第一句子大全 > 标签 > workplace
工作场所欺负 workplace bullying英语短句 例句大全

工作场所欺负 workplace bullying英语短句 例句大全

工作场所欺负,workplace bullying1)workplace bullying工作场所欺负1.The purposes of this dissertation were to investigate the contents ofworkplace bullying as well as to study the consequences ofworkplace bullying in china.工作场所欺负是指一种个体长期接受难以反抗的、...




... was an unrealistic place for relaxation[B] generated more stress than the workplace[C] was an ideal place for stress measurement[D] offered greater relaxation than the workplace单词解析:contrary to 与...相反measure 测量cortisol 皮质醇marker 指标is supposed to be 本应该是refuge ...




New ways of organizing the workplace--all that reengineering and downsizing--are only one contribution to the overall productivity of an economy, which is driven by many other factors such as joint investment in equipment and machinery, new technology, and investment in education and training. ...


感悟人生的句子 句句净化心灵 读后受益匪浅

感悟人生的句子 句句净化心灵 读后受益匪浅

...禁忌。你不知道你为什么穿小鞋。The golden rule of the modern workplace is not to be smart or careless. At most, people who are not smart are stupid and do bad things. They are not a big crime in the workplace. However, if you are not careful, you will infringe on the interests of other...




...干:Some of the people who work in Songdo complain about boredom in the workplace.43. [A] 题干:A business professor says that a future city should have easy access to international transportation.44. [J] 题干:According to an urban design professor, it is difficult for city designers to for...




...udents(文科生) graduate with the belief that the prospective(预期的) workplace may not have a place for them.然而,我们这些有这个年龄段孩子的家长们都知道,这样的机会少得可怜;我们也知道,许多文科毕业生认为未来的就业市场没有他们的一...




...子Because of 介词短语+名词短语/动名词短语All schools and workplaces have been shut down because there will be tornado in two hours.—All schools and workplaces have been shut down because of the forthcoming tornado.He gave up taking domestic Postgraduate Entrance Examination because...


2020高考英语全国卷I阅读理解D篇解析 植物用来发光节能

2020高考英语全国卷I阅读理解D篇解析 植物用来发光节能

...me. In another,employees were shown to be 15% more productive when their workplaces were decorated with houseplants.(main idea of para 1: positive effect of plants on us)2 The engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT)have taken it a step further changing the actual compositio...


工作面安全分析 Safety analysis on working face英语短句 例句大全

工作面安全分析 Safety analysis on working face英语短句 例句大全

...ritical elements, the collection aims to enhance readers" understanding of workplace safety and empower them with the knowledge to create a secure working environment. Additionally, the example sentences demonstrate practical applications of safety analysis, illustrating how the concepts can be impl...


每日一句英译英:team spirit是什么意思?

每日一句英译英:team spirit是什么意思?

...:还是借助中文“懂英语:1. We need to build team spirit in our workplace.职场需要建立团队精神。1. I really enjoy the team spirit in our office.享受办公室里面的团队精神。2) team spirit英译英1. Okay.I got you.When we say We have a strong team spirit in our office...


短语动词 make for 比较少见的几个意思

短语动词 make for 比较少见的几个意思

...项目取得成功。Good teamwork makes for greater productivity in the workplace.良好的团队合作有助于提高工作效率。二、意为”向…移动“,相当于 head for,例如:They split up and the man made for the subway.他们分手了,那人就向地铁走去。He rose from...


Vocabulary in Context 在语境中轻松记单词 6册看完词汇量爆增

Vocabulary in Context 在语境中轻松记单词 6册看完词汇量爆增

...ature第五册:科学技术Science and Technology第六册:职场职业Workplace and Career学习者可任意挑选适合自己的那一本词汇书,也可对不同领域的词汇均有所涉猎。内页展示以《媒体市场Media and Marketplace》这本为例,我们先来看看目录:...


唯美干净的神仙文案 句句通透 充满哲理

唯美干净的神仙文案 句句通透 充满哲理

...连绵。A gust of wind came, and the weeds were continuous.职场恋代恋Workplace love for love喜爱是100%的投入和温柔,Love is 100% input and tenderness,心情不好时,少说多睡。When you are in a bad mood, say less and sleep more.“你根本无动于衷,"You are not at all indiffer...


深刻有哲理句子 句句都是人生箴言 发朋友圈引人深思!

深刻有哲理句子 句句都是人生箴言 发朋友圈引人深思!

...自己的一部分,你要知道你是谁并不是问题所在。If your workplace requires you to cut off parts of yourself,know that who you are is not the problem.#情感#想了解更多精彩内容,快来关注Sunflower语录


深夜孤独的情感句子 扎心现实 触人心弦!

深夜孤独的情感句子 扎心现实 触人心弦!

...爱一样,否则会有背腹痛的危险。Don"t look for lovers in the workplace, remember! The best lover is a college classmate, a friend of a friend, or a brother"s neighbor, etc., try to stay away from your field of work, just as soldiers ca n" t talk about love on the battlefield, otherwise ...


独一无二的朋友圈配图文案 精美干净 值得收藏

独一无二的朋友圈配图文案 精美干净 值得收藏

...同事面前左右逢源,便能在绩效考核中获得高分。In the workplace, some people do little by themselves, but they can get high marks in the performance appraisal by complaining in front of the leaders and finding the right and left in front of the colleagues.


轻松日记商务职场篇 第59期:不要说上司或同事的坏话

轻松日记商务职场篇 第59期:不要说上司或同事的坏话

...不觉中就会受到惩罚。②This is one of the skills to survive the workplace.这是职场生存技能之一。③Thank you for your warning. I"ll keep it in mind.谢谢你的警告,我会牢记于心的。④Oh, I know. I just can"t bear it any more.哦,我知道了。我只是实在无...


励志的句子 经典正能量 激发你的斗志

励志的句子 经典正能量 激发你的斗志

...;安得工资一万多元,再论世俗是非。兄弟,祝你成功!Workplace person: when you meet someone who says three words, you can"t throw everything in my heart away; Don"t be afraid of being tired in order to earn a salary; An De"s salary is more than 10000 yuan. Let"s talk about sec...


超级温柔的神仙文案 简短精致 适合5.21那一天发给恋人

超级温柔的神仙文案 简短精致 适合5.21那一天发给恋人

...呢Who doesn"t like autocratic, autocratic and gentle people职场恋代恋Workplace love for love人生如逆旅,一航。Life is like a journey, a voyage.记着你是万神宠爱的姑娘,为凡夫俗子伤心Remember that you are the favorite girl of all gods, sad for the common people懂了才...


最让人感同身受的句子 一语中破 直击内心!

最让人感同身受的句子 一语中破 直击内心!

...和路见不平”,从来都是权衡之下的利和弊。In the adult workplace, there is no "passion and road to see the uneven," is always under the balance of advantages and disadvantages.选对象,女孩总是人品 性格第一,长相第二。男孩就不一样了,永远是长相第...
