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土地宏观调控政策 land protection policy英语短句 例句大全

土地宏观调控政策 land protection policy英语短句 例句大全

...调控政策2)Macro-control policy of lands土地政策宏观调控3)real estate macro-control policy房地产宏观调控政策1.An empirical analysis of the impact ofreal estate macro-control policy;我国房地产宏观调控政策效果的实证分析英文短句/例句1.Macroscopic readjustment...




不动产评估企业,enterprises for real estate evaluation1)enterprises for real estate evaluation不动产评估企业英文短句/例句1.A Study on Scientific Evaluation System on Real Estate Evaluation Enterprises不动产评估企业科学评价体系构建探讨2.New Market Dynamics:Intangib...


土地增值 land value increment英语短句 例句大全

土地增值 land value increment英语短句 例句大全

...值的关系4.Research on Land Appreciation Tax Planning Methods for Real Estate Company房地产公司土地增值税筹划方法研究5.Land Appreciation Tax shall adopt four level progressive rates as follows:土地增值税实行四级超率累进税率:6.Evolvement and Reference of Land Value...


06月&房市 Housing Market英语短句 例句大全

06月&房市 Housing Market英语短句 例句大全

...住房消费?4.Analysis of Housing Market Inflection Point based on Real Estate Expense Characteristic基于房产消费特点的房市“拐点”解读5.Stabilizing effect of the pre-sale market on spot housing prices;期房市场对现房市场价格稳定效应的实证研究6.The Alteration o...


地学数据遗产 Geoscience data Legacy英语短句 例句大全

地学数据遗产 Geoscience data Legacy英语短句 例句大全

...开发技术研究相关短句/例句geoscientific data地学数据3)Real estate data房地产数据4)geosciences database地学数据库1.A novel intelligent modeling method is proposed forgeosciences databases.为方便地学数据库设计,缩短建库周期,避免建成的数据库结构不能...


土地市场化 land marketization英语短句 例句大全

土地市场化 land marketization英语短句 例句大全

...supply土地供应市场化1.The Essay analyzed the development of Chinese estate and its problems after entering WTO,and put forward six tendencies in estate, namely, internationalization of estate investment, industrialization of housing construction,marketrization in land supply, standardization ...


It seems that 到底属于什么样的句型?看完就懂了!

It seems that 到底属于什么样的句型?看完就懂了!

...似乎要赢了。Also, it looks like Uncle Sam is here to rescue the real estate market.而且,山姆大叔似乎是来拯救房地产市场的。变化如下:Warner Brothers" gamble is paying off.华纳兄弟公司的冒险一博似乎要赢了。Also, Uncle Sam is here to rescue the real esta...


全寿命周期成本模型 model of life cycle cost英语短句 例句大全

全寿命周期成本模型 model of life cycle cost英语短句 例句大全

...dle of Value Analysis Based on Total Life Cycle Cost in Selecting the Real Estate Project;商业地产项目全寿命周期成本的价值分析决策模型4.A Study on the Life Cycle Cost of Hiring out Type Real Estate Projects;出租型房地产项目全寿命周期成本研究5.Cost Control of To...


递加式 ascending methodology英语短句 例句大全

递加式 ascending methodology英语短句 例句大全

...IGHTING BASED ON THE FUZZY MATHEMATICS IN RESEARCH AND APPLICATION OF REAL ESTATE COMPARISON APPROACH APPRAISAL;基于模糊数学的“快速递减加权式”在比较法评估房地产价格中的应用研究15.The Recursive Equation of Homogeneous Linear Recurrent Sequence of Number Formed by Ge...




...柱山、Tai Tam Bay大潭湾、Ching Man Village正民村、Sau Mau Ping Estate秀茂坪等。D)意译地名,即英文地名是根据中文地名意译而来。这类地名约占地名总数的11%。例如:Island Eastern Corridor东区走廊、Cedar Street柏树街、North Point Estate北角...


场地土 ground soil英语短句 例句大全

场地土 ground soil英语短句 例句大全

...球场。使用混凝土、草地或沙地球场。9.Land Demand in Real Estate Market and Relative Land Policy Suggestion;从房地产市场看土地需求及对土地政策的建议10.Research on Influential between the Land Leasing Market and the Increment Real Estate;土地市场对增量房市...


景观林: 英语短句和例句大全

景观林: 英语短句和例句大全

...deducts the positive and negative influences of garden land- scape on real estate from the perspective ofgarden landscape type influencing real estate.从影响房地产的园林景观类型着手进行分析,得出园林景观对房地产的正负面影响。5)gardening landscape园林景观1.Our r...


占地指标市场化 trading of quota for land occupation英语短句 例句大全

占地指标市场化 trading of quota for land occupation英语短句 例句大全

...指标应用于薪酬规划的几点注意事项。6)index system of real estate market房地产市场指标体系延伸阅读占地1.选择地方。


跟“死亡的”有关的英语单词 它们有什么区别

跟“死亡的”有关的英语单词 它们有什么区别

...遗嘱,他有权接管所有的企业。例句: The late master of the estate was named Bill Brown.翻译: 已故庄园主叫比尔·布朗。




...她挺直了胸膛。”“Dany had only meant their rooms in Illyrio’s estate, no true home surely, though all they had, but her brother did not want to hear that. There was no home there for him. Even the big house with the red door had not been home for him. His fingers dug hard into her arm, d...




...时机已经成熟。 With prices so low, the time is ripe to buy up real estate in the city.市里房价那么低,购买房产的时机成熟了。You ought to buy a house this year. Prices are so low, and you have enough money saved for a down payment. The time is ripe. 你今年应该买房,...


以酒为媒 共话文化旅游发展!“贵阳·花溪”新西兰葡萄酒品鉴会今日举行

以酒为媒 共话文化旅游发展!“贵阳·花溪”新西兰葡萄酒品鉴会今日举行

...Coopers Creek秋波溪酒庄、Steve Bird史蒂夫博德酒庄、Stanley Estate史丹利酒庄及Kiwi Manuka加维麦卢卡等酒庄代表也分别上台进行了美酒推介。其中,加维麦卢卡酒庄的代表Jistin用一口流利的中文推介引起了现场市民的关注,酒庄特有的...


听到You should roll the dice你要三思而行了 这句话什么意思呢

听到You should roll the dice你要三思而行了 这句话什么意思呢

...A am going to roll the dice and invest at least $1,000,000 in the real estate market.B You better not put all your eggs in one basket.A 我决定赌一下,将至少一千万美元投入房地产市场。B 你最好别将鸡蛋摆在同一个篮子里。roll the dice例句精选:I"m letting y...


短语动词 cash in 肯定跟钱有关 你用过吗?

短语动词 cash in 肯定跟钱有关 你用过吗?

...当的赚钱手段例如:1、This is a good year for investing in real estate and gold, and you can cash in on it.今年是投资房地产和黄金的好年头,你可以从中获利。2、People who invest in diamonds always cash in the benefits later.投资钻石的人总是在以后获取收...




...耶加雪菲产区出名的水果和花香。第二种则是Single Origin Estate,单一庄园。通常后者的品质比前者更高。那么这次的小黑杯到底好喝吗?宣称的柑橘我是喝出来了,但是味道感觉很飘,若隐若现的感觉。坚果的尾韵我是没喝出来...
