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中深孔凿岩爆破 long and medium hole drilling and blasting英语短句 例句大全

中深孔凿岩爆破 long and medium hole drilling and blasting英语短句 例句大全

...中获益良多。中深孔凿岩爆破,long and medium hole drilling and blasting1)long and medium hole drilling and blasting中深孔凿岩爆破1.According to the mining conditions of inclined,broken orebody with medium thickness and lower grade in Nalin Gold Mine, sill-free sublevel caving metho...


岩体爆破 rock blasting英语短句 例句大全

岩体爆破 rock blasting英语短句 例句大全

岩体爆破,rock blasting1)rock blasting岩体爆破1.In order to explore the principle of interaction between explosive forces and rock mass,this paper discuss several important problems on explosive process of rock,namely matching between explosive and rock,the complexity and systematicness ofroc...


工程石方开挖 building cubic meter of stone excavation英语短句 例句大全

工程石方开挖 building cubic meter of stone excavation英语短句 例句大全

...ding cubic meter of stone excavation工程石方开挖1.The application of blasting technique inbuilding cubic meter of stone excavation爆破技术在工程石方开挖中的应用2)excavation[英][,eksk?"ve??n][美]["?ksk?"ve??n]土石方工程;基坑;开挖,挖掘3)Rock excavation石方开挖1....




...pling charge have been achieved on the action of medium explosives in rock blasting.对在充分考虑炸药性能、岩石特性和爆轰波与孔壁相互作用等重要因素下的孔壁初始冲击波压力P_m的计算结果进行了回归分析,得到了中威力炸药耦合装药孔壁...


露天铁矿 open pit iron mine英语短句 例句大全

露天铁矿 open pit iron mine英语短句 例句大全

...ine1)open pit iron mine露天铁矿英文短句/例句1.Application of Pre-blasting Technology in the Nanfen Open-Air Iron Mine预裂爆破技术在南芬露天铁矿的应用2.Open pit iron ore 35kV power supply substation露天铁矿35kV坑内变电站供电初探3.Operation Practice of Serving Op...


超前深孔 leading deep hole英语短句 例句大全

超前深孔 leading deep hole英语短句 例句大全

... pilot drainage with deep boreholes深孔超前排放3)Preceding loosening blasting in deep hole超前深孔松动爆破4)ultra-deep hole超深孔1.Research the application of theultra-deep hole blasting technique;超深孔爆破技术及应用研究英文短句/例句1.Application of Wireline Core ...


软弱岩体 weak rock英语短句 例句大全

软弱岩体 weak rock英语短句 例句大全

...体系研究4.Study on Motion Law of the Weak Intercalation of Rock under Blasting爆破作用下岩体软弱夹层运动规律的研究5.STABILITY AND STRENGTHENING ANALYSES OF SLOPE ROCK MASS CONTAINING MULTI-WEAK INTERLAYERS多层软弱夹层边坡岩体稳定性及加固分析6.EXPERIMENTAL STUD...


关于夏天的语法 休闲和放松

关于夏天的语法 休闲和放松

...cribe a situation in which they had fun, or had a good time, or even had a blast. The three statements are nearly the same in meaning, with have a blast being the strongest statement of them all.所以,年轻人可以用这几句话描述他们玩得很开心:they had fun,had a good time,had...


筑炉 build furnace英语短句 例句大全

筑炉 build furnace英语短句 例句大全

...铝砖。8.Clay refractory mortars widely used for clay brick masonry in blast furnaces ,hot air stoves coke ovens , reheating furnaces and other industry furnaces.高铝质耐火泥浆用于高炉、热风炉及其它工业炉砌筑高铝砖。9.Used for clay bricks ,high aluminum bricks masonry in...




