第一句子大全 > 标签 > Stagnation
络气郁滞 Stagnation of Luo qi英语短句 例句大全

络气郁滞 Stagnation of Luo qi英语短句 例句大全

络气郁滞,Stagnation of Luo qi1)Stagnation of Luo qi络气郁滞英文短句/例句1.Synthetic evaluation of the animal model of atherosclerotic origin of stagnancy of collateral-Qi in a depressed condition(astriction)对络气郁滞(束缚)型动脉粥样硬化模型的综合评价2.The Study ab...


痰瘀致毒 toxicosis caused by phlegm stagnation英语短句 例句大全

痰瘀致毒 toxicosis caused by phlegm stagnation英语短句 例句大全

...这一问题上的独特优势。痰瘀致毒,toxicosis caused by phlegm stagnationphlegm-stasis toxin痰瘀"伏毒"3)Accumulation of Toxin derived form stagnation of phlegm水瘀痰毒4)phlegm-stasis痰瘀热毒5)toxic heat and phlegm stasis热毒痰瘀6)Huatan Zhuyu Jiedu Decoction化痰逐瘀解...


疏肝健脾清热利湿 Shugan Jianpi Qingre Lishi英语短句 例句大全

疏肝健脾清热利湿 Shugan Jianpi Qingre Lishi英语短句 例句大全

...rome of Chinese medicine and CT images in the nonalcoholic stohepatitis of stagnation of liver qi and spleen deficiency dampness-heat stagnanting.目的:观察疏肝健脾清热利湿法治疗非酒精性脂肪性肝炎(肝郁脾虚湿热内阻型)患者中医症候的改善和肝脏CT图像的变...




...verfunctionhasbeensupportedbynumerousclinicalstudies. 3.PatientswithliverqistagnationmaybenefitfromtheregularconsumptionofShuganhuayuDecoction. ThecombinationofChineseherbalmedicineanditscomprehensiveefficacymakesShuganhuayuDecoctionavaluableremedyintraditionalChinesemedicineforaddressingliverandbl...


英语短句+例句大全: 血淤证syndrome of blood stasis

英语短句+例句大全: 血淤证syndrome of blood stasis

...活血通淤胶囊对小鼠的急性毒性实验相关短句/例句Blood Stagnation due to Qi Deficiency Syndrome气虚血淤证1.Objective: To observe the clinical therapeutic effect onBlood Stagnation due to Qi Deficiency Syndrome in angina pectoris of coronary heart disease treated by Benefiting ...


清热泻火 eliminating heat and purging fire英语短句 例句大全

清热泻火 eliminating heat and purging fire英语短句 例句大全

...疗效评价及初步作用机制研究6.for fire-syndrome resulting from stagnation of vital energy and blood, expelling wind-evil and clearing away heat, purging fire and clearing away toxic material in early stage, and nourishing the liver and kidney to improve eyesight in late stage.气血遏郁...


临界热流与critical heat flux:英语短句与例句大全

临界热流与critical heat flux:英语短句与例句大全

...CHF) of convective boiling for a round R-113 liquid jet impingement on the stagnation zone of a hot surface.对高温平板滞止区内R-113的喷流冲击沸腾的临界热流密度(CHF)进行了系统的稳态实验研究。4)CHF临界热流密度1.EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE CRITICAL HEAT F...


每日一笑 烦恼走掉 开心爆笑的小句子送给你

每日一笑 烦恼走掉 开心爆笑的小句子送给你

...就是失败者了,所以我得破空而出。Hesitation is worse than stagnation, late, is the loser, so I have to break out.(本文原创,图源网络,有侵联删)


高质量文案句子 句句精辟 写的太好了!

高质量文案句子 句句精辟 写的太好了!

...ay, all the spring back to the sparse hedges, all the careless ecstasy and stagnation back to the past and the future, I have a valley in my heart, immediately shook the mountains and rivers.想在黄昏时分闲逛,想看看釉面红墙。Want to stroll in the dusk, want to see the glazed red wal...


