第一句子大全 > 标签 > intermittent
不住院督导短程间歇化疗 Out of hospital short-term and intermittently chemotherapy英语短句 例句大全

不住院督导短程间歇化疗 Out of hospital short-term and intermittently chemotherapy英语短句 例句大全



间歇输送工艺 intermittent transportation process英语短句 例句大全

间歇输送工艺 intermittent transportation process英语短句 例句大全

间歇输送工艺,intermittent transportation process1)intermittent transportation process间歇输送工艺2)intermittent transportation间歇输送1.Anintermittent transportation plan with a monthly transportation capacity of 0.在充分分析间歇输送的目标函数和约束条件下,给出...


美国人说I fast可真不是语法错误!

美国人说I fast可真不是语法错误!

...或者减肥的原因fasting,看下面这个英文例句:I have been intermittent fasting for over one year.我已经间歇性禁食一年多了。* intermittent间歇式也有人绝食抗议,看下面的英文例句:They fasted to protest.他们绝食反抗。* 像这种绝食反抗还有...




...关系研究12.Framework of Cost Plan and Control System for Large-Scale Intermittent Manufacture;大型离散制造企业成本计划与控制体系研究13.Research on WIP Identification and Information Access with Discrete Manufacturing离散制造过程在制品标识与信息采集技术研究1...


The energy shock 能源冲击|经济学人中英双语对照精读笔记

The energy shock 能源冲击|经济学人中英双语对照精读笔记

...entory 库存,存货清单Tight markets are vulnerable to shocks and the intermittent nature of some renewable power. The list of disruptions includes routine maintenance, accidents, too little wind in Europe, droughts that have cut Latin American hydropower output, and Asian floods that have impe...


残肢溃疡 stump ulcer英语短句 例句大全

残肢溃疡 stump ulcer英语短句 例句大全

...溃疡愈合的修复作用mon body cooling, afraid of the cold, pain and intermittent claudication or acromegaly ulcer and gangrene.常见肢体发凉、怕冷、疼痛,间歇跛行甚或肢端溃疡和坏疽。8.Atrophie blanche is a disease of recurrent and spontaneous ulcerations of the lower ...


无线互联网 wireless internet英语短句 例句大全

无线互联网 wireless internet英语短句 例句大全

...nce Education;无线互联网:支撑远程教育的新平台2.E-PROPHET in Intermittently Connected Networks间断连接无线互联网下的E-PROPHET3.Research on Transport Prptocols of Next Generation Internet Architecture;下一代无线互联网构架下的传输协议研究4.Research and Design...




...情死了,在断断续续的聊天方式里.Enthusiasm is dead, in the intermittent way of conversation.七、万丈深渊终有底,三寸人心不可量There is a bottom in the abyss.八、没有人可以回到过去,但随时都可以重新开始。Nobody can go back to the past, but you can...


胡适:差不多先生传原文 Mr. About-the Same

胡适:差不多先生传原文 Mr. About-the Same

...was out.差不多先生差不多要死的时候,一口气断断续续地(intermittently)说道:“活人同死人也差……差……差……不多……凡是只要……差……差……不多……就……好了……何……何……必……太……太认真呢?”他说完这句格...




...没有。No love, no shit.间歇性渴望恋爱,持续性喜爱单身。Intermittently eager to love, persistent love single.


幽默有趣的小句子 沙雕可爱 治愈你的不开心

幽默有趣的小句子 沙雕可爱 治愈你的不开心

...闷症发作期间,生人勿扰,熟人勿找。 During the episode of intermittent depression, do not disturb strangers and do not seek acquaintances.4.老天爷,我现在是单身,请保佑我的朋友们也单身。God, I"m single now. Please bless my friends.5.琴棋书画不会,洗衣...


没对象的单身文案 句句真实 值得一看

没对象的单身文案 句句真实 值得一看

...ng unique in this paired world断断续续的恋情持续的单身爱恋An intermittent love affair, a persistent single love affair独身就是单身就是好与坏的关系Celibacy is singleness, good and bad relationship人有信仰,国有力量,老子没有目标People have faith, state powe...


A到爆的单身句子 简短个性 让人耳目一新!

A到爆的单身句子 简短个性 让人耳目一新!

... shouldered the storm.18、间歇性渴望恋爱,持续性享受单身。Intermittent desire for love, continuous enjoyment of single.图片来源网络,侵权请联系删除


让人瞬间眼红的心酸句子 句句扎心 越看越心碎

让人瞬间眼红的心酸句子 句句扎心 越看越心碎

...ey decide to leave, have no intention to look back. Even if there are some intermittent connections between you, it can no longer be proved.而且那些主动与对方断绝联系,并从此消失的人,必然对这段感情不再抱希望。And those who take the initiative to cut off contact wi...


温暖自己的文案 触动心扉 更新你的心情动态吧

温暖自己的文案 触动心扉 更新你的心情动态吧

...想你。The rain was pouring in the right pace. Hit me thinking about you intermittently.期望总是重复发生和失败,Expectations always repeat and fail,在仰望星星之前脚踏实地。Be down to earth before looking up to the stars.推他给我,和他聊聊我的打字技巧Push him to m...


送给自己的成熟文案 现实入心 伤感落寞

送给自己的成熟文案 现实入心 伤感落寞

...o alleviate the anxiety caused by the continuous depravity, we should make intermittent efforts.因为水都是肥的Because the water is fat你是旧日的情书,也是落日的余情You are the love letter of the old days and the afterglow of the sunset日落弥漫的橘子,天边明亮的星星...




...相关 SCI 论文中描述“Analgesia and relaxation were maintained by intermittent boluses of fentanyl (0.5 mg/kg), diazepam (0.5 mg/kg), and pipecuronium bromide (0.1 mg/kg).” 我们可以将其中的药品名换下,然后改下介词等就可以得到“Anesthesia was maintained with a cont...


每一个句子都很精致 适合发朋友圈 不要错过

每一个句子都很精致 适合发朋友圈 不要错过

断断续续自我封闭进而自我恢复持续循环的近期状态Intermittent self closure and self recovery of the recent state of continuous circulation和你在一起很长时间这不是我想要的Being with you for a long time is not what I want等到天气晴朗时,我想带你去海边...


2021最独特的文案 随性洒脱 适合做个性签名

2021最独特的文案 随性洒脱 适合做个性签名

...etween a thought.断断续续想着你,又凑成了银河。I think of you intermittently, and I"ve become the galaxy again.日复一日,看似风起云涌,终有一天会明白坚持的意义Day after day, it seems like the wind is surging, and one day we will understand the meaning of persistence...


一些让人感同身受的句子 触动人心 值得收藏

一些让人感同身受的句子 触动人心 值得收藏

..., I don"t want to disturb you any more断断续续,不停地混吃等死。Intermittently, constantly mixing and waiting for death.与你相遇,如鲸海,似鸟投林,无可避免,退无可退Meet you like whale sea, like birds throw forest, can not avoid, retreat can not retreat当我回头的时...
