第一句子大全 > 标签 > redundant
冗余多线程 redundant multithreading英语短句 例句大全

冗余多线程 redundant multithreading英语短句 例句大全

冗余多线程,redundant multithreading1)redundant multithreading冗余多线程1.Thread scheduling inredundant multithreading architecture;冗余多线程体系结构的调度方式2.The technical features and research tendencies of various architectural level fault-tolerant schemes are summarized...


委屈到骨子里的句子 看完别哭

委屈到骨子里的句子 看完别哭

...争取,横竖我都显得多余。There"s no need to fight for it. I"m redundant.2我动一次心不容易你还让我输了。It"s not easy for me to move my heart once, and you let me lose.3我也不明白,为什么我们忽然就不合适了? I don"t understand why we suddenly don"t fit in?...


痛到无法呼吸的句子 句句虐心 看完别哭!

痛到无法呼吸的句子 句句虐心 看完别哭!

...余而结束。The story begins with me disturbing and ends with me being redundant.有些伤口,时间久了就会慢慢长好;有些委屈,受过了想通了也就释然了;有些伤痛,忍过了,痛久了也就习惯了。Some wounds will slowly rise after a long time, and some grieva...




...the aircraft, and it doesn"t add a lot of extra weight. And that gives you redundancy and safety. And also, they are cleaner, cheaper and quieter than internal combustion engines. Autonomy allows the transportation network to scale, and I actually think it makes the aircraft safer. Commercial flight...


真空气相吸附 vacuumed gas phase adsorption英语短句 例句大全

真空气相吸附 vacuumed gas phase adsorption英语短句 例句大全

...为动力源在企业中进行自动排水的可行性和实用性。2.The redundant control theory was applied in thevacuum absorption system of wall cleaning robot,and its feasibility was analyzedt,hen a model was established.将冗余控制理论应用于负压式壁面爬行机器人的真空吸...




...ls. Advanced learners can speed through or just bypass instruction that is redundant; while beginners can slow their progress through content, eliminating the frustration that they would suffer in a face-to-face teaching session. For service providers, course providers or platforms where various onl...




...是多余的,女人的头脑是多余的。In love, a man"s character is redundant, a woman"s brain is redundant.15、想要走得快,就单独上路,想要走的远,就结伴而行。Want to walk fast, alone on the road, want to go far, go together.16、男人恋爱是因为轻率出击,...


序贯最小二乘 recursive least squares(RLS)英语短句 例句大全

序贯最小二乘 recursive least squares(RLS)英语短句 例句大全

...乘5)least square method最小二乘1.Research on data fusion algorithm of redundancy information based onleast square method基于最小二乘法的冗余信息数据融合算法实现2.The relative coordinate for straightness error is set up, the discrete values in coordinate are linked based onle...




...fcomplex system of systems,a new design method which applies multi-purpose redundant units to designing the dynamic adaptive structure forcomplex system of systems and aims at some problems derived from the uncertainty of battle field environment is presented.针对战场环境的动态不确定性...


磁盘阵列 disk array英语短句 例句大全

磁盘阵列 disk array英语短句 例句大全

...盘阵列技术在500kV变电站中的应用3)disk arrays磁盘阵列1.The redundant structure has been used to improve the system reliability ofdisk arrays.引入时间冗余度对冗余磁盘阵列(RAID)并行存储系统的速度特性给予直观描述,分析讨论为提高可靠...


句子很残酷 但很现实

句子很残酷 但很现实

...觉得自己多余。To be active is to care; not to be active is to feel redundant. 5.你温和久了,稍微有点儿脾气就成了恶人。You have been gentle for a long time, and become a villain with a little temper.6. 如果父母依旧辛苦,那我们长大还有什么意义。If our pa...


语言发育迟缓的宝宝 通过早期的手势语言就能看出端倪 你知道吗

语言发育迟缓的宝宝 通过早期的手势语言就能看出端倪 你知道吗

..., Hunsicker, D., & Goldin - Meadow, S. (2014). Pointing and naming are not redundant: Children use gesture to modify nouns before they modify nouns in speech. Developmental Psychology, 50, 1660–1666.宝宝说话晚就是智力低吗?这个问题要分两方面看


走心文案:我们的故事 以我打扰开始 以我多余结束!

走心文案:我们的故事 以我打扰开始 以我多余结束!

...多余结束.Our story begins with me interrupting and ends with me being redundant.9.我教会了他温柔,也毁了他的温柔.这句话成功让我掉眼泪了。I taught him gentleness, also destroyed his gentleness.


She is a girl who is pretty?SAT简洁文法教你写出完美句子!

She is a girl who is pretty?SAT简洁文法教你写出完美句子!



超级可爱的搞笑句子 萌化你的心!

超级可爱的搞笑句子 萌化你的心!

...得我是多余的。Don"t come to me when you are bored, or I think I"m redundant.上天待我不公平,我天天吃猫的食量,却让我有猪的体型。God treats me unfairly. I eat the same amount of food as a cat every day, but it makes me have the body shape of a pig.一同学对老师...




...是多余。later I understand that a lot of encounters in the world are redundant. 2、喜欢这一词好像变得越来越廉价了。Like seems to be getting cheaper. 3、人真的会反反复复栽在一个人手上。People really fall on one person over and over again. 4、比起你的敷衍...


表达孤单无助的伤感文案 单身的人适合收藏几条 找几条去发圈

表达孤单无助的伤感文案 单身的人适合收藏几条 找几条去发圈

...情,无心的眼泪都是多余的。Hypoxic love, inadvertent tears are redundant.你忘了我是先和你在一起的,但你说你不能辜负她。You forget that I started with you, but you said you couldn"t let her down.我把你当成我深爱的人,你却把我当成深受阻碍的人...




...efficient [ih-"fish-uhnt]["fnt] adj. 效率高的;胜任的It can ignore redundancies unless you focus on them.【译】它可以忽略冗余的东西,除非你刻意专注于它们。【单词】redundancies 原型:redundancy [ri-"duhn-duhn-see][r"dndnsi] n. 冗余;多余信息【单词】u...


直击内心的情感短句 唯美动人 值得收藏

直击内心的情感短句 唯美动人 值得收藏

...e WHO"s wrong, and I"m willing to admit it, but you think explanations are redundant我们连朋友都不是了,我哪有联系你的资格We"re not even friends anymore. I don"t have the right to contact you你剥夺了我所有在你身边的角色,我转身你却还想要挽留You took away a...


富有故事的情感句子 精致而高级 充满正能量

富有故事的情感句子 精致而高级 充满正能量

...余。After a long time, finally see you as normal, even look at you feel redundant.如果活着,是上帝赋予我最大的是命,那么活着有你,将会是上帝赋予我使命中最大的恩赐。If living on the earth is life from the Lord, living with you is the greatest gift from the L...