暖心大方的温柔句子 积极向上 治愈人心

暖心大方的温柔句子 积极向上 治愈人心

...ehavior leads to mistakes, it will bring learning and growth; No action is stagnation and atrophy


人生感悟的句子 现实入心 值得细品

人生感悟的句子 现实入心 值得细品

...all the spring to shushushuli, and return all the laziness, indulgence and stagnation to me in the past. Tomorrow"s me, there is a gully in my heart, immediately shake the mountains and rivers.12.愿以吾辈之青春,守着盛世之中华。以梦为马,莫负韶华,此后经年,不忘初...


写给自己的简短励志句子 句句深入人心 激励人生!

写给自己的简短励志句子 句句深入人心 激励人生!

...ost difficult time. People are not afraid of confusion, they are afraid of stagnation without confusion.每个人的一生都注定要经历沟沟坎坎,品尝苦涩与无奈,经历挫折与失意。Everyone"s life is destined to go through the ups and downs, taste bitter and helpless, experienc...


2024年微信心情:拒绝沉沦 勇敢独行!

2024年微信心情:拒绝沉沦 勇敢独行!

...roken, flowing is silence. The barriersthat blend into life, like the cold stagnation on the pillow. A songsung for many years, may only move a persons lonely years.岁月流逝,这些年你会选择留住他。别让他倒下,别让他沉沦,别让他随波逐流,别让他沉睡。或者和...


写给八月的优美句子 清新脱俗 看了又看!

写给八月的优美句子 清新脱俗 看了又看!

...光停滞,岁月静好。宛如十年前。八月你好!Trance, time stagnation, time is quiet. Just like ten years ago. Hello August!4、八月,在这个即将告别的日子里,我们就此各自奔天涯。In August, on this day when we are about to say goodbye, we will each go to the wor...


最近微信很有态度的心情句子 别让他沉沦 别让他随波逐流

最近微信很有态度的心情句子 别让他沉沦 别让他随波逐流

...roken, flowing is silence. The barriersthat blend into life, like the cold stagnation on the pillow. A songsung for many years, may only move a person"s lonely years.岁月流逝,这些年你会选择留住他。别让他倒下,别让他沉沦,别让他随波逐流,别让他沉睡。或者...


伤感的心情句子 句句现实扎心 让你明白好多道理!

伤感的心情句子 句句现实扎心 让你明白好多道理!

...半的停滞。Excessive connivance and connivance can easily lead to the stagnation of the other half.7.每晚都觉得相思,每一年都审视自己的感受。I feel lovesick every night and examine my feelings every year.8.整日看着丈夫的不归已经变成了寂寞的石头和苦涩的...


深情文艺的句子说说 优雅大方 唯美情书

深情文艺的句子说说 优雅大方 唯美情书

... the night before my eyes, eager to keep it, just like longing for instant stagnation, tottering dusk and you.9.给我烈酒,趁着纸醉金迷,把你归还世间。Give me the liquor, and return you to the world while I'm drunk.10.给我满贯爱意,用一世情长还之。Give me a gran...


「暖心」暖心又干净的句子:如果有缘 错过了还会重来

「暖心」暖心又干净的句子:如果有缘 错过了还会重来

...去。The most beautiful time is in the time and space where the ethereal stagnation, leaning alone on the window, sip a pot of tea, and taste the time like a shuttle, old age.生命的旅程在岁月的跋涉中蜿蜒,美好的时光在时间的长河中流逝,不求最后得到了什么,至...


克服僵化 Defossilization英语短句 例句大全

克服僵化 Defossilization英语短句 例句大全

...倒的现象就多起来了。16.Seclusion and exclusion can only lead to stagnation and backwardness.封闭、排他只会导致僵化和落后。17.Too much exercise may set a boy"s muscles prematurely.运动过多可能使孩子的肌肉过早僵化。18.Once people"s thinking becomes rigid, they...




...l Observation on Severe Acne by Heat-clearing Detoxicating and Eliminating Stagnation Soup清热解毒散结汤治疗重症痤疮临床观察10.An Experimental Study of Influence of XiaoCuo Pill on the Sebum Gland and Hair Follide and Hemorheology in Experimenta Hare Ear Acne Model.;中药消痤丸...