... and EI Chichon in Mexico about a decade ago, not to mention world-shaking blasts like Krakatoa in the Sunda Straits in 1883.分析:破折号——后面的是一个长长的同位语,莫受地名、火山名的影响,整个结构其实就是A and B, not to mention C.主句: The most dramati...


serve you right可不是“服务好你” 看不懂这几句话可就尴尬了

serve you right可不是“服务好你” 看不懂这几句话可就尴尬了

...(通过努力得到认可)。He richly deserves it.他完全活该。4.Blast you!blast 原意指一种猛烈的冲击,意思用途很广泛。但在美式口语中经常带有批评讽刺的意味,一副谴责的样子。Blast you! You bloody moron!活该,你这个白痴。注:和bless y...


水淬 water quenching英语短句 例句大全

水淬 water quenching英语短句 例句大全

...。英文短句/例句1.Converting drilling mud to cement slurry by using blast furnace slag用高炉水淬矿渣将泥浆转变成水泥浆2.Water Quenching and Tempering Technology Research of 1000MPa Ultra-High Strength Dual-Phase Steel;1000MPa超高强双相钢水淬及回火工艺研究3.Develo...


杂交条件 hybridization condition英语短句 例句大全

杂交条件 hybridization condition英语短句 例句大全

...pose of this thesis writing is talking about the studies on the controlled blasting demolition on chimneys incomplex conditions by way of a practical demolition example of a 70 meters high chimney,on the scheme of controlled blasting demolition,incision of blasting as well as design of the direction...


染色机理 dyeing mechanism英语短句 例句大全

染色机理 dyeing mechanism英语短句 例句大全

...机理,dyeing mechanism1)dyeing mechanism染色机理1., properties of the blast fibers on thedyeing mechanism, the ways to improve the dyeing properties of the blast fibers and the countermeasures for the future-dyeing of the blast fibers.综述了麻纤维的染色、麻纤维理化性能对染色...


风煤比控制 air/coal ratio control英语短句 例句大全

风煤比控制 air/coal ratio control英语短句 例句大全

...值 ,再进行风煤比寻优的工业锅炉在线燃烧优化方案。5)Blast-coal ration风煤比1.Because the combustion efficiency of coal boiler system is much low,this paper presents a kind of blast-coal ration fuzzy self-optimization controller,used by boiler temperature.针对燃煤热水锅...




...错误率~Havehave a baby/have children 生孩子have a good time=have a blast=have fun 玩得开心!值得一提的是,这里的have a blast 是一个很地道的表达,如词典中的解释所说,它表示“极度开心愉悦的时光”,下一次你想祝福别人玩得开心,就可...


微振动控制 microvibration control英语短句 例句大全

微振动控制 microvibration control英语短句 例句大全

...在结构振动控制中的研究相关短句/例句microseism controlled blasting微振动控制爆破1.The application ofmicroseism controlled blasting technique during construction, as well as the construction technique of the resin tensile anchor bolts, are introduced also.本文介绍了地下...


美联英语旗下立刻说青少英语怎么样?外教师资 教学效果好不好?

美联英语旗下立刻说青少英语怎么样?外教师资 教学效果好不好?

...些教材包括少儿英语教材get smart 1-6级 (适合6-12岁)、Full Blast!等。除此之外,立刻说青少英语还使用朗文国际英语教材等。课件为简单的PPT,趣味性略有不足,但课件学习内容丰富,知识量大,孩子学完会很有收获。03课程体系...




...缩试验的计算机模拟。英文短句/例句1.Mechanism Research on Blasting Damage and Fracture of Bedded Composite Rock and Its Engineering Application;层状复合岩体爆破损伤断裂机理及工程应用研究2.Analysis for Long-short Compound Bolt Reinforcement in Layer Rock Slope层...




...成大脑钝器伤害13.More consistent damage, plus the dreaded Combusted Blast Wave.更多的连续伤害,加上骇人的冲击波。14.She was hurt by his bold remark.她被他唐突无礼的话所伤害。15.Conflicts and Coordination in the Identification and Verification of Work Injury Resul...
