第一句子大全 > 标签 > profit
User is looking for a title that combines 盈利目标 (profit objective)

User is looking for a title that combines 盈利目标 (profit objective)

盈利目标,profit objective1)profit objective盈利目标英文短句/例句1.Realization of Achieving Profits of the Asian Games对广州亚运实现盈利目标的若干思考2.The Effect on Corporate Profit of Undertaking Social Responsibility on the Side of the Corporate Angle;从企业自身...


非营利组织界定的争议点 controversial points in defining non-profit organizations英语短句 例句大全

非营利组织界定的争议点 controversial points in defining non-profit organizations英语短句 例句大全



动态利益 Dynamic Interest英语短句 例句大全

动态利益 Dynamic Interest英语短句 例句大全

...Dynamic Interest1)Dynamic Interest动态利益英文短句/例句1.Dynamic Profit Sharing Mechanism for High-tech Virtual Enterprise and Its Support System;高技术虚拟企业动态利益分配机制及其支持系统2.On the Distribution Mechanism/Method of Interests Among Enterprises in Dynamic ...


对某人有利 用英语怎么表达

对某人有利 用英语怎么表达

...利”,首先映入眼帘的是单词 advantage [dvɑntd],benefit 和 profit,它们都有“好处或益处”的意思,但 profit 更多的用于“利润,收益”等意思,例如:1. advantage:Is there any advantage in getting there early?早到那里是否有利?The advantage of b...


商务英语名词和搭配Business Vocabulary Nouns & Collocations

商务英语名词和搭配Business Vocabulary Nouns & Collocations

...生产。你可以说开始生产,你也可以说停产。Number 18 is profit. You can have gross profit, which is the difference between the revenue and cost.第十八个词是利润。你可以说毛利,意思是营业额和成本之差。You can have first second third and fourth quarter prof...


会计估计变更 change in accounting estimate英语短句 例句大全

会计估计变更 change in accounting estimate英语短句 例句大全

...变更的动因分析——来自中国A股上市公司的证据8.Study on Profit Control Motivation of Large Shareholder"s Accounting Estimates Change Activity大股东对会计估计变更行为中利润操纵动机的影响研究parison of the Alteration of the Accounting Policies and the Correct...


偿债能力分析 sinking ability analysis英语短句 例句大全

偿债能力分析 sinking ability analysis英语短句 例句大全

...门用于长期偿债能力分析的比率指标。10.How to analyze the profit-making ability and the debt-paying ability of an enterprise;如何分析企业的赢利能力和偿债能力11.The Analysis of the Enterprise s Debt-Paying Ability and profitability;论企业偿债能力及获利能力...




...企业内控标准以提高企业经济效益相关短句/例句enterprise profits企业效益1.enterprise profits is evaluated with accounting profits.人们常用会计利润评价企业效益的好坏,但实际上,如果考虑所有的因素,用经济利润判断企业的业绩更有说服...


2019年10月自考英语二真题解析6 精彩内容不容错过!

2019年10月自考英语二真题解析6 精彩内容不容错过!

...12.A small business owner usually has A. a more colorful lifeB. a bigger profitC. less stress from work D. longer working time句子分析:(1)small adj. 小的,小号的,小型的它的反义词是谁呢?正好是下面出现的big!big什么意思呢?“大的,巨大的”(2)owner n. 主...


写作要精益求精!很多看似完美无缺的句子都暗含隐患 如何避免呢

写作要精益求精!很多看似完美无缺的句子都暗含隐患 如何避免呢

... 跟 almost 的用法类似,例如:The company lost nearly half of its profit under the financial crisis.解析:这句中的 nearly 修饰 half,整句的意思是:这家公司在金融危机中损失了近一半的利润,表明已经失去了近一半的利润。The company nearly lost h...


单挑输球 被喷了句垃圾话就把队友交易走!乔丹真是惹不起

单挑输球 被喷了句垃圾话就把队友交易走!乔丹真是惹不起

...,乔丹又找到了队员斗牛,很以往不这一次,找上了Laron Profit,和以往不同的是,乔丹输球了。Laron Profit打球赢了领导也就罢,还偏偏哪壶不开提哪壶,直接告诉乔丹:你这老胳膊老腿防不了我。乔丹当时就气得一乐:得,我防...


销售量 sales volume英语短句 例句大全

销售量 sales volume英语短句 例句大全

...ncrease乳制品销售量将会增加11.Achieve sales volume, revenue, and profit goals for the assigned territory.在指定销售区域内,实现相应的销售量,销售额和利润。12.Sales managers make estimates of future sales.负责销售的经理,需要对未来的销售量进行估...




...ed to as "rate-of-return," is a crucial financial metric that measures the profitability of an investment over a specified period. It is calculated by taking into account the initial investment amount and the total return generated from the investment. Understanding rate-of-return is essential for i...


企业缴费分配模式 distributive pattern for enterprise expenses英语短句 例句大全

企业缴费分配模式 distributive pattern for enterprise expenses英语短句 例句大全

...配优化模型12.Brief Discussion on the Joint Distribution Pattern and Profit Allocation of Chain Medicine Enterprises;浅谈医药连锁企业共同配送模式及利益分配13.The Life Annuity Models of Defined Contributed Enterprise Annuity Insurance Based on Stochastic Interest Rate;随机利...




...确定题干信息词:dairy farmers, switch to, advantages in terms of profits。因此,利用题干已给信息回文快速扫读文章,与题干匹配度最高,其中原文switch to对应题干的convert,原文economics对应题干的advantages in terms of profits。故选择D选项。40...


如何积累英语词汇?大量阅读 被动记忆 念念不忘 必有回响~

如何积累英语词汇?大量阅读 被动记忆 念念不忘 必有回响~

... kind of money, the telecoms business, expected to make 700bn of operating profit this year, looks like small fry.软银电信业务今年预期将获得7000亿日元(63.5亿美元)营业利润,与愿景基金投资收益相比,实在是小菜一碟。如果你记得一个月前的small fry...


最好的沟通 一句话说清楚利益关系

最好的沟通 一句话说清楚利益关系

...e emotional card. He told us how much the glasses cost, and he only made a profit of 50 yuan on the pair of glasses he sold. I know my wife really wants to buy these glasses but she doesn"t want to buy them for it costs too much. So I said to the shop owner, I understand you said that selling a pair...




...成或未加成实际成本3.The cost of production plus a fixed rate of profit.成本加费生产成本加上固定的利息率4.Weighted Average Cost of Capita加权平均的资本成本5.Standard Cost in the Cost Management of Corporation推行标准成本核算 加强企业成本管理6.increase...




...球汽车产量预测下降520万~7480万辆。Paragraph 3:Ford’s net profit fell by half in the second quarter, year on year, mainly owing to the chip crunch. Jaguar Land Rover expects sales in the three months to September to be 50% lower than planned. 福特第二季度净利润同比下降...




...其他汽车制造商。Paragraph 4:But established firms, which make fat profit margins on vans, will not give up their market lightly. Moreover, Rivian is not the only newcomer: America’s Canoo and Britain’s Arrival are also entering the EV van game.但老牌公司不会轻易放弃他们的...
