazz Chants到底是什么?Jazz chants 爵士律动...

2013-12-17 #经典句子

看电影学英语:初次见面 除了nice to meet you还可以这样说

看电影学英语:初次见面 除了nice to meet you还可以这样说

...e is all mine. 意思是“不,议员先生,是我的荣幸。”2. So glad to finally meet you.这句话完整的说法应该是:It"s so glad to finally meet you,意思是“很开心终于见到了你”。这句话跟nice to meet you以及上面讲到的it"s a pleasure to make your acquai...

2023-12-18 #经典句子

要写出正确的英语句子 就要懂英语思维 并非英文语序都是一样的

要写出正确的英语句子 就要懂英语思维 并非英文语序都是一样的

... 我 喝 果汁。I drink juice.2 我 喝 果汁 开心地。I drink juice gladly.3 我 喝 果汁 开心地 在这个店里。I drink juice gladly in the shop.4 我 喝 果汁 开心地 在这个店里 现在。I drink juice gladly in the shop now.这个就是基本语序。当然上面都是一般...

2023-04-29 #经典句子



...兴奋。动词不定式表示原因,作原因状语。类似还有I’m glad to see you. 见到你很高兴。I’d be glad to help. 我很愿意帮助你。I’d是I would的缩写,表示愿望,意愿,喜欢等。What? Restroom? You want to rest? But we haven’t even started yet!什么?...

2023-10-14 #经典句子



...了,今天小a就再教你一些其他的表达方法。关于开心的glad高兴;愉快;乐意;情愿I"m glad to hear you"re feeling better.听说你感觉好些了,我很高兴。I"m glad to meet you. I"ve heard a lot about you.很高兴见到你。久闻大名。pleased高兴的;满...

2012-05-19 #经典句子

2020最美情话句子 浪漫暖心 愿天下有情人终成眷属!

2020最美情话句子 浪漫暖心 愿天下有情人终成眷属!

...欢喜,人也欢喜。欢喜你遇到了我,我遇到了你。God is glad, the earth is glad, and people are glad. Happy you met me, I met you.9.我莫名奇妙的笑了,只因为想到了你。I smiled strangely, just because I thought of you.10.地球仍然转动,世间依旧善变,而...

2023-07-31 #经典句子

错爱的伤心小短句 高级又撩人 值得一看

错爱的伤心小短句 高级又撩人 值得一看

...I just want to hear my baby"s voice.My universe will never be the same I"m glad you came我的世界已不复寻常。真高兴,你到来。My universe will never be the same I"m glad you came.I"m so glad you could come.寻觅于晨雾,在看不清地平线的世界中,那个人的光芒恍若...

2022-11-13 #经典句子

适合发朋友圈给恋人看的爱情句子 高甜治愈 适合你的品味

适合发朋友圈给恋人看的爱情句子 高甜治愈 适合你的品味

...tears tell yourself prohibit to cry.My universe will never be the same I"m glad you came我的世界已不复寻常。真高兴,你到来。My universe will never be the same I"m glad you came.I"m so glad you could come.爱了伤了痛了,我忘记了曾经那个无忧无虑的自己。Love hurt...

2017-06-04 #经典句子



... do you do? 而不能用 I do well 之类的句子。另外,若别人用 Glad[Pleased] to meet you. (见到您或认识您很高兴)向你问候,你可以直接用 Glad [Pleased] to meet you, too(见到你我也很高兴)来回答。在介绍两人彼此认识时,若有可能最好在介绍他...

2023-11-17 #经典句子

助动词do的另类用法 do come in 居然是正确的语句?

助动词do的另类用法 do come in 居然是正确的语句?

...car. "You"ve probably woken up everyone in the village as well. Still, I"m glad the bell is working again."节选《新概念英语3 Thirteen equals one》第二段。【生词】无昨日复习提要:昨天学习了主要学习了两点, ①完成时的分类与用法,有现在完成和现在...

2023-01-31 #经典句子



...情感反应的词:sorry,难过的,歉疚的,惋惜的,后悔的 glad高兴,愉快 以下含义时可作定语:sorry可怜的,悲惨的The business is in a sorry state.glad:令人愉快的I hear a piece of glad news.六、表语形容词不能单独做前置修饰语,但有其他词...

2011-06-03 #经典句子

中考英语|高频重点句型总结与解析第1集 考前必看 高分必备

中考英语|高频重点句型总结与解析第1集 考前必看 高分必备

.../ with sth.(3) be + famous / late /ready / sorry +for sth.(4) be glad that…(5) make/ let /have sb. (not) do sth.(6) ask / tell /want sb. (not) to do sth.(7) give/ buy/ lend/ sb. sth.(8) tell/ ask sb. how to do sth.(9) get on well with…(10) get ready for / get st...

2023-10-26 #经典句子

与身体部位相关的英语表达——社畜的一天从bad hair开始

与身体部位相关的英语表达——社畜的一天从bad hair开始

...暗中眉目传情。那么英文里有类似的说法吗?答案就是“glad eye”。字面意思就是“高兴的眼睛”。如果心中有爱意,自然也会从眼神中流露出来啦。如果说“对某人抛媚眼”,就可以说“give (someone) the glad eye”。说到这儿就不...

2023-11-29 #经典句子



...ly reliable man.关于S.公司的情况, 我们特此欣然函复。We are glad to answer your inquiry concerning S. & Company.关于J.先生的情况, 谨此高兴地告知, 我们认为他是绝对可以信赖的人。Answering to your inquiry respecting Mr. J., we are pleased to say that we found...

2012-09-22 #经典句子

英语听力材料:李阳英语365  Lesson 7

英语听力材料:李阳英语365 Lesson 7

...lish.我非常喜欢英语。140.I"m easy to please.我很随和。141.I"m glad to hear that.听到这消息我很高兴。142.I"m glad you enjoyed it.你喜欢我就高兴。143.I"m good at it.我做这个很在行。144.I"m in a good mood.我现在心情很好。145.I"m in good shape.我的身体...

2017-09-06 #经典句子

如何用英语邀请别人9 英语常见邀请句型

如何用英语邀请别人9 英语常见邀请句型

...t dinner on Friday? 周五我们能有幸邀请你吃个饭吗? We"d be glad to have you do sth 如果你能和我们做某事,我们十分高兴We"d be glad to have you accompnay us. 如果你能和我们一起,我们会十分高兴。 注意:邀请别人的时候,语气要委婉,显...

2023-01-10 #经典句子

英语作文 拒绝某人邀请 句式要记牢

英语作文 拒绝某人邀请 句式要记牢

Dear XXX:I was glad to get your letter.很高兴收到你的来信。Thank you for your invention.谢谢你的邀请。But unfortunately I already have plan for the day you mention.I have an appointment then.I really can’t miss it.但不幸的是,那一天我已经有安排了。届时我有一...

2023-11-17 #经典句子